

Report to the Senate

[1]        Revised Requirements, dated 8 July 2011, to apply to annual reports for the financial year ending on 30 June 2011, are available at

[2]        Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports for Departments, Executive Agencies and FMA Act Bodies, 8 July 2011, p. 2.

[3]        Official Senate Hansard, 8 December 1987, pp 2643–45.

[4]        Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports for Departments, Executive Agencies and FMA Act Bodies, 8 July 2011, p. 3.

[5]        Senator McLucas, Senate Hansard, 2 November 2011, p. 8042.

[6]        Senator Macdonald, Senate Hansard, 1 March 2012, p. 1456.

[7]        Senator Cameron, Senate Hansard, 22 March 2012, p. 2666.

[8]        Senator McKenzie, Senate Hansard, 22 March 2012, p. 2669.

[9]        Senate Notice Paper No. 106, pp 12–13.

[10]      Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports for Departments, Executive Agencies and FMA Act Bodies, Canberra, 8 July 2011, p. 2.

[11]      Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports for Departments, Executive Agencies and FMA Act Bodies, Canberra, 8 July 2011, p. 1.

[12]      See, for example, Environment and Communications Legislation Committee, Annual Reports (No 2 of 2011), September 2011; Environment, Communications and the Arts Legislation Committee, Annual reports (No. 2 of 2009), September 2009; and Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Legislation Committee,  Annual reports (No. 2 of 2002), September 2002, pp 28–29.

[13]      Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports for Departments, Executive Agencies and FMA Act Bodies, Canberra, 8 July 2011, p. 2.

[14]      Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports for Departments, Executive Agencies and FMA Act Bodies, Canberra, 8 July 2011, p. 2.

[15]      Murray-Darling Basin Authority Annual Report 2010–11, p. 5.

[16]      Murray-Darling Basin Authority Annual Report 2010–11, p. 6.

[17]      Murray-Darling Basin Authority Annual Report 2010–11, pp 1‑3.

[18]      Murray-Darling Basin Authority Annual Report 2010–11, pp 6‑7.

[19]      Murray-Darling Basin Authority Annual Report 2010–11, Financial Statements, p. 212.

[20]      Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Annual Report 2010‑11, p. 3.

[21]      Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Annual Report 2010–11, p. 3.

[22]      Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Annual Report 2010–11, p. 5.

[23]      Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Annual Report 2010–11, p. 5.

[24]      Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Annual Report 2010–11, p. 6.

Appendix 1 – Annual reports referred to the committee

[1]        Statutory Authority includes statutory office-holders.

[2]        Dates shown are:

A   The date shown on a letter of transmittal printed with the annual report (if any)

B    Date submitted to the Minister, as recorded in the Senate's Order of Business (if any)

C    Date received by the Minister, as recorded in the Senate's Order of Business (if any)

[3]        The date in parenthesis shows the date that the report was presented out of session to the President / Deputy President / Temporary Chairman of Committees.