Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Table of Contents and Membership of the Committee (PDF format)

Summary (PDF format)

Recommendations (PDF format)

Abbreviations (PDF format)

- Introduction (PDF format)

CHAPTER 2 - Telecommunications Bill 1996: Parts 1 TO 11 (PDF format)

CHAPTER 3 - Telecommunications Bill 1996: Parts 12 TO 35 (PDF format)

- Telecommunications Bill 1996: Schedules (PDF format)

CHAPTER 5 - Trade practices amendment (Telecommunications) bill 1996 (PDF format)

CHAPTER 6 - Telecommunications (Transitional provisions and consequential amendments) Bill 1996 (PDF format)

CHAPTER 7 - Radiocommunications amendment bill 1996 (PDF format)

CHAPTER 8 - Other bills in the legislative package (PDF format)

CHAPTER 9 - Other issues considered by the committee and conclusions (PDF format)

APPENDIX 1 - List of submissions (PDF format)

- List of public hearings and witnesses (PDF format)

APPENDIX 3 - Documents tabled and authorised to be published (PDF format)

Minority report by Senators Schacht and Lundy
(PDF format)

Minority report by Senator Allison (PDF format)