Chapter one
Reference to the Committee and Conduct of the Inquiry
1.1 On 2 July 1998 the Government introduced the Environment Protection
and Biodiversity Conservation Bill 1998 into the Senate. The purpose of
the Bill was to overhaul and update the existing Commonwealth environmental
legislative framework. The Bill arose out of the Government's belief that
existing Commonwealth environmental law was not capable of ensuring high
environmental standards in the areas of Commonwealth responsibility, did
not provide an efficient and timely assessment and approval process and
relied on ad hoc and indirect triggers for Commonwealth involvement.
1.2 On 8 July 1998 the Senate referred the Bill to the then Environment,
Recreation, Communications and the Arts Legislation Committee for inquiry
and report by 7 October 1998. The Committee advertised the inquiry in
the major newspapers of each State and Territory on 15 July 1998, calling
for submissions to be lodged by 21 August 1998. A hearing was held in
Brisbane on 28 August 1998. On 30 August 1998 an election was called.
Submissions continued to be accepted during the election period and into
the new Parliament. The Committee received 632 submissions which are listed
in Appendix 1. Copies of non-confidential submissions were made available
on request.
1.3 Following the election held on 3 October 1998, the Bill was reintroduced
into the Senate on 12 November 1998. It was re-referred to the Environment,
Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Committee on the same
day, for report on the first sitting day of the second sitting week in
March 1999. The reporting date was subsequently extended to 27 April 1999.
1.4 The Committee held hearings in Sydney, Hobart, Perth, Canberra, Adelaide,
Darwin and Melbourne in February-March 1999. A list of witnesses who gave
evidence to the Committee, and the dates on which they were heard, is
set out in Appendix 2.
1.5 On 24 March 1999 the Environmental Reform (Consequential Provisions)
Bill 1998 [1999] was referred to the Committee for report by 27 April
1999. During the course of its 1999 hearings on the principal bill the
Committee took evidence on this bill and has included consideration of
both bills in this report.
1.6 The Committee wishes to thank all those who contributed to the inquiry
by preparing written submissions, by giving oral evidence, by providing
additional information and material where requested or by assisting with
arrangements for public hearings.