Communications, Information Technology and the Arts portfolio

Budget Estimates 2007-2008 - May 2007

Communications, Information Technology and the Arts portfolio

Index of questions taken on notice 
Monday, 21 May  (Arts and Sport)  (Word 146KB)   (PDF 173KB)
Wednesday, 23 May  (Communications)  (Word 344KB)   (PDF 144KB)
Thursday, 24 May  (Communications)     (Word 150KB)   (PDF 179KB)

Documents tabled
The Minister for the Arts and Sport, copy of newspaper article, 'Luhrmann hails budget boost for film "stunning"' from The Sydney Morning Herald, 10 May 2007, p. 13  (PDF 208KB)

The Minister for the Arts and Sport, copy of correspondence from the Minister to CEO, ASADA, dated 5 April 2007 and copy of correspondence from CEO, ASADA to the Minister, dated 5 April 2007   (PDF 249KB)

Ms Scott, Secretary, DCITA, chart: Public Information Campaigns – Estimate of GST    (PDF 89KB)

Ms Scott, copies of two letters from:
  Senator the Hon Helen Coonan, Minister, dated 22 May 2007, to the Secretary-General, OECD, Paris
  United States Department of State, Washington, DC, dated 24 April 2007, to the Secretary-General, OECD, Paris   (PDF 475KB)

The Minister for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, copy of advice concerning content filtering policies in place in Parliament House and other sites (principally electorate offices)  (PDF 95KB)

Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts
Access & Consumer  (Word 26KB)
Arts and Sport  (Word 30KB)
Arts - National Portrait Gallery (Word 46KB)
Content & Media (Word 32KB
Corporate  & Business (Word 70KB)  
Finance   (Word 46KB)
Infrastructure & Security  (Word 68KB
Legal   (Word 24KB)
Research, Statistics and Technology   (Word 26KB)
Strategic Development & Regional  (Word 52KB

Australia Business Arts Foundation Ltd (Word 52KB)
Australia Council (Word 58KB)
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
    qons 132-161 (Word 494KB)  
        attachment to qon 138 (PDF 1154KB)
        attachment to qon 143 (Excel 72KB)
    qons 162-192  (Word 226KB
        attachment to qon 174 (Excel 20KB)
        attachment to qon 182 (Excel 91KB)
Australian Communications and Media Authority  (Word 166KB
Australian National Maritime Museum (Word 26KB)
Australian Sports Commission (Word 32KB)
Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (Word 222KB)
Film Finance Corporation Australia (Word 35KB)
National Archives of Australia  (Word 33KB)
National Gallery of Australia (Word 24KB)
National Museum of Australia (Word 25KB)
Special Broadcasting Service (Word 396KB

Government Business Enterprise
Australia Post (Word 148KB
    attachment to qon 65  (Word 534KB)
    attachment to qon 69  (Word 2314KB)

For further information, contact:

Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Environment, Communications and the Arts
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526
Fax: +61 2 6277 5818