Chapter 1 - Introduction

Report on the provisions of the Broadcasting Services Amendment Bill 1998
Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Introduction


1.1 The Government originally introduced the Broadcasting Services Amendment Bill into the Senate on 2 July 1998. The bill proposes amendments to the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 (BSA) and contains three major elements:

1.2 During the Committee's inquiry, it was clear that all of those who gave evidence and made submissions regarded retransmission as the key issue in this legislation.

The Committee's inquiry

1.3 On 8 July, following a report by the Selection of Bills Committee, the Senate referred the Bill to the Environment, Recreation, Communications and the Arts Legislation Committee [1], setting a reporting date of 9 September 1998.

1.4 The Committee held one public hearing on the bill in Canberra on Friday 21 August 1998, taking evidence from a range of witnesses, including representatives of the commercial and subscription television industries, national and community broadcasters, copyright holders and the Communications, Information Technology and the Arts and Attorney-General's Departments. A list of witnesses who gave evidence appears at Appendix A.

1.5 The Committee also received a large number of submissions and letters from organisations and individuals. The bulk of these submissions were in response to advertising by Foxtel of the Committee's inquiry and expressed concern about possible restrictions on retransmission of the commercial and national broadcasters' signals by pay television companies. A list of submissions and letters appears at Appendix B.

1.6 The Prime Minister called the Federal election before the Committee could report and the Bill and reference lapsed. The reference was subsequently restored to the Senate Notice Paper on 12 November 1998 with a reporting date of 8 December 1998. The Committee finalised this report based on the evidence received in respect of the original reference and the provisions of the Bill introduced in the previous Parliament .

1.7 The Committee thanks those who gave evidence and sent submissions and letters.



[1] Renamed the Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Committee at the commencement of the 39th Parliament.