Each government portfolio is allocated to a committee for the consideration of estimates, and each year the Senate adopts a schedule for the following year's estimates hearings.
Additionally, cross portfolio hearings are held on Indigenous matters during each estimates round.
The Senate agreed to hold a cross portfolio hearing on Murray-Darling Basin Plan matters during the 2024-25 Budget estimates.
Each committee may hold further estimates hearings, as required. Dates and schedules for these hearings will be added to this page as the information is available.
Information on past hearings can be found on the relevant committee's estimates homepage.
2024–25 Additional estimates
24 to 28 February 2025
Hearing programs will be published once available
Group A
Monday, 24 February and Tuesday, 25 February
Group B
Wednesday, 26 February and Thursday, 27 February
Cross portfolio
Friday, 28 February 2025