Appendix 1

Appendix 1

Submissions, additional information and answers to questions taken on notice


  1. Mr Peter Lowe
  2. Ms Karen McQuigg
  3. Deafness Council WA Inc
  4. CPSU
  5. Communications Law Centre, University of Technology Sydney
  6. Media Access Australia
  7. Name Withheld
  8. Age and Disability Discrimination Commissioner
  9. Name Withheld
  10. Australian Communications Consumer Action Network
  11. Access Innovation Media Pty Limited
  12. Deafness Forum of Australia
  13. Deaf Australia
  14. SBS
  15. ASTRA
  16. Ms Rita Pasqualini
  17. Australian Federation of Disability Organisations
  18. Foxtel
  19. Free TV Australia
  20. Department of Communications
  21. Mr Michael Lockrey
  22. Screen Producers Australia
  23. Mr Lyndon Lockrey
  24. Australian Broadcasting Corporation
  25. Ms Kate Obermayer
  26. Fox Sports
  27. Mr J R Ryan JP

Additional information

Deaf Australia - Additional information received following public hearing, Sydney, 2 February 2015

Answers to questions taken on notice

Foxtel - Answer to a question taken on notice (from public hearing, Sydney, 2 February 2015)
Australian Human Rights Commission - Answer to a question taken on notice (from public hearing, Sydney, 2 February 2015)
Department of Communications - Answer to a question taken on notice (from public hearing, Sydney, 2 February 2015)
Australian Communications and Media Authority - Answers to questions taken on notice (from public hearing, Sydney, 2 February 2015)

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