Senator E Abetz (LP, TAS)
Senator A Bartlett (AD, QLD)
Senator the Hon. N Bolkus (ALP, SA)
Senator R Boswell (NPA, QLD)
Senator V Bourne (AD, NSW)
Senator R Brown (AG, TAS)
Senator P Calvert (LP, TAS)
Senator G Campbell (ALP, NSW)
Senator G Chapman (LP, SA)
Senator the Hon. B Collins (ALP, NT)
Senator M Colston (Ind., QLD)
Senator B Cooney (ALP, VIC)
Senator A Eggleston (LP, WA)
Senator C Evans (ALP, WA)
Senator the Hon. J Faulkner (ALP, NSW)
Senator A Ferguson (LP, SA)
Senator D Margetts (GWA, WA)
Senator J McKiernan (ALP, WA)
Senator B Neal (ALP, NSW)
Senator K Patterson (LP, VIC)
Senator J Woodley (AD, QLD)