Appendix 1 - Context of the inquiry

Appendix 1 - Context of the inquiry

The Committee acknowledges that this inquiry follows a large body of work over the last 25 years addressing the challenges facing women in sport and recreation.[382] These have included:

The Committee notes the various international and national instruments which impact on women in sport and recreation.

International instruments include:

National instruments include the:

The Committee notes:

the 1994 Brighton Declaration on Women and Sport is an international set of principles intended as a guide to increasing the involvement of women in sport at all levels. Australia is a signatory to the declaration. The Windhoek Call for Action is a declaration that arose from the Second World Conference on Women and Sport held in Windhoek, Namibia, in 1998. It reaffirms the principles established in the Brighton Declaration, acknowledges the need for greater cooperation and coordination between agencies and organisations responsible for women’s and girls’ issues, and seeks further development of equal opportunities for women and girls to participate fully in sport, recreation and physical activity.[383]

The Brighton Declaration is available here:

The Windhoek Call to Action is available here:

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