Inquiry into Marine and Coastal Pollution

Appendix One


1 National Research Centre for Environmental Toxicology, Qld
2 & 2A Dr Nigel Wace, ACT
3 Australian Chamber of Shipping Ltd, NSW
4 Institute of Natural Resources and Environment, CSIRO, VIC
5 Legal Office, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, ACT
6 National Ocean Watch Centre, NSW
7 Hornsby Shire Council, NSW
8 Mr Nicholas Brunton, NSW
9 Australian Marine Industries and Sciences Council, ACT
10 The Vaucluse Progress Association, NSW
11 Sydney Harbour and Foreshores Committee, NSW
12 Professor Leon Zann, NSW
13 Australian Maritime Safety Authority, ACT
14 Mr Nelson Quinn, ACT
15 Fertilizer Industry Federation of Australia Inc, VIC
16 Levingstons Solicitors, NSW
17 Department of Tourism, ACT
18 National Museum of Australia, ACT
19 Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine, NSW
20 National Toxics Network Community Information System, NSW
21 Waste Service NSW, NSW
22 Environment Protection Authority, VIC
23 Mr Chris Gray, VIC
24 Museum of Tropical Queensland, QLD
25 & 25A Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, QLD
26 Zootech Research Pty Ltd, VIC
27 Northern Land Council, NT
28 Australian Water and Wastewater Association Inc, NSW
29 Government of South Australia, SA
30 Australian Marine Conservation Society, QLD
31 Dr Peter Bell, QLD
32 Ms Caroline Williams, TAS
33 Australian Centre for Maritime Studies, ACT
34 Blackwood Environment Society Inc, WA
35 Mr Douglas Huntley, ACT
36 Southern Estuary Progress Association (Inc), WA
37 Association of Australian Ports and Marine Authorities Inc, NSW
38 Central Queensland Aboriginal Land Council, QLD
39 Australian Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association, VIC
40 Queensland Farmers' Federation, QLD
41 Australian Academy of Science, ACT
42 Queensland Port Authorities' Association, QLD
43 Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology, VIC
44, 44A & 44B Department of Defence/Royal Australian Navy, ACT
45 CSIRO Australia, VIC & Australian Institute of Marine Science, QLD
46 Mr Nathan Evans, WA
47 Barwon Coast Committee of Management Inc, VIC
48 Surfrider Foundation Victoria, VIC
49 Port Adelaide Residents Environment Protection Group Inc, SA
50 North Queensland Conservation Council Inc, QLD
51 Water Services Association of Australia, VIC
52 Australian Institute of Marine Law Ltd, QLD
53 Geo-Ocean Horizons Pty Ltd, SA
54 South Australian Museum, SA
55 New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council, NSW
56 Community Catchment Centre, WA
57 National Bulk Commodities Group, VIC
58 Centre for Maritime Policy, NSW
59 Office of International Law, Attorney-General's Department, ACT
60 Australian Marine Oil Spill Centre Pty Ltd, VIC
61 Department of Housing and Regional Development, ACT
62 Cairns and Far North Environment Centre, QLD
63 Mr David Haigh, QLD
64 Australian Fisheries Management Authority, ACT
65 Island Coordinating Council, QLD
66 Associate Professor Bruce Davis, TAS
67 Department of Transport (1995), ACT
67A Department of Transport and Regional Development (1997), ACT
68 Australian Seafood Industry Council, ACT
69 Minerals Council of Australia, ACT
70 Coast and Wetlands Society Incorporated, NSW
71 Signal Point Riverine Environment Group, SA
72 Mr Tony Harrison, WA
73 Government of Queensland (1995), QLD
74 Richmond Catchment Management Committee, NSW
75 Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, TAS
76 & 76A Friends of the Coorong, SA
77 Clarence Environment Centre, NSW
78 Stradbroke Island Management Organisation, QLD
79 South Coast Peace and Environment Group, SA
80 Mr John Fairfax, QLD
81 Government of Western Australia, WA
82 Marine Life Society of South Australia, SA
83 Scarborough and Districts Progress Association Inc, WA
84 & 84A Friends of Aldinga Scrub, SA
85 Dr Bradley Eyre, NSW
86 Mr Glenn Marshall, NSW
87 Dr Leigh Davison, NSW
88 Mr Col Upham, QLD
89 & 89A Mr Keith Bryson, QLD
90 Waterbird Conservation Group, WA
91 Greenpeace Australia Ltd, QLD
92 Accumax International Pty Limited, NSW
93 Australian Museum, NSW
94 Quinns Rocks Environmental Group, WA
95 Conservation Council of Western Australia, WA
96 Dr R J Morris, QLD
97 MFP Australia, SA
98 Centre For Research on Introduced Marine Pests, CSIRO, TAS
99 Dr Graham Jones, QLD
100 Conservation Council of South Australia, SA
101 Tourism Council Australia, ACT
102 Walpole Nornalup National Parks Association, WA
103 Mr John Kolo, WA
104 Harboard Recreation Reef Committee, NSW
105 Manbuynga ga Rulyapa, NT
106 Dr Albert Gabric, QLD
107 Walpole Townscape Association, WA
108 Government of Queensland (1997), QLD
109 Australian Academy of Science, ACT
110 Government of Victoria, VIC
111 Department of the Environment, Sport and Territories, ACT
112 Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service, ACT
113 Enretech Australasia Pty Ltd, NSW
114 Ms Margaret Howes, NSW
115 Department of Land and Water Conservation, NSW
116 Aquaculture Council of WA, WA
117 Otway Region Water Authority, VIC
118 Government of the Northern Territory, NT