List of recommendations

List of recommendations

The Committee recommends that all levels of government increase the level of resources currently available for raising awareness of the environmental threats to the Gulf and for community education programs about possible solutions to some of the pollution and degradation problems. (Recommendation 15, paragraph 4.88)

The Committee recommends that the Commonwealth provide funding through the Coastal and Marine Planning Program for the Environment Protection Agency of South Australia to develop a planning strategy for Gulf St Vincent. (Recommendation 8, paragraph 4.10)

The Committee recommends that the Federal and South Australian governments provide increased funding for the monitoring and evaluation of programs aimed at cleaning up the waters and environment of the Gulf. (Recommendation 14, paragraph 4.80)

The Committee recommends that the South Australian Government give enhanced statutory powers and greater flexibility and independence to the South Australian Environment Protection Agency to take action to protect the environment more effectively. (Recommendation 10, paragraph 4.17)

The Committee recommends that the South Australian Government consider an overhaul of the current coastal protection legislation with the introduction of a new Coastal and Marine Planning Management Act. (Recommendation 11, paragraph 4.29)

The Committee recommends that the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) take an active role in monitoring the possible introduction of marine pests from visiting vessels in the Gulf St Vincent area and that it take appropriate action to minimise the problem. (Recommendation 4, paragraph 3.92)

The Committee recommends that the Commonwealth provide additional funding for the Adelaide Coastal Waters Study. (Recommendation 7, paragraph 4.7)

The Committee recommends that both the Federal and State Governments give consideration to sponsoring an increased number of scholarships in the field of environmental science. (Recommendation 9, paragraph 4.13)

The Committee recommends improved mechanisms for liaison between State and local government agencies in relation to the management of Gulf waters and the coastal environment of the Gulf. (Recommendation 12, paragraph 4.76)

The Committee recommends that representatives of the Catchment Water Management Boards, local Councils and relevant State government agencies meet at regular intervals to discuss and implement an integrated approach to programs aimed at improving water quality and the general environment of the Gulf. (Recommendation 13, paragraph 4.76)

The Committee recommends an embargo on pumping from wells or bores on coastal dunes and adjacent regions until an investigation into the groundwater reservoirs has been undertaken. (Recommendation 2, paragraph 3.73)

The Committee recommends that the licence to be issued to the Pelican Point Power Station be made conditional on measures being taken to prevent thermal pollution. (Recommendation 5, paragraph 3.132)

The Committee recommends that the South Australian Government consider off-budget construction options for the upgrading of the Port Adelaide Waste Water Treatment Plant utilising land-based disposal of sewage effluent. (Recommendation 6, paragraph 3.143)

The Committee recommends that an independent assessment of the effects and future potential of prawn fishing in the Gulf St Vincent area should be carried out. (Recommendation 3, paragraph 3.84)

The Committee recommends that the South Australian Government prohibit the use of Tributyl tin (TBT) on small craft. (Recommendation 1, paragraph 3.39)

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