Documents tabled and authorised to be published

Senate Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Committees

Commonwealth Environment Powers
Table of Contents

Appendix 3

Documents tabled and authorised to be published

Monday 15 September 1997 - Melbourne

Australian Conservation Foundation

Mr Horstman

Tuesday 30 September 1997 - Canberra

The Institution of Engineers, Australia

National Committee on Environmental Engineering. 1992. Environmental Principles for Engineers. Principles for the Engineering Profession for the Planning, Implementation and Management of Engineering Works that are Socially, Ecologically and Economically Sustainable. The Institution of Engineers, Australia. Canberra. 20 pp.

The Institution of Engineers, Australia. unpublished. Implementation of Recommendation 29: More Time for Business. Draft Submission to the National Office of Local Government, Commonwealth Department of Environment, Sport and Territories. September 1997. 9 pp.

The Institution of Engineers, Australia. 1996. Engineering the Transition to Competitive Utilities. Innovation, Design Capability and Human Resource Requirements. A report by The Institution of Engineers, Australia. February 1996. 41 pp.

Thursday 18 December 1997 - Conference Room 814/815, Parliament House, Sydney

Dr Brian Robinson

Correspondence from Dr Brian Robinson to the Committee and to the Queensland Government from Mr Keith Williams, 2pp.

Thursday 23 April 1998 - North Stradbroke Island, Moreton Bay

The Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland (Bayside Branch) Mr Simon Baltis

Introductory Guide to Moreton Bay Marine Park Brochure, 1p

Supplementary Information and attachments, 22 April 1999, 28pp

Stradbroke Island Management Organisation Inc, Ms Ellie Durbidge

Opening Comments and map of North Stradbroke Island, 23 April, 3pp

Friends of Stradbroke Island, Ms Janice Haenke

Supplementary Information, including correspondence and Plan of Operations for Consolidated Rutile Limited, 3pp

Quandamooka Land Council, Mr Adam Delaney

Dale Ruska `Jumping the gun: inside out on nature reserves' in P Hale and D Lamb (eds), Conservation Outside Nature Reserves, University of Queensland, 1997, 3pp

Opening comments, 3pp

Friday 24 April 1998 -Conference Room TG201, Tropical Environment Studies and Geography Building, James Cook University, Townsville

Herbert River Canegrowers Executive, Mr Angelo Girgenti

Postcard `World Heritage to be destroyed'

Compact Disc, Herbert River Catchment Atlas, Andrew Johnson and Angela Murray

Video, Striking a Balance, Sugarcane Farmers & Nature, An intimate study of wildlife in the Queensland cane fields.

Sustainable cane growing in Queensland, Code of Practice, Endorsed by Department of Environment, 1998

3 very large maps

North Queensland Conservation Council, Mr Jeremy Tager

Letters between the environment minister and the North Queensland Conservation Council, 24 December 1997, 8pp

Monday 27 April 1998 - Council Committee Room, Parliament House, Melbourne

Peak Environmental Enterprises

Dr Geoff Mosley, `Comments on Consultation Paper on Reform of Commonwealth Environment Legislation', 20 March 1998, 3pp

Birds Australia

Dr Stephen Ambrose, `Conserving Woodland Birds in the Wheat and Sheep Belts of Southern Australia', RAOU Conservation Statement No.10, 2 June 1996, 16pp

Philip Island Conservation Society and Westernport and Peninsula Protection Council

Mr Graeme Burgan and Ms Margaret Johnson, Phillip Island Conservation Society and Dr Brian Cuming, Westerport and Peninsula Protection Council Inc, 18 documents: Introduction, Correspondence dated 19 March 1993, Correspondence dated 28 August 1995, Correspondence dated 2 November 1992, Correspondence dated 2 November 1992, Correspondence dated 8 April 1993, Correspondence dated 1 November 1993, Correspondence dated 11 February 1993, Correspondence dated 26 July 1993, Correspondence dated 12 February 1993, Briefing Memorandum dated 26 Juen 1992, Crib Point Terminal Proposals, Record of Visit to the Canberra Ivory Tower dated 1993, Correspondence dated 22 November 1996, Submission from the Victorian National Parks Association dated 20 September 1996, Correspondence dated 5 December 1996, dot point summary not dated, Planning and Development Report 9 October 1996, and Nobbies Re-Development Project Media Information not dated. Documents consist of 40pp.

Geelong Environment Council

Mrs Joan Lindros, Comments from the Geelong Environment Council on A Full Repairing Lease', 12 November 1997, 5pp

Tuesday July 14th 1998 - Albert Hall, Tamar Meeting Room, Launceston, Tasmania

Launceston Environment Centre, Ms Carol Williams

Map of Tasmania, Comprehensive Regional Assessment, High Quality wilderness Areas, 1p

Map of Tasmania, Regional Forest Agreement, Proposed Land Tenure, 1p

Media Release 12th June 1997, 4pp

Bird Lovers of Black Sugarloaf

Mr Ron Nagorcka, Newsletter No. 4, April 1998, 4pp

July 15th 1998 - Terrace Room, Parliament House, Adelaide, South Australia

Urban Ecology

Mr Paul Downton, `Opening Statement', 3pp