Chapter 1 - Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Retaining Federal Approval Powers) Bill 2012
[1] Senate
Selection of Bills Committee, Report No. 16, 29 November 2012, Appendix 8.
[2] EPBC
Act, Part 3.
[3] Acts
consolidated in the EPBC Act include: the National Parks and Wildlife
Conservation Act 1975; Whale Protection Act 1980 and the World
Heritage (Properties Conservation) Act 1983.
[4] EPBC
Act, subsection 3(1).
[5] Department
of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, EPBC
Act—Environment assessment process,
(accessed 14 January 2013).
[6] Department
of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, EPBC
Act—Environment assessment process,
(accessed 14 January 2013).
See EPBC Act, s. 130; and Department of Sustainability, Environment,
Water, Population and Communities, Answers to Questions on Notice, received 8
March 2013, pp 5–6.
[8] EPBC
Act, s. 47.
[9] EPBC
Act, ss. 29 and 46. See also Department of the Environment, Heritage and the
Arts, The Australian Environment Act: Report of the Independent review of
the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, October
2009 (Hawke report), p. 83, available at:
(accessed 14 December 2013).
[10] Department
of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Submission
114, p. 3; see also Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water,
Population and Communities, Answers to Questions on Notice, received 8 March
2013, p. 2.
[11] See
further Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and
Communities, Bilateral Agreements,
(accessed 24 January 2013).
[12] Department
of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Submission
114, p. 3.
[13] Department
of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Proof
Committee Hansard, 15 February 2013, p. 55.
[14] Department
of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Submission
114, p. 3.
[15] Department
of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Proof
Committee Hansard, 15 February 2013, p. 51.
Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and
Communities, Submission 114, p. 3.
[17] Professor
Lee Godden, Proof Committee Hansard, 8 February 2013, p. 8.
[18] Department
of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Proof Committee
Hansard, 15 February 2013, p. 50.
[19] Department
of the Environment, Heritage and the Arts, The Australian Environment Act:
Report of the Independent review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation Act 1999, October 2009 (Hawke report), available at:
(accessed 27 November 2012).
[20] Department
of the Environment, Heritage and the Arts, The Australian Environment Act:
Report of the Independent review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation Act 1999, October 2009 (Hawke report), p. 28, available at:
(accessed 14 December 2013).
[21] Australian
Government, Australian Government Response to the Report of the Independent
Review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999,
August 2011, p. 10.
[22] Australian
Government, Australian Government Response to the Report of the Independent
Review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999,
August 2011, p. 11.
Department of the Environment, Heritage and the Arts, The Australian
Environment Act: Report of the Independent review of the Environment Protection
and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, October 2009 (Hawke report), p. 29,
available at:
(accessed 14 December 2013).
[24] Australian
Government, Australian Government Response to the Report of the Independent
Review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999,
August 2011, pp 15–20.
[25] Department
of the Environment, Heritage and the Arts, The Australian Environment Act:
Report of the Independent review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation Act 1999, October 2009 (Hawke report), p. 336, available at:
(accessed 4 March 2013).
[26] Department
of the Environment, Heritage and the Arts, The Australian Environment Act:
Report of the Independent review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation Act 1999, October 2009 (Hawke report), p. 235, available at:
(accessed 4 March 2013).
[27] Department
of the Environment, Heritage and the Arts, The Australian Environment Act:
Report of the Independent review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation Act 1999, October 2009 (Hawke report), p. 330, available at:
(accessed 4 March 2013).
[28] Department
of the Environment, Heritage and the Arts, The Australian Environment Act:
Report of the Independent review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation Act 1999, October 2009 (Hawke report), p. 333, available at:
(accessed 4 March 2013).
[29] Australian
Government, Australian Government Response to the Report of the Independent
Review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999,
August 2011, p. 114.
(accessed 21 November 2012).
[31] COAG
Communique, 7 December 2012, p. 4,
(accessed 4 March 2013).
(accessed 24 January 2013).
[33] Department
of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities,
(accessed 11 December 2012).
[34] Business
Council of Australia, Discussion Paper for the COAG Business Advisory Forum,
10 April 2012, p. 5.
[35] Business
Council of Australia, Discussion Paper for the COAG Business Advisory Forum,
10 April 2012, p. 5.
[36] Australian
Government, Australian Government Response to the Report of the Independent
Review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999,
August 2011, p. 11.
[37] Prime
Minister of Australia, The Hon Julia Gillard MP, Press Release, Council
of Australian Governments Business Advisory Forum Communiqué, 12 April 2012,
(accessed 23 January 2013).
[38] Department
of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Draft Statement
of Environmental and Assurance Outcomes, p. 1
(accessed 11 December 2012).
[39] Department
of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Draft
Statement of Environmental and Assurance Outcomes, p. 1
(accessed 11 December 2012).
Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and
(accessed 5 February 2013).
Places You Love,
(accessed 23 January 2013).
COAG Communique, 7 December 2012, p. 4,
(accessed 10 December 2012).
COAG Communique, 7 December 2012,
p. 4,
(accessed 10 December 2012).
COAG Communique, 7 December 2012, p. 4,
(accessed 10 December 2012); See also: Department of Sustainability,
Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Submission 114, p. 5.
Reported by various media outlets, see for example: Babs McHugh, 'Industry
says backflip on environmental approvals may be just a bump in the road', ABC
Rural News,
(accessed 5 February 2013).
Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and
Communities, Submission 114, p. 5.
Under section 29 of the EPBC Act, in circumstances where an action that
would ordinarily require approval is taken in a state or territory, and the
action is covered by a bilateral agreement, and there is a bilaterally
accredited authorisation process or management arrangement in place, then the
action is declared by agreement not to need approval.
Proposed item 23.
Explanatory Memorandum, p. 2.
Part 9 of the EPBC Act deals with approval of action.
Explanatory Memorandum, p. 2.
Chapter 2 - Issues arising in relation to the bill
Hon Dr Sharman Stone MP, House of Representatives Hansard,
29 June 1999, p. 7772.
Senator the Hon Robert Hill, Opening Address, 'A New Green
Agenda' Conference, 14 October 1999.
[3] Proof
Committee Hansard, 15 February 2013, p. 27.
These divergent views were discussed in the Hawke report which found
that state and territory governments and industry groups were generally
supportive of an expanded role for bilateral agreements; however environment
groups and non-government organisations were not. Department of the
Environment, Heritage and the Arts, The Australian Environment Act: Report
of the Independent review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation Act 1999, October 2009 (Hawke report), p. 86, available at:
(accessed 14 December 2013).
Business Council of Australia, Submission 91, p. 1.
Business Council of Australia, Submission 91, p. 1.
Business Council of Australia, Submission 91, p. 2.
Business Council of Australia, Submission 91, p. 2.
Business Council of Australia, Submission 91, p. 2.
Business Council of Australia, Answers to question on notice, received
15 February 2013, p. 3.
VicForests, Submission 42, p. 1.
Business Council of Australia, Answers to question on notice, received
15 February 2013, p. 3.
Productivity Commission, Review of Regulatory Burden on the Upstream
Petroleum (Oil and Gas) Sector, April 2009, p. 145.
PGV Environmental, Submission 115, p. 1.
Victorian Association of Forest Industries, Submission 56, p. 2.
Australian Coal Association, Submission 104, p. 1.
Pyrenees Shire Council, Submission 83, p. 1.
Victorian Farmers Federation, Submission 130, p. 1.
EPBC Act, s. 50.
EPBC Act, s. 49A(a)(ii).
EPBC Act, s. 46(5).
EPBC Act, ss. 57–62; Business Council of Australia, Submission 91,
p. 3.
Minerals Council of Australia, Submission 102, p. 1.
Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Submission 116, p. 1.
[25] Business
Council of Australia, Answers to question on notice, received 15
February 2013, pp 2–3.
The Hon Campbell Newman MP, Premier of Queensland, Submission 134, p.
1. See also Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Submission 116,
p. 2.
Australian Association of Forest Products, Submission 146, p. 2.
Mr Grant Johnson, Australian Forest Products Association, Proof Committee
Hansard, 8 February 2013, p. 2.
Latrobe City Council, Submission 59, p. 2; see also Friends of
Grasslands, Submission 41, pp 1–2.
Economists at Large, Submission 95, p. 1.
Dr Chris McGrath, Proof Committee Hansard, 8 February 2013, p. 33.
See for example, NSW Government of Planning and Infrastructure, 'About Us'
available at
(accessed 4 March 2013); see also Department of Sustainability, Environment,
Water, Population and Communities, Answers to questions on notice, received
8 March 2013, p. 2.
[33] Mr
Graham Tupper, Australian Conservation Foundation, Proof Committee Hansard,
15 February 2013, p. 17.
Professor John Quiggin, Submission 146, p. 2.
Professor John Quiggin, Submission 146, p. 2.
Conservation Council of South Australia, Submission 107, p. 2.
Michael McKenna, 'State against State: Campbell Newman's Competitive
Federalism', The Australian, 12 April 2012, available at
(accessed 5 March 2013).
Latrobe City Council, Submission 59, p. 2.
[39] National
Parks Australia Council, Submission 140, p. 2.
Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Submission 93, p. 1.
This timeline for the Commonwealth process was confirmed by the Department
of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, although it
noted that their records indicated that Commonwealth approval was given on 14
March 2011: Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and
Communities, Answers to questions on notice, received 8 March 2013, p. 6.
[42] Dr
Chris McGrath, Submission 141, p. 2.
Dr Chris McGrath, Submission 141, p. 6.
[44] Dr
Martin Taylor, World Wildlife Fund Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 15
February 2013, p. 16.
[45] Wentworth
Group of Concerned Scientists, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 February
2013, p. 28.
[46] Australian
Conservation Foundation, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 February
2013, p. 18.
[47] Wentworth
Group of Concerned Scientists, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 February
2013, p. 29.
Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Proof Committee Hansard, 15
February 2013, p. 30.
Department of the Environment, Heritage and the Arts, The Australian
Environment Act: Report of the Independent review of the Environment Protection
and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, October 2009 (Hawke report), p. 114,
available at:
(accessed 27 February 2013).
[50] Ms
Rachel Walmsley, Australian Network of Environmental Defenders' Offices, Proof
Committee Hansard, 15 February 2013, pp 38–39. See also: Colong
Foundation for Wilderness, Supplementary Submission, pp 2–6.
[51] Dr
Chris McGrath, Submission 141, p. 4.
Professor Lee Godden, Answers to questions on notice, received 15
February 2013, pp 4–5.
Professor Lee Godden, Answers to questions on notice, received 15
February 2013, p. 4.
Ms Jane LLoyd, Proof Committee Hansard, 8 February 2013, p.
[55] National
Parks Australia Council, Submission 140, p. 3; Humane Society
International, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 February 2013, p. 16.
The committee has considered recent announcements of public service job cuts in
states and territories and notes, for example, reports that 220 out of 1117
jobs will be lost from the Queensland Department of the Environment (Koren Helbig
and Robyn Ironside, 'Full list of Queensland public service redundancies',
Courier Mail, 11 September 2012); see also Senate Environment and
Communications References Committee, Inquiry into the Effectiveness of
threatened species and ecological communities' protection in Australia, Proof
Committee Hansard, 22 February 2013, pp 16‑17; and Department of
Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Answers to
questions on notice, received 8 March 2013, p. 1.
Ms Rachel Walmsley, Australian Network of Environmental Defenders'
Offices, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 February 2013, p. 39.
Dr Kimberley Dripps, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water,
Population and Communities, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 February
2013, p. 56.
Green Institute, Submission 129, p. 2.
Australian Conservation Foundation, Submission 90, p. 2.
[60] Wentworth
Group of Concerned Scientists, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 February
2013, p. 28.
Chris Uhlmann, 'Federal vs state funding fight escalates', ABC 730
(accessed 26 February 2013).
See further NSW Government, A New Planning System for NSW, at:
(accessed 8 March 2013).
Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and
Communities, Answers to questions on notice, received 8 March 2013, p. 2.
Colong Foundation for Wilderness, Submission 25, p. 1.
Blue Mountains Conservation Society, Submission 27, p. 2.
See for example: Mr Justin Smyrk, Submission 35, p. 1; Lawyers for
Forests, Submission 112, p. 2; Ms Nina Earl, Submission 34, p. 1.
Professor Lee Godden, Answers to questions on notice, received 15
February 2013, p. 6.
Professor Lee Godden, Proof Committee Hansard, 8 February 2013, p.
Law Council of Australia, Submission 92, p. 2.
See for example evidence from the Minerals Council of Australia, Proof
Committee Hansard, 15 February 2013, p. 12.
Dr Kimberley Dripps, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water,
Population and Communities, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 February
2013, p. 59.
Dr Kimberley Dripps, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water,
Population and Communities, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 February
2013, p. 60.
See Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and
Communities, Answers to questions on notice, received 8 March 2013, p. 6
referring to Deloitte Access Economics, Cost Benefit Analysis – Reforms to
Environmental Impact Assessments under the EPBC Act, 20 April 2011,
(accessed 8 March 2013).
Deloitte Access Economics, Cost Benefit Analysis – Reforms to
Environmental Impact Assessments under the EPBC Act, 20 April 2011, p. iii,
available at:
(accessed 8 March 2013).
Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities,
Submission 114, p. 5.
COAG Communique, 7 December 2012, p. 4,
(accessed 4 March 2013); and see also Department of Sustainability,
Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Answers to questions on notice,
received 8 March 2013, p. 5.
Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and
Communities, Answers to questions on notice, received 8 March 2013, p. 7.
Chris Uhlmann, 'Federal vs state funding fight escalates', ABC 730
(accessed 26 February 2013); and see also Michael McKenna, 'State against
State: Campbell Newman's Competitive Federalism', The Australian, 12
April 2012, available at
(accessed 5 March 2013).
Coalition Additional Comments
Chair’s draft.
COAG Communique, 13 April 2012, pp. 2-3, (accessed
12 March 2013).
Prime Minister, joint press conference, 12 April 2012,
(accessed 12 March 2013).
Media release, Prime Minister and Minister for Finance and Deregulation,
13 April 2012, p. 1,
(accessed 12 March 2013).
Leader of the Opposition, address to the Australian Industry Group, 20
April 2012, available at
(accessed 12 March 2013).
Deloitte Access Economics, Cost Benefit Analysis – Reforms to
Environmental Impact Assessments under the EPBC Act, 20 April 2011, p. 27,
available at:
(accessed 12 March 2013).
Deloitte Access Economics, Cost Benefit Analysis – Reforms to
Environmental Impact Assessments under the EPBC Act, 20 April 2011, pp 27–28,
available at:
(accessed 12 March 2013).
Deloitte Access Economics, Cost Benefit Analysis – Reforms to
Environmental Impact Assessments under the EPBC Act, 20 April 2011, p. 33,
available at:
(accessed 12 March 2013).
Business Council of Australia, Submission 91, p. 1.
Pyrenees Shire Council, Submission 83, p. 1.
Victorian Farmers Federation, Submission 83, p. 1.
Australian Greens – Dissenting Report
Australian Conservation Foundation, Submission 90, p. 1.
Human Society International, Submission 46, p. 2.
NSW Conservation Council, Submission 92, p. 1.
Australian Law Council, Submission 92, p. 2.
Australian Network of Environmental Defenders Offices, Submission
128, p. 2.
Professor John Quiggin, Submission 146, p. 3.
Sustainable Business Australia, Submission 174, p. 2