

Water quality problems in the Gulf are well documented. Many of the problems are impacting on the Gulf and even the solutions are already well known.

Between 1991 and 1994 no less than 13 studies identified the clear correlation between sewage disposal and ecosystem degradation around the Gulf's wastewater treatment plants. Further studies indicate the Gulf has already lost more than 6000 hectares of its seagrass beds. These studies mapped the decline in detail and correlated it with well-documented, water quality degradation.

The Commonwealth has approved $1.9 million in funding for rehabilitation projects in the Gulf region over the past three years. Ultimately, it is fundamental for the State Government to be driving the process and committing to specific tangible outcomes, such as coordinated public education, statutory planning, agency agreements, capital works and enforcement programs.

The Commonwealth should continue to support on-ground works in Gulf St Vincent and see that Coasts and Clean Seas, Living Cities, the Urban Stormwater Initiative and other Commonwealth programs are available to specifically support capital works.

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