Appendix 3 - Additional documents received by the Committee

Appendix 3 - Additional documents received by the Committee

Australian Dolphin Research Foundation - Submission 27

Fax from Mike Bossley, dated 1 May 2000.

Barker Inlet Port Estuary Committee - Submission 32

Small boat chart, Gulf St Vincent, South Australia, Department of Transport, Marine and Harbors Agency.

City of Charles Sturt - Submission 44

Extract from Torrens Comprehensive Catchment Water Management Plan - 7.3 Reductions in Pollutant Discharge to Gulf St Vincent, pp 7-5 & 7-6.

Fourth amendment to the Assessment Report, For the Environmental Impact Statement (as amended) for the Glenelg Foreshore and Environs, Barcoo Outlet Proposal (West Beach), Planning SA, January 2000.

City of Port Adelaide Enfield - Submission 16

Laminated aerial photograph of the Port River Estuary/Barker Inlet.

Conservation Council of South Australia - Submission 47

A New Coastal and Marine Planning and Management for S.A.?, article from South Australian Regional Ripples, Vol 6, Number 1, Autumn ’99, May 1999.

Dublin and District Ratepayer’s Association - Submission 11

3x photographs, Nov 99.

Government of South Australia - Submission 45

Adelaide Coastal Waters Study:

Financial contributors.

Scoping Report, CSIRO Australia, Marine Research, 24 November 1997.

An investigation of the marine surface and interstitial waters around Garden Island to determine the impact of landfill activities on water quality, Results of analysis and outcomes of investigation, pH environment, September 1999.

Offences and Penalties in the Environment Protection Act 1993, Review of the Environment Protection Act 1993, A Discussion Paper for Public Comment, Department for Environment Heritage and Aboriginal Affairs, Government of South Australia.

Overheads:         10 Year Seagrass Protection Plan

                            Seagrass loss 1949-1996 between Largs Bay and Aldinga Beach (Figure 7, page 8, Changes in Seagrass Coverage, Environment Protection Agency, September 1998)

Hails, Dr John - Submission 23

Inquiry into Gulf St Vincent, Thursday, February 3 2000 - Adelaide Town Hall, Statement.

Henley & Grange Dunecare - Submission 22

At What Price Data?, The Institution of Engineers, Australia, November 1993. ISBN 85825 596 0

Overhead: Adelaide Metropolitan Coastal Discharge Sites.

Henley and Grange Residents Association Inc - Submission 39

Answer to question at hearings (in relation to information on the effect of polluted stormwater being flushed directly into the marine waters)- directed to Mr Mark Pierson by Senator Bolkus - Pollution police seek culprit in perplexing water quality mystery, from Time to Time: Nando’s in-depth look at the 20th century, by Daniel B. Wood.

Appendix 2 - Recommended SA Marine Fish Species for Protection, from Conserving Marine Biodiversity in SA, Part 1 - Background Status & Review of approach to Marine biodiversity Conservation in SA, Dr K Edyvane, May 1999, pp 154-157.

Conclusions from Fourth amendment to the Assessment Report, For the Environmental Impact Statement (as amended) for the Glenelg Foreshore and Environs, Barcoo Outlet Proposal (West Beach), Planning SA, January 2000.

Extract from EPA Inquiry SA Govt, Environment, Resources and Development Committee, pp 170-182.

Hansard extract, House of Assembly, Parliament of South Australia, Public Works Committee, Barcoo Outlet Project, Old Parliament House, Adelaide, 6 October 1999, pp 33-38.

Some Marine Fish Species found in South Australian waters listed on the international Union for the Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species, prepared by Tony Flaherty, MCCN (SA).

Vulnerable Mollusc Species in South Australia, collated by Tony Flaherty.

Inkerman Proposed Landfill Action Group - Submission 30


                            Special areas in Gulf St Vincent, Map 1.

                            Water Movements 1996, Map 3.


                            Land Fill Gas.

Photograph - View of Tidal Channel on the West of Highway One adjacent Inkerman Landfills.

National Power

National Power & Pelican Point Fact Sheet, April 2000.

Wakefield Regional Council - Submission 15

Copy of Fax: Impact of Proposed Landfills on Aquaculture, Jean Cannon.

Newspaper articles:

27 September 1999, Waste outlet pipe anger grows

Advertiser:  2 October 1999:      Mercury pollution

                                                  Algal bans to stay

                                                  Torrens flush to prevent algae outbreak

                     2 February 2000      Torrens flushed to head off algae

                     25 January 2000      Offshore reef’s health plunges

                     26 August 1999 Polluted paradise

                     16 September 1998, Anglers want to fish in cleaner waters

Sunday Mail, 30 January 2000, $3m plan to probe coast pollutants

Notes of meeting held between Robert Veitch WRC’s Building & Development Officer & Cr. Barry Nottle on 2/2/00 at Council Chambers.

Table: Status of water quality from Adelaide sewage discharges

Replies to adverse comment (see report, paragraph 1.5):

Letters from:


Henson, G, General Manager, Mobil Refining Australian Pty Ltd, dated 17 December 1999.

Kopli, P, Senior Environmental Officer, Planning SA, dated 8 November 1999.

Tonkin SP, Master Plan SA Pty Ltd, dated 17 November 1999.

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