Electricity markets and
the role of coal fired power stations
This chapter provides an overview of electricity markets in Australia
and the contribution of coal fired power stations to electricity generation.
The chapter then looks at Australia's obligations under the Paris Agreement and
the role that retiring coal fired power stations can play in meeting these
Electricity markets in Australia
The National Electricity Market (NEM) and Western Australia's South-West
Interconnected System (SWIS) are the largest electricity markets in Australia.[1]
The NEM covers Australia's eastern and south-eastern coasts and comprises five
states: Queensland, New South Wales (including the Australian Capital
Territory), South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania.[2]
The SWIS covers south-west Western Australia.[3]
The NEM and the SWIS cover 86 per cent and eight per cent, respectively,
of Australia's electricity demand.[4]
Currently, coal fired generation (both brown and black coal) makes up
78 per cent of electricity generation across the NEM. This is
followed by gas, which accounts for 9.9 per cent. Figures 2.1 and 2.2 depict
Australia's electricity generation mix.
Figure 2.1 Electricity
generation mix in the NEM

Australian Energy Council, Submission 44, p. 2.
Figure 2.2 Electricity
generation mix in the SWIS (2011)

Australian Renewable Energy Agency, Australia's off-grid clean energy
Research Paper, 8 October 2014, prepared by AECOM Australia, p. 13.
Coal fired power stations in
Currently there are 24 coal fired power stations operating in Australia.
The age and capacity of the stations is varied as shown in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1 Australia's
operating coal fired power stations

Source: Australian Energy Council, Submission 44, p. 5.
Table 2.2 lists the nine coal fired power stations which closed between
2010 - 2016 across four Australian states.
Table 2.2 Australia's
decommissioned coal fired power stations

Source: Australian Energy Council, Submission 44,
p. 6.
Emissions from electricity
The Clean Energy Council noted that the electricity sector contributes
approximately one–third of Australia's emissions and that this trend is
expected to continue:
Australia's electricity system was founded on centralised,
carbon-intensive coal-fired generation. The sector is the single largest
contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, and contributes approximately a third
of our country's total emissions. This trend is expected to continue out to
2020 and beyond.[5]
Figure 2.3 Australia's domestic emissions by share,

Source: Clean Energy Council, Submission 13, p.
2 from Department of Environment, Australia's emission projections 2014-15,
March 2015, page 9.
The Climate Change Authority (CCA), its August 2016 Policy Options
for Australia's electricity supply sector: Special review research report (CCA's
Special review research report), noted that of all the sources of electricity
generation, coal contributed 88 per cent of emissions:
Of the generation sources that produce emissions, brown coal
is the most emissions-intensive—that is, it produces the most greenhouse gas
emissions per unit of generation—followed by black coal and gas...The total
emissions from each fuel depend on the emissions intensity of the fuel itself
and what share of total generation it makes up...Coal produces around 88 per
cent of generation emissions, 35 per cent from brown coal and 53 per
cent from black coal.[6]
Ageing coal fired power stations are recognised as very high producers
of pollution. The Climate Council stated:
The majority of Australia's coal fired power stations are
old, inefficient and unlikely to be able to be retrofitted with [carbon capture
and storage (CCS)] technologies. Within a decade, around half of Australia's
coal fuelled generation fleet will be over 40 years old, with some
currently operating stations approaching 60 years, all using obsolete sub
critical coal technology. These older plants will likely be too outdated,
inefficient and carbon intensive to be candidates for retrofitting CCS
A number of submitters also noted that power stations using brown coal
were the highest emitters of carbon dioxide. For example, Environment Victoria
Black coal generators in NSW and Queensland are roughly
30-40% less polluting than Victoria's brown coal generators.[8]
Figure 2.4 graphs the operating and recently decommissioned coal fired
power stations in the NEM by age and emissions.
Figure 2.4 Coal fired power stations in the National
Electricity Market

Environment Victoria, Submission 16, p. 5.[9]
The Hazelwood power station, in Victoria's Latrobe Valley, for example, is
the most intense in carbon emission in Australia. It is a brown coal power
station and generates emissions at 1.52 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2)
for each megawatt hour (MWh) of electricity produced.[10]
This amounts to 15 million tonnes of CO2 emissions per year, which
accounts for approximately 2.8 per cent of Australia's total emissions.[11]
Its high level of emissions is in part due to its age; Hazelwood has eight
units that were constructed between 1964 and 1971, making it the
oldest coal fired generator operating in Victoria.[12]
Once Hazelwood closes in March 2017, Yallourn power station, also in the
Latrobe Valley, will have the highest emission intensity in Australia.
Health impacts of coal fired power
Some submitters to the inquiry commented that pollution from coal fired
power stations causes ongoing environmental damage and health problems for
nearby communities. For example, Doctors for the Environment Australia
Coal-fired power plants are substantial sources of air
pollutants which cause significant health problems. The three main pollutants
are sulphur dioxide, SO2, a mix of nitrogen oxides referred to as
NOx, and particulate matter in the PM10 or PM2.5 size
range. SO2 and NOx are both powerful respiratory irritants, causing
asthma, chronic lung disease, and restricted lung growth in children. Fine
particle pollution causes similar respiratory problems but is also associated
with ischaemic heart disease, lung cancer, and increased mortality.
The pollutants can travel long distances, so even though
power stations are located outside cities they are contributing to major city
pollution as well as having higher impacts on the local towns. This has been
illustrated in Sydney where research by CSIRO and the Australian Nuclear
Science Technology Organisation (ANSTO) showed that half of the sulphate
particles at Richmond in western Sydney could be traced back to one of the
coal-fired power stations despite these being located 70, 90 and 140 Km away.
...While the climate change effects of coal-fired power are
distant and delayed, the air pollution effects are regional and immediate, so
should be taken into consideration in planning the transition of power
generation away from fossil fuels. The best estimate of the dollar value of the
health harm from coal-fired power in Australia is AUD $13 per MWh...[13]
The Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) argued that coal fired
generators impose significant external costs to human health, the environment,
and public infrastructure, which typically falls disproportionately on
coal-dependent communities.[14]
The ACF noted that estimated costs of health damages associated with coal
combustion for electricity in Australia amount to $2.6 billion per annum.[15]
The Latrobe Valley Sustainability Group argued that community health
benefits would result from the closure of coal fired power stations, and noted:
The Latrobe Valley has had and continues to have higher than
normal instances of cardiovascular, cancer and lung diseases and this is
consistent with studies from around the world which have linked particulate
pollution and pollution from NOx and SOx gases with higher occurrence of these
Port Augusta City Council noted that it faces significant problems in
relation to environmental damage, air pollution and emissions of ash and coal
dust as a result of the Northern Power station's closure in 2016 without
adequate environmental mitigation planning.[17]
Meeting our Paris Agreement obligations
On 22 April 2016, Australia signed the Paris Agreement, which is
designed to strengthen the United Nations Framework Convention of Climate
Change (UNFCCC). Pursuant to the Paris Agreement signatory countries, must use
specific measures in order to address climate change, such as:
- Holding the increase in the global average temperature to
well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit
the temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels,
recognizing that this would significantly reduce the risks and impacts of
climate change;
- Increasing the ability to adapt to the adverse impacts of
climate change and foster climate resilience and low greenhouse gas emissions
development, in a manner that does not threaten food production;
- Making finance flows consistent with a pathway towards
low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development.[18]
On 10 November 2016, the Federal Government ratified the Paris Agreement
alongside the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol after the Joint Standing
Committee on Treaties recommended that Australia ratify both treaties. The two
Agreements together formalise Australia's 2030 and 2020 emissions reduction targets.[19]
Countries that are signatories to the Paris Agreement have also utilised
the importance of accelerated and planned closures of coal fired generators in
meeting their climate goals. To date the United Kingdom, France, Canada,
Austria, Denmark and the Netherlands have all commenced the implementation of
coal closures in their electricity markets.[20]
Australian Government climate
In line with its obligations under the Paris Agreement, the Australian
Government has committed to reduce emissions to 26–28 per cent below 2005
levels by 2030.[21]
The Department of the Environment and Energy (the Department) states that:
This target represents a 50–52 per cent reduction in
emissions per capita and a 64–65 per cent reduction in the emissions intensity
of the economy between 2005 and 2030.[22]
The Department contends that this reduction, when considered per person
and emissions intensity basis, will exceed other countries such as the United
States, Japan, the European Union, Korea and Canada.[23]
However, a number of submissions have outlined that Australia's current
commitments will not be adequate to meet our obligation to keep global warming
below two degrees. Submitters also outlined that current climate and energy
policies would not be adequate to meet current commitments let alone an
adequate contribution to keeping global warming below two degrees. The ACF
According to the Climate Action Tracker, to meet the federal
government's Paris targets, emissions must fall 1.9 per cent annually on
average. Instead, they are rising about 1.2 per cent a year. This is a clear
indication that current climate policy is failing to achieve required pollution
Australia's initial target of 26-28 per cent pollution
reduction on 2005 levels by 2030 is inadequate compared to other similar
economies and compared to the actual goal of keeping global warming to 1.5-2°C.
If other countries followed Australia's ambition it would lead to 3-4°C of
warming above preindustrial levels.[24]
Environment Victoria highlighted that even a conservative assessment of
the global emission reductions required suggests there is very little time to
accommodate significant reductions in Australia:
According to the Stockholm Environment Institute analysis,
there is very little room for further emissions of greenhouse gases if global
temperatures are to be kept "well below 2°C" – much less below the
less dangerous 1.5°C. This analysis notes that these are generous estimates of
the available budgets, and argues that a reasonable likelihood of limiting
warming to below 1.5°C implies a global carbon budget of less than (and perhaps
significantly less than) 250 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent
(Gt CO2) from the start of 2015. Australia's share of this budget equals
less than four years of its current emissions.[25]
The Australian Government's plan is driven by Direct Action policies which
are claimed to 'reduce emissions, increase energy productivity and improve the
health of soils and the environment', a key feature of which is the Emissions
Reduction Fund (discussed below).[26]
There are two Australian government policies which are relevant to the
electricity sector: the Renewable Energy Target (RET); and the Emissions
Reduction Fund (ERF) crediting and purchasing mechanism.[27]
The Clean Energy Regulator states:
The [RET] is an Australian
Government scheme designed to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in the
electricity sector and encourage the additional generation of electricity from
sustainable and renewable sources.[28]
There are two schemes operating as part of the RET:
The Large-scale Renewable Energy Target, which encourages
investment in renewable power stations to achieve 33 000 gigawatt hours [GWh] of
additional renewable electricity generation by 2020, and
The Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme, which supports
small-scale installations like household solar panels and solar hot water
The ERF is described by the Clean Energy Regulator as:
...a voluntary scheme which operates to provide incentives for
a range of organisations and individuals to adopt new practices and
technologies to reduce their emissions.[30]
A participant must register with the ERF, secure a contract with the
Australian Government through an auction, run the project according to the
method chosen and report back to the ERF, and as a result gain Australian
Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) for the reductions that have been achieved and sell
The ERF uses this system as an exchange scheme for carbon emissions,
which is described as a 'safeguard mechanism'. The Clean Energy Regulator
states that:
While the crediting and purchasing elements provide
incentives for businesses to reduce their emissions, the safeguard mechanism
will ensure that emissions reductions purchased by the government are not
offset by significant increases in emissions above business-as-usual levels
elsewhere in the economy.[32]
The ERF and safeguard mechanism have been the subject of significant
public controversy and the government's claims for the polices have been highly
contested. A number of submissions highlighted the inadequacies of the
policies. For example, Environment Victoria stated:
A number of reputable analyses have suggested that the
Federal government's Direct Action Policy (DAP) and more specifically the [ERF]
will not be able to achieve the 5 percent cut to emissions that the Government
has agreed to, let alone reductions consistent with Australia's contribution to
staying under a 2°C limit.20 In fact, modelling by SKM MMA and Monash
University’s Centre of Policy Studies found a likely increase in emissions by
8-10 percent by 2020. In a study by Reputex, emissions growth of 16 percent by
2020 was projected under DAP.
The "Safeguard Mechanism" of the ERF was intended
to create a cap on total emissions, but the design of the mechanism means it
provides no safeguard at all. Indeed, analysis by Environment Victoria found
that emissions from the energy sector could theoretically increase by
120 million tonnes per year without breaching the safeguard mechanism.
This included possible increases of 40-50 million tonnes from coal-burning
power stations alone.
Ultimately, the [ERF] exerts no pressure on coal generators,
and therefore plays no role in modernising our electricity supply.[33]
The role of the electricity sector
in meeting emissions targets
A number of submissions highlighted the key role that the electricity
sector could play in Australia meeting its emissions reductions targets. For
example, Environment Victoria argued:
While decarbonisation is required across all sectors of
Australia's economy, our earliest and largest opportunity to reduce climate pollution
is through a managed phase out of Australia's fleet of coal-burning power
The CCA's Special Review research report stated:
Available studies consistently find that Australia has
opportunities to achieve cost-effective reductions in electricity sector
emissions as part of national action consistent with limiting warming to 2
The CCA noted that the electricity sector is Australia's largest single
source of emissions and that decarbonising the sector will require withdrawal
of high‑emissions generators over the coming decades.[36]
The CCA's recommendations were underpinned by an independent modelling
from the Jacobs Group on achieving a below two degrees scenario which showed
that by 2030 brown coal stations would be closed and over two-thirds of black
coal would also be decommissioned.[37]
Timeline for action to achieve
Paris Agreement obligations
The committee received evidence outlining a variety of timelines for the
transition of the electricity sector. Environment Victoria stated that while
Australia's energy system was undergoing transformation, 'it is not occurring
at the pace necessary to properly address the challenge of global warming'.[38]
Associate Professor Frank Jotzo, Director of the Centre for Climate
Economics and Policy, ANU College of Asia & the Pacific and Professor John
Wiseman, Deputy Director of the Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute,
University of Melbourne, provided the committee with information from their
work on the International Coal Transitions Research project:
The Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) submitted
under the UNFCCC Paris Agreement imply significant reductions in the share of
coal in primary energy by 2030. Holding the increase in global temperature to
well below 2°C and pursuing efforts to limit it to 1.5°C would require even
deeper reductions in coal use in the energy system by 2030 and 2050, even
allowing for [carbon capture and storage] technology.
Relevant research and advocacy efforts have so far focused,
with a high degree of success in many places, on stopping new coal plants. But
early phase out of both coal production and consumption assets will also be
necessary to stay well below 2°C.[39]
In his primary submission to the inquiry, Associate Professor Jotzo
outlined a timeframe for transition which sees electricity supply carbon-free
by 2050:
Achieving a low-emissions economy requires a low-carbon or
zero-carbon electricity system. As shown in the Deep Decarbonisation Pathways
Project, other pillars of decarbonisation are electrification of transport and
energy use in buildings and industry, with greater energy efficiency, as well
as emissions savings in industry and agriculture and carbon sequestration on
the land.
Various analyses have shown the viability of an electricity
system based on renewables in Australia. Modelling prepared by the CSIRO for
the Australian Deep Decarbonisation Pathways report shows a scenario where
electricity supply transitions to renewables during the 2020s and 2030s and is
carbon-free by 2050, while electricity demand increases substantially to
accommodate electrification and economic growth.
In this scenario, black coal fired electricity is largely
phased out by the early 2030s, while the more emissions intensive brown coal
fired plants are all closed by 2020.[40]
The CCA in its Special Review, Towards a climate policy toolkit:
Special Review on Australia's Climate Goals and Policies, noted:
To achieve its emissions reduction goals, Australia's
emissions must decline more steeply in the coming years than they have in the
The Climate Institute argued that, without addressing the situation in
the immediate future, urgent damaging measures would be required past 2030 in
order to meet the Paris Agreement requirements and avoid catastrophic global
warming. It states:
...climate action after 2030 would need to be more extreme –
more than 80 per cent of the coal-fired generation fleet would have to be
closed in less than five years and new clean energy capacity would have to jump
four-fold and keep rising. The impacts of such a disruptive shift would be felt
across the economy.[42]
The Climate Institute recommends that a policy framework be put in place
to achieve net zero emissions by mid-century. Among other strategies to meet
this target, The Climate Institute recommends the systematic retirement of the
existing ageing power generators to ensure that all have exited by 2035,
and to replace these stations with zero or very low emission energy technology.[43]
The Climate Institute submitted:
Separate pieces of analysis by the Climate Change Authority,
the Climate Institute, and ClimateWorks Australia and the Australian National
University find that, irrespective of the policy (or policies) used to reduce
electricity emissions consistent with the 2°C goal, all existing coal-fired
power stations need to retire before 2035. This deadline is also consistent
with analysis by the IEA which finds that all OECD countries need to "all
but phase out" generation from "unabated" coal stations
by 2035.
If the exit pathway is not consistent with net zero emissions
by 2050, the risk remains that it will have to be adjusted in the future.
The greater the gap between the exit pathway and the net zero emissions goal,
the greater and more disruptive the eventual adjustment will have to be. Our
analysis finds that, for example, a pathway consistent with the government's
current 2030 emission reduction target of 26-28 per cent below 2005 levels
would consume more than 90 per cent of the sector's thirty-year carbon budget
in the first ten years, necessitating a precipitous drop in electricity
emissions and a very rushed and messy transition to cleaner energy in the early
Origin Energy Limited (Origin) stated that the 2030 emissions reduction
target is 'significant'. Origin went on to explain the scale of change
In order to achieve it, the nation's annual emissions will
need to be reduced from current levels of about 545 MtCO2 to about
440 MtCO2 in 2030, or a bit over 100 MtCO2 in terms of an
annual point in time difference.
In order to meet this target and the deeper emissions
reductions that will be required over the longer term then a suite of
comprehensive policies will be required....
Electricity is the largest source of emissions in Australia,
at about a third. Using the electricity sector as an example and assuming it
makes a proportional contribution to the reductions mentioned above, then this
is equivalent to about a 33 MtCO2 pa reduction on current levels. To
put this in context, this is equivalent to closing one of the most emissions
intensive brown coal-fired generators in Victoria plus probably another one or
two further black coal-fired generators in other regions and replacing them
completely with renewable energy This illustrates the scale of the challenge
ahead for both the nation and the electricity sector. We note that the Paris
Agreement envisages increasing the ambition of national targets over time.[45]
Increasing generation of renewables
over time
In order to meet the Paris Agreement targets and to effectively retire
coal fired power stations, it has been contended that there must be a
correlating increase in renewable energy systems.[46]
Many submitters and witnesses who presented evidence to the committee
argued that if coal fired power stations were to close, they would need to be
replaced with power stations using different energy sources in order to
maintain energy security. Mr Andrew Stock, Climate Councillor, Climate Council,
stated that:
Currently the [coal] sector is the largest contributor to
Australia's emissions, at 188 million tonnes in 2015. By any measure, whether
it is a pro rata adjustment to the reductions that are required and committed
to now by this nation by 2030, or possibly a further extension of that based on
the inability of the current [Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs)]
to meet the two-degrees Celsius glide path, abatement in the electricity sector
could be required by 2030 of between around 50 million tonnes and 100 million
tonnes per year, recognising that currently it is around 188 million tonnes per
year. So these are very large adjustments. The current renewable energy target,
the large-scale target, will only reduce abatement in that time frame by around
30 million tonnes a year, if it is fully developed. So we believe that we will
need to see large-scale scale-up of renewable energy. Indeed not just the
Climate Council but any number of studies have indicated that, for Australia to
meet the emissions abatement/reduction targets that it has committed to, a
substantial portion of Australia's coal-fired stations will need to close by
When asked if replacing existing coal fired power stations with new,
more energy efficient power stations should be considered as an alternative
option to renewable energy, Ms Kelly O'Shannassy, Chief Executive Officer,
Australian Conservation Foundation noted:
I do not believe it is, because what we base our work on, and
the international work on, is the notion of a carbon budget—the amount of
emissions you have left in order to reach those goals in the Paris
Agreement—and it is very clear that we need to get to net zero levels of
pollution by mid-century to have a chance of the two degrees...
... So it is a better option to replace the current fleet,
which does need replacing, with plant that does not produce those net levels of
emissions right now. The technology is showing that renewable energy sources
are our best opportunity.
On the choice between building new coal fired or renewable power
stations Associate Professor Jotzo told the committee:
Stepping back from environmental policy objectives, the current
levelised cost of electricity, in terms of new build of renewables and
coal-fired power, are just about on par. With stagnating electricity demand at
the moment, we do not really need large amounts of extra capacity right now or
in the next few years. Essentially, the capital costs of coal-fired power
stations are not changing over time whereas renewable's costs are falling. Add
to that that most investors would be factoring in the probability of some form
of carbon constraint or cost of carbon at some point in the future, and I would
judge it highly unlikely that you would see commercial investment in coal-fired
plants in Australia at any point in the future.[48]
Maintaining electricity security
and reliability
Maintaining the security and stability of the electricity market is a
critical issue in the debate regarding the future of coal fired power stations.
As the Australian Mines and Metals Association explained in its submission:
...if Australia reduces its reliance on coal (through the
retirement of coal fired power stations) and if the demand for energy
(electricity) were to remain or increase, without the same amount out of supply
being brought on to the market by alternative energy sources, the price of
energy (electricity) will rise as well as elevating the risk of supply
shortages (dependent on inventory levels).[49]
When retiring power stations, a priority should therefore be placed upon
maintaining sufficient power stores. The NEM currently has a surplus of
available energy. In the 2014-15 financial year, the NEM held between
7,650 megawatts and 8,950 megawatts of surplus capacity, particularly
in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland.[50]
The ACF submitted:
According to the Australian Energy Market
Operator (AEMO), surplus generation capacity and flattening demand mean
that no new generation is needed in the next ten years. The Independent Market
Operator in Western Australia has also declared that "no new capacity will
be required in the South West Interconnected System until 2023-24".[51]
Dr Roger Dargaville of the Melbourne Energy Institute argues that many
coal fired power stations have been running at lower capacity due to the excess
power in the NEM. Thus, increasing capacity in these power stations would
assist in maintaining sufficient stores in the NEM, while assisting the
transition to renewable energy replacements and providing energy security.[52]
Environment Victoria also referred to the excess capacity in the
NEM providing security of supply:
Until recently, rising electricity demand has been making the
task of replacing coal-fired electricity with renewable energy more difficult.
However, since the early 2010s the National Electricity Market has had
significantly more capacity than will be needed for some years. This excess
electricity generation capacity in the NEM has created an opportunity to remove
existing coal-fired generation with no short-term risk to the security of supply.[53]
This argument is also supported by The Australia Institute, which noted
that idling mines and stations increase environmental harm and delay the
producers' requirement to take responsibility for the rehabilitation of the
The Clean Energy Council submitted:
While surplus generation capacity remains in the electricity
market, complementary mechanisms like the RET [Renewable Energy Target] are
important to drive the construction of new renewable energy generators. An
additional complementary mechanism is needed to allow for an orderly closure
and withdrawal of the most polluting power stations.[55]
In terms of the reliability of the network as coal fired power stations
are retired and replaced with renewable energy, the ACF noted:
The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) has also
confirmed that the National Electricity Market can operate with 100 per cent
renewable energy while meeting the current National Electricity Market
reliability requirement. In other words, 100 per cent renewable energy can meet
the energy needs of the NEM 99.998 per cent of the time.[56]
The Clean Energy Finance Corporation made a related point:
An electricity system with high levels of renewables is
capable of delivering baseload electricity supply if the system is flexible enough
to respond to shortfalls in intermittent generation supply (i.e. wind and solar
farms) with dispatchable generation, time-shifting and storage (e.g. bagasse,
hydro, solar thermal, micro grids, pumped hydro, batteries etc) and through
additional transmission interconnection capacity that integrates NEM regions.[57]
COAG review of energy security
In October 2016, the Council of Australian Government (COAG) Energy
Council agreed to 'an independent review to develop a national electricity
blueprint to ensure Australia's energy security as we transition to a lower
emissions future.'[58]
The review will be led by Australia's Chief Scientist, Dr Alan Finkel
AO. A preliminary report will be prepared for the COAG meeting in December
and a final report is expected to be presented in early 2017.[59]
On the matter of Dr Finkel's review, Mr Andrew
Stock, Climate Councillor, Climate Council (the Council) told the
...the Finkel review currently underway reviewing the national
electricity market must ensure that the NEM is structured to manage this major
electricity sector transition and decarbonisation and that the national
electricity objectives should include emissions abatement as a fourth aim.[60]
National Electricity Objective
The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) operates the NEM. The
Australian Energy Market Commission (AMEC) makes and amends the National
Electricity Rules that underpin the NEM. These include rules that:
govern the operation of the NEM–the competitive wholesale
electricity market and the associated national electricity system;
govern the economic regulation of the services provided by
monopoly transmission and distribution networks; and
facilitate the provision of services to retail customers.
The AEMC conducts independent reviews and provides advice to governments
on the development of electricity markets. When performing these functions, the
AEMC is required by law to have regard to the National Electricity Objective as
stated in the National Electricity Law:
To promote efficient investment in, and efficient operation
and use of, electricity services for the long term interests of consumers of
electricity with respect to – price, quality, safety, reliability, and security
of supply of electricity; and the reliability, safety and security of the
national electricity system.[61]
Some stakeholders to the inquiry argued that decarbonisation or a
pollution reduction objective should be included in the National Electricity
Mr Jonathan Upson, Senior Business Development Manager, Infigen Energy
expressed support for the objective to be broadened:
That is a very important point. Currently, the national
electricity objective is all about security, supply and cost—that is it. So if
you put in a rule change that does not contribute to cost or security or
supply, it gets rejected because that is not the national electricity
objective. So it is very important that there be a third objective for reducing
emissions, or however you want to portray it, because when rule changes are
proposed, they will have to evaluate all three of those criteria. I admit it is
going to be a challenge to balance the three objectives, but that is where we
are today. If you want to reduce emissions in the electricity industry, it
needs to be something that is uniform not only in legislation and in our Paris
commitments; it needs to be in the national electricity objective as well.[63]
Representatives from AGL Energy indicated their broad support for the
better integration of energy in climate policy settings:
I think it is something that certainly needs to be referenced...one
of the difficulties that we currently have is that the regulatory bodies within
our market do not necessarily have a mandate to consider legitimate
Commonwealth public policy goals around decarbonisation. Their mandate is
really defined by their specific aspects...I think they need a little bit more
permission, so to speak, through that objective to really integrate those two
policy streams.[64]
Mr Kieran Donoghue, General Manager Policy, Australian Energy Council
indicated that changing the objectives may not be the most effective mechanism:
We do not think that would be
likely to be a particularly effective instrument. It may depend a bit on the
detail. In practice that would require some of the energy market agencies to
effectively try to make some difference decisions. But if there is not that
clarity in the national polity then trying to change the objectives of the NEO
would not be an effective substitute for that. Conversely, if we do get that
clarity which we need, there would be no particular need to embed anything new
in the NEO because we would have the clarity and the judgement about rules, and
applying the rules would be in the context of that. So we do not think it would
actually do what its supporters seem to think it would do. It is a proxy for
getting policy right at the national level.[65]
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