Senator Kay Patterson, Chair (LP, VIC)
Senator the Hon Chris Schacht, Deputy Chair (ALP, SA)
Senator Lyn Allison (AD, VIC)
Senator Alan Eggleston (LP, WA)
Senator Kate Lundy (ALP, ACT)
Senator John Tierney (Substitute Member for Senator Lightfoot)
Senator Eric Abetz (LP, TAS)
Senator the Hon Nick Bolkus (ALP, SA)
Senator Andrew Bartlett (AD, QLD)
Senator Ron Boswell (NPA, QLD)
Senator Vicki Bourne (AD, NSW)
Senator Bob Brown (Aust. Greens, TAS)
Senator Paul Calvert (LP, TAS)
Senator George Campbell (ALP, NSW)
Senator Kim Carr (ALP, VIC)
Senator Mal Colston (IND, QLD)
Senator Helen Coonan (LP, NSW)
Senator Barney Cooney (ALP, VIC)
Senator Winston Crane (LP, WA)
Senator the Hon John Faulkner (ALP, NSW)
Senator Alan Ferguson (LP, SA)
Senator Brian Harradine (IND, TAS)
Senator John Hogg (ALP, QLD)
Senator Ross Lightfoot (LP, WA)
Senator Sue Mackay (ALP, TAS)
Senator Dee Margetts (GWA, WA)
Senator Shayne Murphy (ALP, TAS)
Senator Belinda Neal (ALP, NSW)
Senator Bill O'Chee (NPA, QLD)
Ms Roxane Le Guen, Secretary
Ms Nerida O'Loughlin, (on secondment from the Dept. of Communications
and the Arts, from 1 June 1998)
Mr Geoff Dawson, Principal Research Officer
Dr Frances Michaelis, Senior Research Officer
Ms Tara Ducker, Research Officer
Ms Jenny Hill, Executive Assistant
The Committee Secretariat also gratefully acknowledges the administrative
assistance provided by Ms Debbie McMahon and Ms Rosalind McMahon during
this inquiry.