Senate Environment, Recreation, Communications and the Arts References Committee to 19 June 1998

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Senate Environment, Recreation, Communications and the Arts References Committee to 19 June 1998

Core members

Senator Lyn Allison, Chair (AD, VIC) Senator Marise Payne (LP, NSW)
Senator John Tierney, Deputy Chair (LP, NSW)

Senator John Hogg (ALP, QLD)

Senator the Hon. Margaret

Reynolds (ALP, QLD)

Senator Kate Lundy (ALP, ACT) Senator the Hon. Chris Schacht (ALP, SA)
Senator Bill O'Chee (NP, QLD)

Senator Brenda Gibbs (ALP, QLD) substituted for Senator Lundy for this inquiry


Participating Members

Senator E Abetz (LP, TAS)

Senator A Bartlett (AD, QLD)

Senator the Hon. N Bolkus (ALP, SA)

Senator R Boswell (NPA, QLD)

Senator V Bourne (AD, NSW)

Senator R Brown (AG, TAS)

Senator P Calvert (LP, TAS)

Senator G Campbell (ALP, NSW)

Senator G Chapman (LP, SA)

Senator the Hon. B Collins (ALP, NT)

Senator M Colston (Ind., QLD)

Senator B Cooney (ALP, VIC)

Senator A Eggleston (LP, WA)

Senator C Evans (ALP, WA)

Senator the Hon. J Faulkner (ALP, NSW)

Senator A Ferguson (LP, SA)

Senator D Margetts (GWA, WA)

Senator J McKiernan (ALP, WA)

Senator B Neal (ALP, NSW)

Senator K Patterson (LP, VIC)

Senator J Woodley (AD, QLD)


Former members during the period of the inquiry

Senator M Lees, former chair (AD, SA)

Senator K Carr (ALP, VIC)

Senator H Coonan (LP, NSW)

Senator S Knowles (LP, WA)

Senator R Ray (ALP, VIC)


Committee secretary:

Ms Roxane Le Guen

S1.57 Parliament House, Canberra 2600

ph 02 6277 3526, fax 02 6277 5818

Principal Research Officer: Geoff Dawson

Research Officer: Tara Ducker

Executive Assistant: Jenny Hill, Rosalind McMahon

AD - Australian Democrats; AG - Australian Greens; ALP - Australian Labor Party;

GWA - The Greens (WA); Ind. - Independent; LP - Liberal Party of Australia;

NPA - National Party of Australia