

Executive Summary

[1]        Associate Professor Clive McAlpine, Spokesperson, Koala Research Network, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 2.

[2]        Threatened Species Scientific Committee (TSSC), 'Letter to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities regarding the conservation status of the koala', 30 September 2010, p. 1.

Chapter 1 - Introduction

[1]        Journals of the Senate, 17 November 2010, pp 318–319.

[2]        Public submissions are available on the committee's website at:

[3]        Transcripts from the public hearings are available on the committee's website at:

[4]        Answers to questions on notice and additional information are available on the committee's website at:

[5]        See for example Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Populations and Communities, responses to questions on notice, 19 May 2011 (received 12 August 2011), pp 1 and 7 at

[6]        Unless otherwise referenced, the scientific information contained in this section is sourced from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee, 'Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999', pp 1–8.

[7]        Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, p. 17.

[8]        For further information on the threat of disease for koalas see chapter 4.

[9]        Dr Jon Hangar, Private capacity, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 18.

[10]      Bill Phillips, Koalas: The little Australians we'd all hate to lose, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1990, p. 27.

[11]      For a list of species considered to be primary or secondary koala food trees see Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, pp 17–20.

[12]      Mr Chris Allen, Private capacity, Committee Hansard, 19 May 2011, p. 17.

[13]      Mr Chris Allen, Private capacity, Committee Hansard, 19 May 2011, p. 17.

[14]      Mr Chris Allen, Private capacity, Committee Hansard, 19 May 2011, p. 17.

[15]      Mr Chris Allen, Private capacity, Committee Hansard, 19 May 2011, p. 17.

[16]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, 'Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999', p. 2, (accessed 28 June 2011).

[17]      National Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, December 2009, p. 12.

[18]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), September 2010, p. 2, (accessed 12 July 2011).

[19]      Dr Alistair Melzer, Submission 7, pp 2 and 5.

[20]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), September 2010, pp 2–4.

[21]      Property Council of Australia, Submission 39, p. 1.

[22]      Mr Al Mucci, General Manager, Life Sciences, Dreamworld, Submission 8, p. 2.

[23]      Dr Vanessa Standing, Submission 60, p. 1.

[24]      Koala Action Group Qld Inc, Submission 17, p. 3.

[25]      Department of Environment and Resource Management on behalf of the Queensland Government, Submission 79, p. 2.

[26]      Coastwatchers Association Inc, Submission 54, p. 6.

[27]      Conservation Council ACT Region Inc., Submission 61, p. 2, submitted on behalf of the South East Region Conservation Alliance.

[28]      Dr Alistair Melzer, Submission 7, p. 3.

[29]      Ms Sarah Halverson, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 68.

[30]      Mr Al Mucci, General Manager, Life Sciences, Dreamworld, Committee Hansard, 19 May 2011, pp 3–4.

[31]      Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, p. 3.

[32]      Councillor Hobson, Mayor of Redland City Council, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 51.

[33]      Dr Alistair Melzer, Submission 7, p. 3.

Chapter 2 - Koala population

[1]        For example see: National Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, December 2009, p. 2; and Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), September 2010, p. 20.

[2]        Conservation Council ACT Region, Submission 61, p. 2.

[3]        Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland, Submission 15, p. 4.

[4]        Property Council of Australia, Submission 39, p. 4.

[5]        For details see Chapter 5: The status of koalas under the law.

[6]        Threatened species are protected in New South Wales by the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, in Victoria by the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988, in Queensland by the Nature Conservation Act 1992, in South Australia by the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 and in the Australian Capital Territory by the Nature Conservation Act 1980.

[7]        For example see New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage, 'The listing process', 15 June 2011, (accessed 30 June 2011).

[8]        Under the EPBC Act the Threatened Species Scientific Committee advises the Environment Minister on which species to list as threatened. However ultimately it is the minister who decides which species should be listed. See Chapter 5: The status of koalas under the law.

[9]        Environment Biodiversity and Conservation Regulations 2000, section 7.01.

[10]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, answer to question on notice, 1 August 2011 (received 10 August 2011), p. 2, (accessed 30 August 2011). Criterion 1 of the Guidelines for Assessing the Conservation Status of Native Species according to the Environment Biodiversity and Conservation Act 1999 (the EPBC Act) and EPBC Regulations 2000, specifies the period to be 'over the last 10 years or three generations, whichever is longer', p. 3. See: (accessed 21 July 2011).

[11]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee (TSSC), 'Letter to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities regarding the conservation status of the koala', 30 September 2010, p. 1, (accessed 27 June 2011).

[12]      For example see: Sunshine Coast Regional Council, Submission 24, p. 1; Port Stephens Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management Steering Committee, Submission 38, pp 1–5; Coffs Harbour City Council, Submission 45, p.1; and Redland City Council, Submission 46, p. 1.

[13]      Redland City Council, Submission 46, p. 1.

[14]      Koala Research Network, Submission 29, p. 2.

[15]      William Ellis, Alistair Melzer and Fred Bercovitch, 'Spatiotemporal dynamics of habitat used by koalas: The checkerboard model', Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, vol. 63, March 2009, p. 1181.

[16]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, 'Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999', p. 7, (accessed 28 June 2011).

[17]      Dr Alistair Melzer, Submission 7, p. 6.

[18]      Dr Alistair Melzer, Submission 7, pp 6–7.

[19]      Dr Alistair Melzer, Submission 7, p. 7.

[20]      Dr Alistair Melzer, Submission 7, p. 7.

[21]      Dr Alistair Melzer, Submission 7, p. 7.

[22]      For further information on koala habitat see Chapter 3: Threats to koala habitat.

[23]      Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, Appendix 4, p. 3.

[24]      For an overview of the modelling process used to create the Koala Habitat Atlas see Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, Appendix 3: Revised koala status estimate June 2010, pp 1–16.

[25]      Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, Appendix 4, p. 4.

[26]      Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, Appendix 4, p. 14.

[27]      Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, Appendix 3: Revised koala status estimate June 2010, p. 3.

[28]      Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, Appendix 3: Revised koala status estimate June 2010, p. 4.

[29]      Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, p. 6.

[30]      Ms Deborah Tabart, Australian Koala Foundation, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 23.

[31]      Dr Alistair Melzer, quoted in Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, Appendix 6: Revised koala status estimate June 2010, p. 15.

[32]      Dr Alistair Melzer, Submission 7, p. 11. Italics in original. Associate Professor Clive McAlpine, Spokesperson, Koala Research Network also noted the uncertainties around the estimates: Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 3.

[33]      Dr Alistair Melzer, Submission 7, p. 11. A riparian community is a plant habitat that occurs on the banks of water courses.

[34]      Dr Alistair Melzer, Submission 7, p. 11.

[35]      Dr Alistair Melzer, Submission 7, p. 11.

[36]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, answer to question on notice, 1 August 2011 (received 10 August 2011), p. 4. Further commentary by the TSSC about the AKF's population estimate is included below.

[37]      Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, Appendix 3: Revised koala status estimate June 2010, p. 15.

[38]      Ms Carolyn Beaton, Submission 32, p. 1.

[39]      Ms Caroline Beaton, Co-founder and Administrator, Koala Diaries, Proof Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 37.

[40]      Ms Caroline Beaton, Co-founder and Administrator, Koala Diaries, Proof Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 37.

[41]      For example see: Mrs Vicki Green, Submission 21, p. 1; Mr Steve Morvell, Submission 28, p. 2; Mr Ian Pratt, Submission 30, p. 2; Port Stephens Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management Steering Committee, Submission 38, p. 4; Mr Ian Harling, Submission 40, p. 1; Ms Iris Bryce, Submission 43, p. 1; Mr Chris Degenhardt, Submission 44, p. 1; Name withheld, Submission 59, p. 4; and Mr Ian Bridge, Submission 66, p. 2.

[42]      University of Queensland Koala Ecology Group, Submission 42, p.2.

[43]      Port Stephens Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management Steering Committee, Submission 38, p. 2.

[44]      For example see: Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, p. 4; Koala Research Network, Submission 29, p. 2; Property Council of Australia, Submission 39, p. 4; University of Queensland Koala Ecology Group, Submission 42, p.2; and Department of Environment and Resource Management, Queensland Government, Submission 79, p. 5.

[45]      Koala Research Network, Submission 29, p. 2.

[46]      Dr Alistair Melzer, Submission 7, p. 7.

[47]      For example see: Mr Robert Summers, Submission 19, p. 2; Mr Chris Allen, Submission 35, p. 5; Ms Deborah Tabart OAM, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Koala Foundation, Proof Committee Hansard, 5 May 2011, p. 21.

[48]      Mr Chris Allen, Submission 35, p. 5.

[49]      Stephen Phillips and John Callaghan, 'The Spot Assessment Technique: Determining the importance of habitat utilisation by koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus)', Australian Koala Foundation, Brisbane, p. 3.

[50]      For further information on the Spot Assessment Technique see: Stephen Phillips and John Callaghan, 'The Spot Assessment Technique: determining the importance of habitat utilisation by koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus)', Australian Koala Foundation, Brisbane.

[51]      Australian Koala Foundation, 'Koala Habitat Atlas', (accessed 30 June 2011).

[52]      Stephen Phillips and John Callaghan, 'The Spot Assessment Technique: determining the importance of habitat utilisation by koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus)', Australian Koala Foundation, Brisbane, p. 7.

[53]      Port Stephens Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management Steering Committee, Submission 38, p. 4.

[54]      Port Stephens Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management Steering Committee, Submission 38, p. 4.

[55]      University of Queensland Koala Ecology Group, Submission 42, p. 3.

[56]      Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, Appendix 4: Koala Population Estimates Explanation of Methodology & Recommendations to the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (TSSC) Threatened Species Assessment of Phascolarctos cinereus (Koala), 2010, p. 7.

[57]      Koala Research Network, Submission 29, p. 2.

[58]      University of Queensland Koala Ecology Group, Submission 42, p. 3.

[59]      See: Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, p. 3; and Bill Phillips, Koalas: The little Australians we'd all hate to lose, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1990, pp 20–26.

[60]      National Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, December 2009, p. 12.

[61]      Bill Phillips, Koalas: The little Australians we'd all hate to lose, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1990, p. 25.

[62]      According to Phillips, the poisoning and snaring of koalas was the method preferred by hunters for collecting koala pelts as shooting koalas would damage their fur. See Bill Phillips, Koalas: The little Australians we'd all hate to lose, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1990, p. 21.

[63]      Bill Phillips, Koalas: The little Australians we'd all hate to lose, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1990, p. 22.

[64]      Bill Phillips, Koalas: The little Australians we'd all hate to lose, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1990, p. 22.

[65]      Bill Phillips, Koalas: The little Australians we'd all hate to lose, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1990, p. 26.

[66]      Bill Phillips, Koalas: The little Australians we'd all hate to lose, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1990, p. 22.

[67]      Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, p. 12, (accessed 30 June 2011).

[68]      Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, p. 12.

[69]      Dr Alistair Melzer, Submission 7, p. 5.

[70]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, answer to question on notice, 1 August 2011 (received 10 August 2011), p. 9. The footnotes that appear in the original quote have not been reproduced.

[71]      Dr John Woinarski, Member, Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 47.

[72]      Professor Frank Carrick, Dr Alistair Melzer, Dr Bill Ellis and Dr Sean Fitzgibbon, Submission 101, p. 6.

[73]      For further information on the National Koala Survey see Bill Phillips, Koalas: The little Australians we'd all hate to lose, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1990, pp 31–50.

[74]      Bill Phillips, Koalas: The little Australians we'd all hate to lose, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1990, p. 49.

[75]      Bill Phillips, Koalas: The little Australians we'd all hate to lose, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1990, p. 49.

[76]      Bill Phillips, Koalas: The little Australians we'd all hate to lose, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1990, p. 49.

[77]      Bill Phillips, Koalas: The little Australians we'd all hate to lose, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1990, p. 49.

[78]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, letter to Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, September 2010, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Submission 73, Attachment C, p. 1.

[79]      National Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, December 2009, p. 2.

[80]      National Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, December 2009, p. 18.

[81]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), September 2010, p. 20.

[82]      Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, p. 18.

[83]      Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, p. 18.

[84]      For example see: Koala Research Network, Submission 29, p. 2.

[85]      For further information on drought and climatic extremes see Chapter 3: Threats to koala habitat.

[86]      Associate Professor Clive McAlpine, Spokesperson, Koala Research Network, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 3.

[87]      Dr Bill Ellis, Koala Specialist, Koala Research Network, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 4.

[88]      Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, p. 4.

[89]      Associate Professor Clive McAlpine, Spokesperson, Koala Research Network, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 3.

[90]      Dr Alistair Melzer, Submission 7, p. 11.

[91]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, answer to question on notice, 1 August 2011 (received 10 August 2011), pp 4–5.

[92]      Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, p. 4.

[93]      Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, p. 3. Appendix 2 of the AKF submission provides a list of koala research funded by the foundation.

[94]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), September 2010, p. 28.

[95]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, answer to question on notice, 1 August 2011 (received 10 August 2011), p. 2.

[96]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), September 2010, p. 25.

[97]      The Koala Coast encompasses most of the local government area of Redland City Council, along with parts of Brisbane City Council and Logan City Council.

[98]      Department of Environment and Resource Management, Queensland Government, Submission 79, p. 3.

[99]      Department of Environment and Resource Management, Queensland Government, Submission 79, p. 7.

[100]    Department of Environment and Resource Management, Queensland Government, Submission 79, p. 6.

[101]    Department of Environment and Resource Management, Queensland Government, Submission 79, p. 6. See also Redland City Council, Submission 46, p. 1.

[102]    Department of Environment and Resource Management, Queensland Government, Submission 79, p. 6.

[103]    Department of Environment and Resource Management, Queensland Government, Submission 79, p. 6.

[104]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), September 2010, p. 25.

[105]    Dr Gregory Baxter, Koala Research Network, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 3.

[106]    Dr William Ellis, Koala Specialist, Koala Research Network, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 4.

[107]    New South Wales Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water, Submission 78, p. 1. In April 2011, most of the functions of the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water were transferred to the Office of Environment and Heritage within the NSW Premier's department.

[108]    Professor Frank Carrick, Submission 86, p. 26. See also Dr Jon Hanger, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 15.

[109]    Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW, NSW Recovery Plan for the Koala, Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW, November 2008, p. 1.

[110]    Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW, NSW Recovery Plan for the Koala, Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW, November 2008, p. 10.

[111]    Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW, NSW Recovery Plan for the Koala, Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW, November 2008, p. 11.

[112]    Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW, NSW Recovery Plan for the Koala, Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW, November 2008, p. 11.

[113]    Dr John Woinarski, Member, Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 50.

[114]    Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW, NSW Recovery Plan for the Koala, Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW, November 2008, p. 11.

[115]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), September 2010, p. 25.

[116]    State of Victoria, Submission 97, p. 2.

[117]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), September 2010, p. 21.

[118]    State of Victoria, Submission 97, p. 2.

[119]    State of Victoria, Submission 97, p. 2.

[120]    State of Victoria, Submission 97, p. 2.

[121]    Mr Peter Menkhorst, Department of Sustainability and Environment, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 30.

[122]    Phillip Island Nature Parks, Submission 80, p. 2.

[123]    Friends of the Earth Melbourne, Submission 50, p. 6.

[124]    Mr Anthony Amis, Land Use Researcher, Friends of the Earth, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 9. More information on the Strzelecki koalas is included in chapter 3.

[125]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), September 2010, p. 4.

[126]    Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia, Submission 77, p. 1.

[127]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), September 2010, p. 4.

[128]    Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia, Submission 77, pp 1–2.

[129]    Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia, Submission 77, p. 2.

[130]    Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia, Submission 77, p. 2.

[131]    Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia, Submission 77, p. 2.

[132]    Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia, Submission 77, p. 2.

[133]    Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia, Submission 77, p. 2.

[134]    Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia, Submission 77, p. 2.

[135]    Dr Alistair Melzer, Submission 7, p. 1.

[136]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), September 2010, p. 18.

[137]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), September 2010, p. 19.

[138]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), September 2010, p. 19.

[139]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, answer to question on notice, 1 August 2011 (received 10 August 2011), pp 6–7.

[140]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, answer to question on notice, 1 August 2011 (received 10 August 2011), p. 7.

[141]    Professor Frank Carrick, Submission 86, p. 14.

[142]    Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, p. 5.

[143]    See for example Dr Joanne Loader, Submission 22, Attachment 1, p. 37.

[144]    Professor Frank Carrick, Dr Alistair Melzer, Dr Bill Ellis and Dr Sean Fitzgibbon, Submission 101, p. 6.

[145]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), September 2010, p. 20.

[146]    Professor Peter Harrison, Member, Threatened Species Scientific Committee,

[147]    Koala Action Group Pine Rivers, Submission 41, p. 2.

[148]    Professor Frank Carrick AM, Submission 86, p. 4. Emphasis in original.

[149]    Property Council of Australia, Submission 39, p. 4.

[150]    Property Council of Australia, Submission 39, p. 4.

[151]    Urban Development Institute of Australia (Queensland), Submission 52, p. 1.

[152]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee (TSSC), 'Letter to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities regarding the conservation status of the koala', 30 September 2010, p. 1.

[153]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee (TSSC), 'Letter to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities regarding the conservation status of the koala', 30 September 2010, p. 2.

[154]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee (TSSC), 'Letter to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities regarding the conservation status of the koala', 30 September 2010, p. 2.

[155]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, 'Letter to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities regarding the conservation status of the koala', 30 September 2010, p. 2.

[156]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, 'Letter to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities regarding the conservation status of the koala', 30 September 2010, p. 2.

[157]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, 'Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999', pp 10–17.

[158]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), September 2010, p. 27.

[159]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), September 2010, p. 27.

[160]    Professor Frank Carrick AM, Private capacity, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 4.

[161]    For example see: Dr Alistair Melzer, Submission 7, p. 8; Koala Research Network, Submission 29, p. 2; University of Queensland Koala Ecology Group, Submission 42, pp 1–3; and Conservation Council ACT Region, Submission 61, p. 2.

[162]    Dr Alistair Melzer, Submission 7, p. 8. Dr Melzer has maintained long-term monitoring stations in Queensland for periods up to 12 years.

[163]    Koala Research Network, Submission 29, p. 2.

[164]    Koala Research Network, Submission 29, p. 2.

[165]    Conservation Council ACT Region, Submission 61, p. 2.

[166]    University of Queensland Koala Ecology Group, Submission 42, pp 1–3.

[167]    Output C, Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, p. 4.

[168]    See Action 1.06 and Action 1.07, 'Appendix 1: Implementation plan', Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, pp 25­–26.

[169]    Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, First Implementation Report to the National Resources Management Ministerial Council, April 2010, p. 12,, (accessed 21 July 2011).

[170]    Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, First Implementation Report to the National Resources Management Ministerial Council, April 2010, p. 13.

[171]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee (TSSC), 'Letter to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities regarding the conservation status of the koala', 30 September 2010, p. 3.

[172]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, answer to question on notice, 1 August 2011 (received 10 August 2011), p. 7.

[173]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, answer to question on notice, 1 August 2011 (received 10 August 2011), p. 2. The TSSC declined to provide the committee with an upper bound.

[174]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, answer to question on notice, 1 August 2011 (received 10 August 2011), p. 2.

[175]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee (TSSC), 'Letter to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities regarding the conservation status of the koala', 30 September 2010, p. 1.

[176]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, 'Advice to the Minister for Environment and Heritage from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendments to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999', 2006, p.14.

[177]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, letter to Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, September 2010, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Submission 73, Attachment C, p. 1.

[178]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), September 2010, p. 21.

[179]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee (TSSC), 'Letter to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities regarding the conservation status of the koala', 30 September 2010, p. 3.

[180]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), September 2010, p. 27.

[181]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, answer to question on notice, 1 August 2011 (received 10 August 2011), p. 7.

[182]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee (TSSC), 'Letter to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities regarding the conservation status of the koala', 30 September 2010, p. 3.

[183]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, answer to question on notice, 1 August 2011 (received 10 August 2011), p. 8.

[184]    In its advice to the Environment Minister the TSSC sets out the following state-based figures (pp. 20–27): South Australia – between 12 000 and 16 000 in 2006; Victoria – 'roughly 73 500' date unspecified; NSW – 1000 to 10 000 in 2008; Queensland – approximately 39 753 in 2007 to 2010 (derived from 29 050 in 2010 from Southwest Queensland and 10 703 in 2007 and 2008 from Southeast Queensland) which totals a range of between approximately 126 000 to 139 000.

[185]    Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, s. 503.

Chapter 3

[1]        See for example Associate Professor Clive McAlpine, Spokesperson, Koala Research Network, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 2; and Professor Frank Carrick AM, Private capacity, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 6.

[2]        Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, p. 6.

[3]        Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, p. 19, (accessed 30 June 2011).

[4]        Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, p. 19.

[5]        Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, p. 6.

[6]        Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, p. 18.

[7]        Koala Action Group Queensland, Submission 17, p. 3.

[8]        Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 3218.0 Regional Population Growth Australia 2009–10, ABS, Canberra, 31 March 2011, (accessed 28 July 2011).

[9]        Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 3218.0 Regional Population Growth Australia, 2009–10, ABS, Canberra, 31 March 2011.

[10]      Department of Environment and Resource Management, Queensland Government, Submission 79, p. 2.

[11]      Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, p. 23.

[12]      Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland, Submission 15, p. 5.

[13]      Mr Robert Summers, Submission 19, p. 2.

[14]      Ms Margaret Hardy, Submission 3, p. 1.

[15]      University of Queensland Koala Ecology Group, Submission 42, p. 7.

[16]      Koala Action Group Queensland, Submission 17, p. 4.

[17]      Humane Society International, Submission 26, p. 3.

[18]      See: Ms Margaret Hardy, Submission 3, p. 1; and Port Stephens Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management Steering Committee, Submission 38, pp 5–6.

[19]      Port Stephens Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management Steering Committee, Submission 38, pp 5–6.

[20]      Koala Action Pine Rivers, Submission 41, p. 3.

[21]      See: Name withheld Submission 20, p. 2; and Ms Paulette Oldfield, Submission 64, p. 4.

[22]      Ms Carolyn Beaton, Submission 32, p. 2.

[23]      Property Council of Australia, answer to question on notice, 19 May 2011, p. 1.

[24]      Property Council of Australia, answer to question on notice, 19 May 2011, p. 1.

[25]      Ms Deborah Tabart OAM, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Koala Foundation, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 21.

[26]      Urban Development Institute of Australia (Queensland), Submission 52, p. 3.

[27]      Urban Development Institute of Australia (Queensland), Submission 52, p. 3.

[28]      Friends of the Koala, Submission 58, pp 2–3.

[29]      Friends of the Koala, Submission 58, pp 2–3.

[30]      Friends of the Koala, Submission 58, pp 2–3.

[31]      Urban Development Institute of Australia (Queensland), Submission 52, p. 3.

[32]      For an overview of the Koala Habitat Atlas see chapter 2.

[33]      Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, p. 7.

[34]      Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, p. 7.

[35]      For example see: Koala Research Network, Submission 29, p. 4; Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, p. 8; and Sunshine Coast Environmental Council, Submission 65, p. 4.

[36]      For example see: Ms Margaret Hardy, Submission 3, p. 1; Koala Action Group Queensland, Submission 17, p. 4; Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, p. 8; Koala Action Pine Rivers, Submission 41, p. 3; Friends of the Koala, Submission 58, pp 2–3; and Sunshine Coast Environmental Council, Submission 65, p. 4.

[37]      Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, p. 10.

[38]      Kola Action Group Queensland, Submission 17, p. 6.

[39]      Name withheld, Submission 33, p. 1.

[40]      Name withheld, Submission 33, p. 2.

[41]      For example see: Koala Action Group Queensland, Submission 17, p. 4; Mr Robert Summers, Submission 19, p. 2;.and Mr Rod McKelvey, Submission 16, pp 1–2; Name withheld, Submission 31, pp 1–2; Ms Paulette Oldfield, Submission 64, p. 1; Fair Go Committee, Submission 68, pp 1–3; and Name withheld, Submission 81, pp 1–7.

[42]      For example see: Name withheld, Submission 31, pp 1–2; and Name withheld, Submission 81, pp 1–7.

[43]      Fair Go Committee, Submission 68, pp 1–3.

[44]      See: Property Council of Australia, Submission 39, p. 5; and Urban Development Industry of Australia (Queensland), Submission 52, p. 1.

[45]      Property Council of Australia, Submission 39, p. 5.

[46]      Property Council of Australia, Submission 39, p. 5.

[47]      Urban Development Industry of Australia (Queensland), Submission 52, p. 4.

[48]      Property Council of Australia, Submission 39, p. 5.

[49]      Mr Brian Stewart, Chief Executive Officer and General Counsel, Urban Development Industry of Australia (Queensland), Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 45.

[50]      Redland City Council, Submission 46, p. 4.

[51]      Property Council of Australia, Submission 39, p. 5.

[52]      Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland, Submission 15, p. 8.

[53]      Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland, Submission 15, p. 8.

[54]      Sunshine Coast Environment Council, Submission 65, p. 6.

[55]      Sunshine Coast Environment Council, Submission 65, p. 6.

[56]      Sunshine Coast Environment Council, Submission 65, p. 6.

[57]      For example Sunshine Coast Environment Council, Submission 65, p. 6.

[58]      See: Property Council of Australia, Submission 39, p. 6; and Urban Development Industry of Australia (Queensland), Submission 52, pp 2–4.

[59]      Urban Development Industry of Australia (Queensland), Submission 52, p. 4.

[60]      Property Council of Australia, Submission 39, p. 6.

[61]      Department of Environment and Resource Management on behalf of the Queensland Government, Submission 79, p. 10.

[62]      Redland City Council, Submission 46, p. 3.

[63]      Redland City Council, Submission 46, p. 3.

[64]      Professor Frank Carrick AM, Private capacity, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 7.

[65]      Redland City Council, Submission 46, p. 3.

[66]      Redland City Council, Submission 46, p. 4.

[67]      Professor Frank Carrick AM, Submission 86, p. 24.

[68]      See: Ms Cassandra Primavera, Submission 10, p. 1; Mr Lincoln Young, Submission 11, p. 1; Ms Vivienne Jones, Submission 12, p. 1; Mr Robert Summers, Submission 19, p. 2; Name withheld, Submission 20, p. 1; Koala Research Network, Submission 29, p. 3; Mr Chris Allen, Submission 35, p. 18; Friends of the Earth Melbourne, Submission 50, p. 1; Dr Vanessa Standing, Submission 60, pp 3–4; Conservation Council ACT Region, Submission 61, p. 7; Name withheld, Submission 83, p. 1; and Dr Bronte Somerset, Submission 96, p. 1.

[69]      Conservation Council ACT Region, Submission 61, p. 7.

[70]      Mr Robert Summers, Submission 19, p. 2.

[71]      Mr Chris Allen, Submission 35, p. 18.

[72]      See: Name withheld, Submission 20, p. 1; and Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, p. 10.

[73]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), September 2010, p. 11, (accessed 12 July 2011).

[74]      Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, p. 19.

[75]      National Association of Forest Industries, Submission 56, p. 8.

[76]      National Association of Forest Industries, Submission 56, p. 8.

[77]      National Association of Forest Industries, Submission 56, p. 2.

[78]      National Association of Forest Industries, Submission 56, p. 2.

[79]      Mr Allan Hansard, Transitional Chief Executive, Australian Forest Products Association, Committee Hansard, 19 May 2011, p. 53.

[80]      Mr Mick Stephens, Manager, Strategic Policy, Australian Forest Products Association, Committee Hansard, 19 May 2011, p. 55.

[81]      Australian Forest Products Association (formerly National Association of Forest Industries), Answer to a question taken on notice, 19 May 2011, p. 4.

[82]      Mr Peter Kambouris, Regional Ecologist, Southern, Forests NSW, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 43.

[83]      Australian Forest Products Association (formerly National Association of Forest Industries), Answer to a question taken on notice, 19 May 2011, p. 4.

[84]      See: National Association of Forest Industries, Submission 56, p. 3; and Australian Forest Products Association (formerly National Association of Forest Industries), Additional information on fuel reduction burning, pp 11–15.

[85]      Mr James Stirling, Manager, Planning and Environment, Native Forests Operations, Forests NSW, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 37. See also Forests NSW response to questions on notice at:

[86]      Mr Allan Hansard, Transitional Chief Executive, Australian Forest Products Association (formerly National Association of Forest Industries), Committee Hansard, 19 May 2011, p. 58. Despite undertaking to do so, NAFI did not provide this research to the committee.

[87]      Mr John Hibberd, Executive Director, Conservation Council ACT Region Inc, Committee Hansard, 19 May 2011, p. 30.

[88]      Mr Chris Allen, Submission 35, p. 13.

[89]      Mr Chris Allen, Private capacity, Committee Hansard, 19 May 2011, p. 16.

[90]      Mr Chris Allen, Private capacity, Committee Hansard, 19 May 2011, p. 16.

[91]      Mr John Hibberd, Executive Director, Conservation Council ACT Region Inc, Committee Hansard, 19 May 2011, p. 32.

[92]      Mr Peter Kambouris, Regional Ecologist, Southern, Forests NSW, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 40.

[93]      Mr Anthony Amis, Land Use Researcher, Friends of the Earth Melbourne, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 8.

[94]      Mr Anthony Amis, Land Use Researcher, Friends of the Earth Melbourne, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 9.

[95]      See Ms Vivienne Jones, Submission 12, p. 1; and Friends of the Earth Melbourne, Submission 50, p. 1.

[96]      Friends of the Earth Melbourne, Submission 50, p. 1; and Mr Anthony Amis, Land Use Researcher, Friends of the Earth Melbourne, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 10.

[97]      Miss Linda Sewell, Chief Executive Officer, Hancock Victorian Plantations, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 18.

[98]      Miss Linda Sewell, Chief Executive Officer, Hancock Victorian Plantations, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 19.

[99]      Miss Linda Sewell, Chief Executive Officer, Hancock Victorian Plantations, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 21. Ms Sewell agreed to table a non-confidential version of the operating standard which can be found at:

[100]    Mr Anthony Amis, Land Use Researcher, Friends of the Earth, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 37.

[101]    Miss Linda Sewell, Chief Executive Officer, Hancock Victorian Plantations, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 20.

[102]    Australian Forest Products Association (formerly National Association of Forest Industries), Answer to a question taken on notice, 19 May 2011, pp 1–2.

[103]    Mr James Stirling, Manager, Planning and Environment, Native Forests Operations, Forests, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 37.

[104]    Australian Forest Products Association (formerly National Association of Forest Industries), Answer to a question taken on notice, 19 May 2011, pp 1–2.

[105]    Mr John Hibberd, Executive Director, Conservation Council ACT Region Inc, Committee Hansard, 19 May 2011, p. 33.

[106]    Ms Deborah Tabart, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Koala Foundation, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 26.

[107]    Friends of Gippsland Bush, Submission 69, p. 4. See also Humane Society International, Submission 26. p. 2. Hancock Plantation Victoria's land management practices are detailed above.

[108]    Coffs Harbour City Council, Submission 45, p. 1.

[109]    Coffs Harbour City Council, Submission 45, p. 1.

[110]    Coffs Harbour City Council, Submission 45, p. 3.

[111]    See Friends of Felton, Submission 13, pp 4–8; Sunshine Coast Environment Council, Submission 65, p. 10; Dr Nicola Laws and Glenn Beutel, Submission 74, pp 1–41; and New Hope Group, Submission 91, pp 1–13.

[112]    New Hope Group, Submission 91, p. 3.

[113]    Dr Nicola Laws, Private capacity, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 61.

[114]    See Chapter 5: The status of koalas under the law.

[115]    Friends of Felton, Submission 13, pp 6–7.

[116]    Dr Nicola Laws and Mr Glenn Beutel, Submission 74, p. 25.

[117]    Dr Nicola Laws and Mr Glenn Beutel, Submission 74, p. 25.

[118]    New Hope Group, Submission 91, p. 1.

[119]    New Hope Group, Submission 91, p. 5.

[120]    New Hope Group, Submission 91, p. 2.

[121]    New Hope Group, Submission 91, p. 2.

[122]    Mr Ian Whan, Committee member, Friends of Felton, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 59.

[123]    Mr Ian Whan, Committee member, Friends of Felton, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 59.

[124]    Sunshine Coast Environmental Council, Submission 65, p. 10.

[125]    Friends of Felton, Submission 13, p. 3.

[126]    Dr Nicola Laws, Private capacity, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 59.

[127]    Friends of Felton, Submission 13, p. 3.

[128]    Dr Nicola Laws, Private capacity, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 60.

[129]    Dr Nicola Laws, Private capacity, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 60.

[130]    Mr David Allworth, Researcher, Biodiversity, Friends of Felton, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 61.

[131]    National Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, December 2009, p. 20.

[132]    Ms Vicki Hams, Submission 20, p. 1.

[133]    Ms Vivienne Jones, Submission 12, p. 1.

[134]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), September 2010, p. 17.

[135]    Mr Chris Allen, Submission 35, p. 18.

[136]    Conservation Council ACT Region Inc, Submission 61, p. 7.

[137]    Conservation Council ACT Region Inc, Submission 61, p. 9.

[138]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, answer to question on notice, 1 August 2011 (received 10 August 2011), p. 3.

[139]    Associate Professor Clive McAlpine, Spokesperson, Koala Research Network, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 4.

[140]    Dr Bill Ellis Koala Specialist, Koala Research Network, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 4.

[141]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), September 2010, p. 15. Citations have been removed. See also Associate Professor Clive McAlpine, Spokesperson, Koala Research Network, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 2.

[142]    Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), September 2010, p. 17.

[143]    The government response to the Independent Review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 accepted the review’s recommendation to 'require the identification of critical habitat for listed threatened species at the time of listing' (p. 31).

Chapter 4 - Other threats: disease, dogs and motor vehicles

[1]        For further information on the threat of droughts, bushfires and climate change on koalas see Chapter 3: Threats to koala habitat.

[2]        Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, p. 20.

[3]        Paul Young, Rachael Tarlinton and Joanne Meers, 'Virus invades the koala genome', Australian Science, June 2008, p. 31.

[4]        W. Ellis, A. Girjes, F. Carrick and A. Melzer, 'Chlamydial infection in koalas under relatively little alienation pressure', Australian Veterinary Journal, vol. 70, no. 11, November 1993, p. 427.

[5]        Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, p. 20.

[6]        Paul Young, Rachael Tarlinton and Joanne Meers, 'Virus invades the koala genome', Australian Science, June 2008, p. 30.

[7]        Dr Jon Hanger, Submission 34, Attachment 1, Jon Hanger and Jo Loader, 'Infectious Disease in Koalas: Implications for Conservation', p. 2.

[8]        Dr Jon Hanger, Submission 34, Attachment 1, Jon Hanger and Jo Loader, 'Infectious Disease in Koalas: Implications for Conservation', p. 2.

[9]        Paul Young, Rachael Tarlinton and Joanne Meers, 'Virus invades the koala genome', Australian Science, June 2008, p. 31.

[10]      A range of other conditions may be associated with koala retrovirus infections. Dr Jon Hanger, Submission 34, Attachment 1, Jon Hanger and Jo Loader, 'Infectious Disease in Koalas: Implications for Conservation', p. 2.

[11]      Dr Jon Hanger, Private capacity, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 15.

[12]      Dr Jon Hanger, Private capacity, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 17.

[13]      Dr Jon Hanger, Private capacity, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 17.

[14]      Dr Jon Hanger, Submission 34, Attachment 1, Jon Hanger and Jo Loader, 'Infectious Disease in Koalas: Implications for Conservation', p. 2.

[15]      Dr Jon Hanger, Submission 34, Attachment 1, Jon Hanger and Jo Loader, 'Infectious Disease in Koalas: Implications for Conservation', p. 2.

[16]      Professor Paul Young, Koala Research Network, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 11.

[17]      Dr Jon Hanger, Submission 34, Attachment 1, Jon Hanger and Jo Loader, 'Infectious Disease in Koalas: Implications for Conservation', p. 2.

[18]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), September 2010, p. 13.

[19]      Professor Peter Timms, Koala Research Network, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 6.

[20]      Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors, Submission 22, p. 2.

[21]      Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors, Submission 22, p. 2.

[22]      Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors, Submission 22, p. 3.

[23]      Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors, Submission 22, p. 2.

[24]      Port Stephens Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management Steering Committee, Submission 38, pp 6–7.

[25]      Port Stephens Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management Steering Committee, Submission 38, p. 7.

[26]      Friends of the Koala, Submission 58, p. 4.

[27]      Friends of the Koala, Submission 58, p. 5.

[28]      Friends of the Koala, Submission 58, p. 4.

[29]      See: Professor Paul Young, Koala Research Network, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 11; and Dr Jon Hanger, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 17.

[30]      Dr Jon Hanger, Submission 34, Attachment 1, Jon Hanger and Jo Loader, 'Infectious Disease in Koalas: Implications for Conservation', p. 2.

[31]      Dr Jon Hanger, Submission 34, Attachment 1, Jon Hanger and Jo Loader, 'Infectious Disease in Koalas: Implications for Conservation', p. 2.

[32]      Professor Paul Young, Koala Research Network, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 11.

[33]      Professor Paul Young, Koala Research Network, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 11.

[34]      Dr Jon Hanger, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 17.

[35]      University of Queensland Koala Ecology Group, Submission 42, p. 4.

[36]      For example see: Dr Jon Hanger, Submission 34, p. 1; and Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors, Submission 22, p. 1.

[37]      See Dr Alistair Melzer, Submission 7, p. 14; and Professor Frank Carrick AM, Submission 86, p. 6.

[38]      Dr Alistair Melzer, Submission 7, p. 14.

[39]      Dr Alistair Melzer, Submission 7, p. 14.

[40]      Professor Frank Carrick AM, Submission 86, p. 6.

[41]      Professor Frank Carrick AM, Submission 86, p. 6. Emphasis in original.

[42]      Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors, Submission 22, p. 4.

[43]      Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors, Submission 22, p. 4.

[44]      Dr Jon Hanger, Private capacity, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 14.

[45]      Professor Peter Timms, Koala Research Network, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 6.

[46]      Professor Peter Timms, Koala Research Network, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 6.

[47]      Professor Peter Timms, Koala Research Network, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 6.

[48]      Professor Frank Carrick AM, Private capacity, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 6.

[49]      Dr Jon Hanger, Private capacity, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 19.

[50]      Dr Jon Hanger, Private capacity, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 19.

[51]      For example see: Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors, Submission 22, p. 5; Sunshine Coast Regional Council, Submission 24, p. 1; Port Stephens Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management Steering Committee, Submission 38, p. 8; Dr Jon Hanger, Submission 34, p.1;

[52]      Sunshine Coast Regional Council, Submission 24, p. 1.

[53]      Dr Jon Hanger, Submission 34, p. 1.

[54]      Professor Peter Timms, Koala Research Network, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 6.

[55]      Dr Jon Hanger, Private capacity, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 19.

[56]      Koala Research Network, Additional information, p. 2.

[57]      Koala Research Network, Additional information, p. 2; available from

[58]      Correspondence, Associate Professor Clive McAlpine, Koala Research Network, p. 2, available from

[59]      Changes in leaf chemistry is discussed at paragraphs 3.116 and 3.125

[60]      Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, p. 21.

[61]      For example see: Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland, Submission 15, p. 6; Koala Action Group Queensland, Submission 17, p. 5; Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, Submission 18, pp 1–2; Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, p. 9; Redland City Council, Submission 46, p. 3; Friends of the Koala, Submission 58, p. 6; and Department of Environment and Resource Management, Queensland Government, Submission 79, pp 12–13.

[62]      Port Stephens Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management Steering Committee, Submission 38, p. 5.

[63]      Port Stephens Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management Steering Committee, Submission 38, p. 5.

[64]      Ms Vanda Grabowski, Secretary, Koala Action Pine Rivers, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 30.

[65]      Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management, 'Summary of koala hospital presentations, releases and major causes of death, 1997 to beginning of September 2009 – Southeast Queensland', p. 1, (accessed 7 July 2011).

[66]      Friends of the Koala, Submission 58, p. 6.

[67]      Friends of the Koala, Submission 58, p. 6.

[68]      Koala Action Group Queensland, Submission 17, p. 5

[69]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, 'Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999', p. 11.

[70]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, 'Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999', p. 11.

[71]      For example see: Port Stephens Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management Steering Committee, Submission 38, pp 5–6; Redland City Council, Submission 46, p. 3; Mayor Melva Hobson PSM, Mayor, Redland City Council, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, pp 56–57; and Dr Stephen Skull, Manager, Environment Policy Branch, Sunshine Coast Regional Council, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, pp 56­–57.

[72]      Mayor Melva Hobson PSM, Mayor, Redland City Council, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, pp 56–57; and Dr Stephen Skull, Manager, Environment Policy Branch, Sunshine Coast Regional Council, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, pp 56­–57.

[73]      Mayor Melva Hobson PSM, Mayor, Redland City Council, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 56.

[74]      Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008 (Queensland), sections 3 and 4.

[75]      Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008 (Queensland), section 194.

[76]      and Dr Stephen Skull, Manager, Environment Policy Branch, Sunshine Coast Regional Council, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 57.

[77]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, 'Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999', p. 13.

[78]      Mr Greg Mifsud, National Wild Dog Facilitator, Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, Committee Hansard, 19 May 2011, p. 7.

[79]      Mr Greg Mifsud, National Wild Dog Facilitator, Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, Committee Hansard, 19 May 2011, p. 7.

[80]      Mr Greg Mifsud, National Wild Dog Facilitator, Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, Committee Hansard, 19 May 2011, p. 7.

[81]      Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, Submission 18, p. 1.

[82]      Mr Greg Mifsud, National Wild Dog Facilitator, Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, Committee Hansard, 19 May 2011, p. 11.

[83]      Mr Greg Mifsud, National Wild Dog Facilitator, Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, Committee Hansard, 19 May 2011, pp 11–12.

[84]      Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, Submission 18, p. 1.

[85]      Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, answer to question on notice, 19 May 2011, p. 1.

[86]      Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, Submission 18, p. 1.

[87]      Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, Submission 18, p. 1.

[88]      Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, Submission 18, p. 1.

[89]      Mr Greg Mifsud, National Wild Dog Facilitator, Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, Committee Hansard, 19 May 2011, p.12.

[90]      Mr Greg Mifsud, National Wild Dog Facilitator, Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, Committee Hansard, 19 May 2011, pp 13.

[91]      Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, answer to question on notice, 19 May 2011, pp 1–4.

[92]      Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, answer to question on notice, 19 May 2011, p. 4.

[93]      Mr Greg Mifsud, National Wild Dog Facilitator, Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, Committee Hansard, 19 May 2011, p. 9.

[94]      Mr Greg Mifsud, National Wild Dog Facilitator, Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, Committee Hansard, 19 May 2011, p. 9.

[95]      Dr Alistair Melzer, Additional information, p. 1; available from

[96]      The most common cause of koalas being admitted into care and most common cause of mortality was disease. See Friends of the Koala, Submission 58, p. 6.

[97]      Sunshine Coast Environment Council, Submission 65, p. 7.

[98]      Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management, 'Summary of koala hospital presentations, releases and major causes of death, 1997 to beginning of September 2009 – Southeast Queensland', p. 1, (accessed 7 July 2011).

[99]      Sunshine Coast Environment Council, Submission 65, p. 7.

[100]    Koala Action Group Queensland, Submission 17, p. 5.

[101]    Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management, Submission 79, p. 12.

[102]    University of Queensland Koala Ecology Group, Submission 42, p. 7.

[103]    Redland City Council, Submission 46, p. 3.

[104]    Mr Daniel Carter, Principal Adviser, Natural Environment, Redland City Council, Committee Hansard, 3 May 2011, p. 57.

[105]    Redland City Council, Submission 46, p. 3; and Ms Diana Tomkins, Submission 23, p. 4.

[106]    Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland, Submission 15, p. 6.

[107]    Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland, Submission 15, p. 6.

Chapter 5

[1]        See for example: Mrs Margaret Hardy, Submission 3, p. 1; Ms Susan Lyle, Submission 4, p. 1; Ms Vivienne Jones, Submission 12, p. 1; Friends of Felton, Submission 13, p. 7; Koala Action Group Queensland, Submission 17, p. 6; Robert Summers, Submission 19, p. 3; Ms Diana Tomkins, Submission 23, p. 3; Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, p. 12; Humane Society International, Submission 26, p. 1; Mr Ian Pratt, Submission 30, p. 4; Name withheld, Submission 33, p. 5; Mr Roger Park, Submission 36, p. 2; Mr John Callaghan, Submission 37, p. 1; Port Stephens Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management Steering Committee, Submission 38, p. 8; University of Queensland Koala Ecology Group, Submission 42, p.8; Redland City Council, Submission 46, p. 4; Friends of the Koala (Phillip Island), Submission 47, p. 3; Logan and Albert Conservation Association, Submission 49, p. 2; Birkdale Progress Association, Submission 51, p. 2; The Coastwatchers Association, Submission 54, p. 13; Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland Logan Branch, Submission 57, p. 6; Friends of the Koala, Submission 58, p. 9; Dr Vanessa Standing, Submission 60, p. 5; Conservation Council ACT Region, Submission 61, p. 9;Ms Paulette Oldfield, Submission 64, p. 6; Sunshine Coast Environment Council, Submission 65, p. 9; Mr Ian Bridge, Submission 66, p. 2; Ms Colleen Wood, Submission 71, p. 4; Wildlife Queensland, Submission 76, p. 6; Name withheld, Submission 81, p. 2; Hunter Koala Preservation Society, Submission 82, p. 1; and Professor Frank Carrick AM, Submission 86, p. 27.

[2]        Name withheld, Submission 5, p. 1.

[3]        Humane Society International, Submission 26, p. 3.

[4]        For example Port Stephens Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management Steering Committee, Submission 38, p. 8

[5]        Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, p. 15.

[6]        Professor Peter Harrison, Member, Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 46; and the Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, p. 5.

[7]        New South Wales Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water, Submission 78, p. 1. In April 2011, most of the functions of the former NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water were transferred to the Office of Environment and Heritage within the NSW Premier's department.

[8]        Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW), section 10.

[9]        Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW, 'Appendix 4: Biological scores used for evaluation of the status of the koala in New South Wales', Recovery plan for the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus), Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW, Sydney, November 2008, p. 95, (accessed 13 July 2011).

[10]      Section 120, National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NSW).

[11]      New South Wales Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water, Submission 78, p. 1.

[12]      Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW, Recovery plan for the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus), Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW, Sydney, November 2008, p. 4, (accessed 13 July 2011).

[13]      'Core Koala Habitat' is defined under regulation 4 of SEPP 44 as "an area of land with a resident population of koalas, evidenced by attributes such as breeding females (that is, females with young) and recent sightings of and historical records of a population."

[14]      Wildlife Act 1975 (Vic), section 3.

[15]      Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria's koala management strategy, Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment, Brunswick, 2004, p. 4, (accessed 14 July 2011).

[16]      The koala is classified according to the criteria set out in the Nature Conservation Act 1992 (Qld) and listed in the Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006 (Qld).

[17]      See Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management, 'Biodiversity in SEQ bioregion', (accessed 13 July 2011).

[18]      Nature Conservation Act 1975 (Qld), section 78.

[19]      Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management, 'Guidelines for assigning different classes to a recognisable taxon within a species', / (accessed 14 July 2011).

[20]      Ms Larissa Waters, Submission 90, pp 2–3.

[21]      National Parks and Wildlife Act 1975 (SA), section 5.

[22]      Nature Conservation Act 1980 (ACT), section 44.

[23]      ICUN Red List of Threatened Species, 'Phascolarctos cinereus', Version 2011.1, (accessed 14 July 2011).

[24]      United States Government, 'Department of the Interior, Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Final Determination of Threatened Status of the Koala', Federal Register, vol. 60, no. 90, 9 May 2000, p. 26762.

[25]      United States Government, 'Department of the Interior, Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Final Determination of Threatened Status of the Koala', Federal Register, vol. 60, no. 90, 9 May 2000, p. 26762.

[26]      For further information on the Endangered Species Act 1973(United States) see United States Fish and Wildlife Service, 'Endangered Species Act', (accessed 14 July 2011).

[27]      United States Government, 'Department of the Interior, Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Final Determination of Threatened Status of the Koala', Federal Register, vol. 60, no. 90, 9 May 2000, p. 26762.

[28]      United States Government, 'Department of the Interior, Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Final Determination of Threatened Status of the Koala', Federal Register, vol. 60, no. 90, 9 May 2000, p. 26762.

[29]      United States Government, 'Department of the Interior, Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Final Determination of Threatened Status of the Koala', Federal Register, vol. 60, no. 90, 9 May 2000, p. 26769.

[30]      Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Populations and Communities, answer to question on notice, 19 May 2011, (received 12 August 2011), p. 11.

[31]      Humane Society International, Submission 26, p. 2.

[32]      University of Queensland Koala Ecology Group, Submission 42, p. 8.

[33]      For example Port Stephens Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management Steering Committee, Submission 38, p. 12.

[34]      National Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, December 2009, p. 2.

[35]      Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland, Submission 15, p. 7.

[36]      Urban Development Institute of Australia (Queensland), Submission 52, p. 2.

[37]      Property Council of Australia, Submission 39, p. 2.

[38]      Dr John Woinarski, Member, Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 54.

[39]      In 2009 the Senate Standing Committee on Environment, Communications and the Arts conducted an inquiry into the operation of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act 1999. Information on the inquiry and a copy of the report is available at: (accessed 15 July 2011).

[40]      Under the Administrative Arrangements Order of 14 October 2010, the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities is responsible for the administration of the EPBC Act.

[41]      Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, section 178.

[42]      Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, subsections 186(2) and 187(2).

[43]      Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, section 189.

[44]      Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, paragraph 194Q(6)(b).

[45]      According to the Australian National Audit Office the minister has disagreed with TSSC recommendations to list two species: the Southern Bluefin Tuna and the Murray-Darling River Snail. See Australian National Audit Office (ANAO), The conservation and protection of national threatened species and ecological communities, Audit Report No. 31 of 2006­–2007, p. 52, (accessed 20 July 2011).

[46]      Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, subsections 194A and 194Q.

[47]      See: Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, section 179; and Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000, regulation 7.01; and Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (DSEWPaC), Guidelines for assessing the conservation status of native species, p. 2, (accessed 14 July 2011).

[48]      More detailed information is available in the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Guidelines for assessing the conservation status of native species, pp 2–5.

[49]      Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Guidelines for assessing the conservation status of native species, p. 3.

[50]      Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Guidelines for assessing the conservation status of native species, p. 3. For complete definitions of the indicative thresholds see Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Guidelines for assessing the conservation status of native species, pp 3–5.

[51]      Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Guidelines for assessing the conservation status of native species, p. 3.

[52]      Australian Koala Foundation, 'The koala: Endangered or not?', Website accessed through the National Library of Australia's internet archive, (accessed 15 July 2011).

[53]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, 'Advice to the Minister for Environment and Heritage from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendments to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999', 2006, p.15, (accessed 15 July 2011).

[54]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, 'Advice to the Minister for Environment and Heritage from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendments to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999', 2006, p. 13.

[55]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, 'Advice to the Minister for Environment and Heritage from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendments to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999', 2006, p. 13.

[56]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, 'Advice to the Minister for Environment and Heritage from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendments to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999', 2006, p. 5.

[57]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, 'Advice to the Minister for Environment and Heritage from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendments to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999', 2006, p. 14.

[58]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, 'Advice to the Minister for Environment and Heritage from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendments to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999', September 2010, p. 14.

[59]      Professor Peter Harrison, Member, Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 45.

[60]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee (TSSC), 'Letter to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities regarding the conservation status of the koala', 30 September 2010, p. 1, (accessed 27 June 2011).

[61]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, 'Advice to the Minister for Environment and Heritage from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendments to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999', September 2010, p. 29.

[62]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, 'Letter to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities regarding the conservation status of the koala', 30 September 2010, p. 1.

[63]      Professor Peter Harrison, Member, Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 46.

[64]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, 'Advice to the Minister for Environment and Heritage from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee (the Committee) on Amendments to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999', September 2010, p. 29.

[65]      Professor Peter Harrison, Member, Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 51.

[66]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee (TSSC), 'Letter to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities regarding the conservation status of the koala', 30 September 2010, p. 3.

[67]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, answer to question on notice, 1 August 2011 (received 10 August 2011), pp 10–11.

[68]      Professor Frank Carrick AM, Private capacity, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 4.

[69]      Professor Frank Carrick AM, Private capacity, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 4.

[70]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, answer to question on notice, 1 August 2011 (received 10 August 2011), p. 2.

[71]      Dr John Woinarski, Member, Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 46.

[72]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, 'Advice to the Minister for Environment, Protection, Heritage and the Arts from the Threatened Species Scientific Committee on Amendment to the list of Threatened Species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999', pp 11–13.

[73]      Professor Frank Carrick, Dr Alistair Melzer, Dr Bill Ellis and Dr Sean Fitzgibbon, Submission 101, p. 3.

[74]      For example, the Hon Tony Burke MP, Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Populations and Communities¸ House of Representatives Hansard, 14 June 2011, p. 6023.

[75]      Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, paragraph 194Q(6)(b).

[76]      Dr Andrea Taylor, Member, Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 51.

[77]      For example see: Dr Alistair Melzer, Submission 7, p. 16; Koala Research Network, Submission 29, p. 3; and University of Queensland Koala Ecology Group, Submission 42, pp 5–6.

[78]      Professor Frank Carrick AM, Submission 86, p. 10.

[79]      University of Queensland Koala Ecology Group, Submission 42, pp 5–6.

[80]      Koala Research Network, Submission 29, p. 3.

[81]      Dr Alistair Melzer, Submission 7, p. 16.

[82]      Property Council of Australia, Submission 39, p. 2.

[83]      Urban Development Institute of Australia (Queensland), Submission 52, p. 2.

[84]      National Association of Forest Industries, Submission 56, p. 18.

[85]      Property Council of Australia, Submission 39, p. 3.

[86]      Koala Research Network, Submission 29, p. 3.

[87]      Koala Research Network, Submission 29, p. 3.

[88]      Professor Frank Carrick AM, Private capacity, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, pp 4–5.

[89]      Dr John Woinarski, Member, Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 54.

[90]      Threatened Species Scientific Committee, letter to Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, September 2010, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Submission 73, Attachment C, p. 1.

[91]      Mr Al Mucci, Dreamworld, Submission 8, p. 3.

[92]      Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Australian Government response to the report of the Independent Review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, August 2011, p. 4.

[93]      Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Australian Government response to the report of the Independent Review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, August 2011, p. 25.

[94]      Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Australian Government response to the report of the Independent Review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, August 2011, p. 19.

[95]      Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Australian Government response to the report of the Independent Review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, August 2011, p. 16.

Chapter 6 - The National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy

[1]        Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (ANZECC), National Koala Conservation Strategy, January 1998, pp 1–2.

[2]        Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (ANZECC), National Koala Conservation Strategy, January 1998, p. 5.

[3]        Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (ANZECC), National Koala Conservation Strategy, January 1998, pp 1–2.

[4]        Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (ANZECC), National Koala Conservation Strategy, January 1998, pp 10–14.

[5]        Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (ANZECC), National Koala Conservation Strategy, January 1998, p. 9.

[6]        Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (ANZECC), National Koala Conservation Strategy, January 1998, p. 9.

[7]        Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (ANZECC), National Koala Conservation Strategy, January 1998, p. 7.

[8]        For example the koala was listed as vulnerable in the south east Queensland bioregion under the Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 1994 (Qld).

[9]        M. Predavec, Review of progress in implementing the 1998 National Koala Conservation Strategy, Report prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff for the Commonwealth Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, September 2008, p. iii.

[10]      M. Predavec, Review of progress in implementing the 1998 National Koala Conservation Strategy, Report prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff for the Commonwealth Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, September 2008, p. iii.

[11]      M. Predavec, Review of progress in implementing the 1998 National Koala Conservation Strategy, Report prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff for the Commonwealth Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, September 2008, p. 43.

[12]      M. Predavec, Review of progress in implementing the 1998 National Koala Conservation Strategy, Report prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff for the Commonwealth Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, September 2008, p. 43.

[13]      M. Predavec, Review of progress in implementing the 1998 National Koala Conservation Strategy, Report prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff for the Commonwealth Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, September 2008, p. 43.

[14]      M. Predavec, Review of progress in implementing the 1998 National Koala Conservation Strategy, Report prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff for the Commonwealth Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, September 2008, pp 44–49.

[15]      Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, p. 4.

[16]      Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, p. 4.

[17]      Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, p. 4.

[18]      Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, pp 23–32.

[19]      Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, p. 7.

[20]      Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, p. 7.

[21]      Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, pp 8 and 10.

[22]      Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, p. 8.

[23]      Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, p. 9.

[24]      Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, p. 9.

[25]      Implementation Team, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014: First Implementation Report to the Natural Resources Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy Secretariat, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Canberra, 2010, p. 2, (accessed 3 August 2011).

[26]      Koala Research Network, Submission 29, p. 4.

[27]      Professor Peter Harrison, Member, Threatened Species Scientific Committee, Committee Hansard, 1 August 2011, p. 51.

[28]      Dreamworld, Submission 8, p. 3.

[29]      Mrs Margaret Hardy, Submission 3, p. 3.

[30]      Ms Colleen Wood, Submission 71, p. 4.

[31]      For example see: Dr Alistair Melzer, Submission 7, p. 15; and Koala Research Network, Submission 29, p. 4.

[32]      Koala Research Network, Submission 29, p. 4.

[33]      Professor Frank Carrick, and Dr Alistair Melzer, Dr Bill Ellis and Dr Sean Fitzgibbon, Submission 101, pp 2 and 10.

[34]      For example see: Dr Alistair Melzer, Submission 7, p. 18; Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland, Submission 15, p. 7; Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, p. 14; Koala Research Network, Submission 29, p. 4; Friends of Felton, Submission 13, p. 8; and The Coastwatchers Association, Submission 54, p. 5.

[35]      Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland, Submission 15, pp 7–8.

[36]      Koala Research Network, Submission 29, p. 4.

[37]      The Coastwatchers Association, Submission 54, p. 5.

[38]      For example see: Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, p. 14; and Mr Chris Allen, Submission 35, p. 20.

[39]      Australian Koala Foundation, Submission 25, p. 14.

[40]      For example see: Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland, Submission 15, p. 7; Koala Action Group Queensland, Submission 17, p. 6; and Koala Research Network, Submission 29, p. 4.

[41]      Koala Action Group Queensland, Submission 17, p. 6.

[42]      Koala Research Network, Submission 29, p. 4.

[43]      See page 24 for examples of items not yet commenced and pp 7–24 for other examples: Implementation Team, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014: First Implementation Report to the Natural Resources Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy Secretariat, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Canberra, 2010.

[44]      Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, p. 9; note that the strategy states on page 3 that it will be reviewed 'after five years'.

[45]      Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, p. 2.

[46]      Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council, National Koala Conservation and Management Strategy 2009–2014, Department of Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra, 2009, p. 5.

[47]      Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW, Recovery plan for the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus), Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW, Sydney, November 2008, p. vii.

[48]      Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW, Recovery plan for the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus), Department of Environment and Climate Change NSW, Sydney, November 2008, p. vii.

[49]      Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria's koala management strategy, Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment, Brunswick, 2004, p. 6.

[50]      Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria's koala management strategy, Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment, Brunswick, 2004, p. 5.

[51]      Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria's koala management strategy, Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment, Brunswick, 2004, p. 5.

[52]      Nature Conservation (Koala) Conservation Plan 2006 (Qld), section 4.

[53]      Queensland Government, Nature Conservation (Koala) Conservation Plan 2006 and Management Program 2006–2016, Queensland Government – Environmental Protection Agency, Brisbane, 2006, pp 13–16.

[54]      Nature Conservation (Koala) Conservation Plan 2006 (Qld), section 4.

[55]      Queensland Government, Nature Conservation (Koala) Conservation Plan 2006 and Management Program 2006–2016, Queensland Government – Environmental Protection Agency, Brisbane, 2006, pp 17–28.

[56]      For an overview of legislation and planning policies in Queensland that protect the koala see: Ms Larissa Waters, Submission 90, pp 1–18; and Department of Environment and Resource Management, Queensland Government, Submission 79, pp 9–12.

[57]      Queensland Government, Decline of the Koala Coast Koala Population: Population Status in 2008, Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management, Brisbane, April 2009, p. 8, (accessed 14 July 2011). The Koala Coast encompasses Redlands Shire and parts of Brisbane City, Logan City and Pine Rivers Shire.

[58]      Department of Environment and Resource Management, 'Koala response strategy', (accessed 14 July 2011).

[59]      Department of Environment and Resource Management, Queensland Government, Submission 79, p. 5.

[60]      Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia, Submission 77, p. 2.

[61]      Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia, Submission 77, p. 2.

[62]      Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia, Submission 77, p. 2.