Immigration and Citizenship Portfolio

Budget Estimates 2010-2011 (May 2010)

Immigration and Citizenship Portfolio

Tabled documents

Item no

Tabled by:





MRT-RRT Member Recruitment– Interview Questions and Process for Appointment

(PDF 741KB)



PBS Estimates for Administered Revenue through Visa Application Charges (VAC) and Sponsorship Fees

(PDF 172KB)



FOI Requests

(PDF 899KB)


DIAC Update to the answer provided to QON 49 from Additional Estimates 2009-10 – Irregular Maritime Arrivals from 1 July 2008 to 18 May 2010 (PDF 79KB)
5 DIAC Update to the answer provided to QON 59 from Additional Estimates 2009-10 – Charter Aircrafts (PDF 198KB)
6 DIAC Illegal Workers Located by Industry – 1 July 2009 to 31 March 2010 (PDF 206KB)

Letters of correction/clarification

Questions on notice

Questions on notice index (PDF 127KB)

Answers to questions on notice were due 9 July 2010.

Q. No.

Hansard Ref/Written






7 RRT Humphries Has the tribunal set aside any departmental decisions on Sri Lankan and Afghan cases since the freeze was announced on 9 April? (PDF 8KB)


15-16 MRT/RRT Humphries You said that people with a low set-aside rate would not necessarily have that factor dominate the consideration of their reappointment. You said that a range of factors might contribute to that. If that were the case you would expect that people with the lowest set-aside rates would have no greater or lesser expectation of being reappointed than anybody else. Can we find out whether those with the lowest set-aside rates have, indeed, been reappointed in the last round for which decisions have been made? (PDF 8KB)


19 MRT/RRT Humphries Could I ask you to take on notice the question of the returning members or members applying for reappointment. Have those with the five highest set-aside rates been reappointed?

I am talking again about the previous round—the same round that I am asking about with the low set-aside rates.


23 MRT/RRT Humphries Provide a table of the general set-aside rates by the tribunals for the last five years. (PDF 11KB)


23 MRT/RRT Barnett When was the country information on Sri Lanka last updated? (PDF 7KB)


24 MRT Barnett Provide the percentage increase on student refusal lodgements this year. (PDF 7KB)


29 OMARA Barnett Provide an updated figure for 2009-2010 for the number of complaints received against registered migration agents by the Office of the MARA. (PDF 6KB)


33-34 Internal Product Humphries Provide individual processing times outcomes for individual visa classes and advise how it has improved on the previous financial year. (PDF 12KB)


37 Internal Product Humphries Do you have the figures for the number of people presently in the establishment of Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6? (PDF 6KB)


39 Internal Product Humphries Provide efficiency specifics for processing visa applications for each individual product line. (PDF 7KB)


40 Internal Product Barnett Provide actual movements in ASL by outcome for 2008-09 and 2009-10. (PDF 12KB)
12 40 Internal Product Barnett Provide the headcount for the Department by outcome for 2008-09 and 2009-10. (PDF 12KB)
13 40-41 Internal Product Barnett With respect to this financial year and the past two financial years, can you be more specific as to where the staff reductions in Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 will be coming from? (PDF 7KB)


42-43 Internal Product Humphries How many staff are involved in processing IMAs at different locations? (PDF 7KB)


44 4.3 Barnett Explain the difference between DIAC’s Christmas Island detainee numbers as at 19 May 2010 of 2,295 and AG’s detainee numbers as at 21 May 2010 of 2,437. (PDF 7KB)


44-45 Internal Product Barnett In the answer to a question on notice for 30 June 2008, 30 June 2009 and then 31 January 2010 I would like to know where the increase in departmental staff has come from—the section of the department from which they come—to Christmas Island. Over the two-year period it has increased from four to 85, an increase of 81. They have come from somewhere. I would like to know whence they came. (PDF 17KB)


46-47 1.1 Humphries/Barnett The budget for 2010-11 demonstrates a decrease of almost $32 million in administered revenues for the 2009-10 financial year as a result of eligibility changes to visa revenue. What proportion of the total of the visa application fee revenue is represented by that $32 million figure?

Could you provide a breakdown of that revenue with visa types in both the money and the percentage?
(PDF 11KB)


47 1.1 Barnett Provide a breakdown of the $274 million (the second instalment visa application charges). (PDF 17KB)


48 1.1 Humphries Do you have a projection of how many fewer offshore and how many more onshore student applications? (PDF 10KB)


55 1.1 Humphries How many labour agreements have been refused outright? (PDF 12KB)


59 1.1 Humphries What is the current state of advice that would be relevant to VETASSESS assessors on whether they can travel to Sri Lanka—is it safe to travel to Sri Lanka or not for these assessments? (PDF 7KB)


61 1.1 Humphries In relation to 485 visas, provide the number of visa grants by nationality for 2008-09 and 2009-10. (PDF 17KB)


61 1.1 Humphries What is the total number of international student visas granted in 2008-09? (PDF 7KB)


62 1.1 Barnett How many 485 visa applications were declined in 2008-09 and 2009-10? (PDF 7KB)


62 1.1 Humphries Provide the full performance statistics on the 485 visa in the last three years. (PDF 58KB)


62 1.1 Humphries How many international student visas were declined in 2008-09, how many were approved in 2009-10 and how many were declined in 2009-10, to date? In respect of these sorts of visas has there been a marked increase in the decline of international student visas? (PDF 7KB)


63 1.1 Humphries What is the average waiting time for 485 visas? (PDF 6KB)


63 1.1 Humphries Has the length in time for processing international student visas increased since the introduction of the integrity measures? If so, by how much? (PDF 10KB)


64-65 1.1 Humphries In relation to the $31.73 million revenue reduction for 2009-10, provide a breakdown of the 12, 567 reduction in applications by visa category. (PDF 8KB)


65 1.1 Humphries For general migration to Australia, you mentioned there was a reduction in income from $136 million to $101 million expected this coming financial year. What would we attribute that fall in general migration to? (PDF 12KB)


66 1.1 Humphries (1) Is it possible to get for this financial year to date the number of refusals in these categories? I suppose that if a person applies, say, for a partner, they can either get accepted—that is, granted a visa—or they can have their application not considered because a certain number have already been accepted. In the case of non-contributory parents the quota is already filled, so they might be refused. Is it possible to say how many have been refused in those four categories (partner visas, preferential other category visas, non-contributory parent visas and contributory parent visas) you gave me in the year to date?
(2) With respect to those who have been refused, do we have any indication of how many take appeals to the MRT and how many appeals are successful? I think we are talking here about 2008-09, if we are looking at both appeals and outcomes of appeals.
(3) Can you give me any information about how the numbers of applicants in those various categories for applications compare with the previous three years?
(PDF 17KB)


67 2.1 Humphries What would be the standard way of dealing with a sponsor from Afghanistan who wanted to bring children into Australia and who could not produce any birth certificates? Maybe you could take on notice just a description of what typically would be the process if there were a lack of documentation. (PDF 7KB)


68 6.1 Humphries Excluding humanitarian applicants and those people without another citizenship to turn to, in the last year how many cases were there where a person was deprived of Australian citizenship? (PDF 6KB)


68 1.1 Humphries Would you say that there had been any increase in non bona fide applications across any of these categories in the last year or so? (PDF 7KB)


72 Internal Product Humphries Provide an assessment of the resources required by the department to process the application of an offshore humanitarian applicant compared to those for an IMA. (PDF 7KB)


73 2.1 Humphries At which posts have overseas humanitarian and refugee visa grants been made in the last year and how many were made in each post? (PDF 10KB)


74 Internal Product Humphries When was the last time we processed a visa in Damascus? (PDF 6KB)


74 Internal Product Humphries Can you tell me how many Afghans Australia has issued visas to in 2009-10 to date and from which overseas posts? (PDF 7KB)


75 Internal Product Humphries (1) How many applications were accepted in Pakistan in, say, 2008-09?
(2) What nationalities have been granted visas through that process and particularly how many from Afghanistan?


75 2.1 Humphries Has the UNHCR referred any Afghan cases in Pakistan to Australia? If you establish that there were such cases could you tell me when the last one was done? (PDF 7KB)


75 2.1 Humphries How many Afghan refugees, humanitarian applications were accepted and how many travelled to Australian in 2008-09 and 2009-10 to date? (PDF 8KB)


75-76 2.1 Parry How many humanitarian refugee visas have been granted out of Indonesia and Malaysia from the caseload of asylum seekers processed by the UNHCR from 2008-09 until the year to date, what nationalities were they and what type of visa were they given? (PDF 11KB)


76 2.1 Parry How many of the 4,277 onshore protection visa applications were lodged by people who arrived with visas and were lawful at the time of application, how many were lodged by people who arrived with visas but were unlawful at the time of application and how many were lodged by people who were unauthorised air arrivals? (PDF 7KB)


76-77 2.1 Parry (1) How many irregular maritime arrivals (IMAs) sought refugee status in Australia? (2)How many IMAs lodged protection visa applications?(3) How many visas were granted in the first instance by the department in each category (onshore protection visa applications, unauthorised air arrivals and IMAs)?
(4) How many were refused and how many subsequently appealed in both 2008-09 and the year to date?


77 4.1 Parry How many failed asylum applicants have been removed from Australia? (PDF 6KB)


77 2.1 Parry How many places in the humanitarian and refugee program have been provided to onshore asylum claims, including air arrivals and those who have arrived unauthorised by boat? Can we have a breakdown of those figures? (PDF 13KB)


77 2.1 Parry How many places in the humanitarian refugee program have been provided to the family members of onshore asylum claimants and unauthorised boat arrivals and are visas usually provided through the humanitarian programs or through the family reunion programs? Again, can we have a breakdown? (PDF 7KB)


78 2.1 Parry What is the acceptance rate by nationality of onshore protection claims and how does that compare with acceptance rates in the United Kingdom and in North America? (PDF 12KB)


79 2.1 Parry What is the acceptance rate by nationality of protection claims made by those arriving in an offshore excised place? (PDF 6KB)


92 2.1 Hanson-Young Could you please inform us as to whether human rights standards and the protection of human rights are actually referenced in the agreement with IOM? (PDF 8KB)


96-97 4.1 Humphries How many of the 480 people who have had negative primary refugee status assessment decisions have been removed? Provide a breakdown of the 480. (PDF 12KB)


97 2.1 Humphries How many of the recently arrived IMAs had previously been refused refugee status and subsequently removed from Australia? (PDF 6KB)


97-98 2.1 Humphries Of the irregular maritime arrival cohort, what is the longest serving detainee whose status has been refused but who has not been returned to another country yet, i.e. refused by the department or refused and reviewed but still unsuccessful who have no further avenues for appeal who are still waiting? (PDF 7KB)


98 2.1 Humphries Provide a list of the Immigration Advice and Application Assistance Scheme (IAAAS) panel members and the cost for the last financial year and the cost for this year to date. (PDF 37KB)


100 2.1 Humphries Provide a breakdown of the number of people who fall into the various categories that make up the 13,750 humanitarian places. (PDF 12KB)


107 3.1 Humphries In the last 12 months has anybody been prosecuted for presenting or using a false or altered documents? If so, how many? (PDF 7KB)


113 3.1 Barnett What is the level of expenditure on the education and information campaigns with respect to anti-people-smuggling messages? (PDF 7KB)


5 4.1 Humphries Can you say precisely how many staff are currently performing compliance related activities across the department at this point in time?  Provide a comparison with the last two financial years. (PDF 11KB)


6 Internal Product Humphries Provide a breakdown of the immigration workforce at each of Australia’s overseas posts. (PDF 23KB)


7 4.1 Humphries Provide the number of compliance related detainees in the onshore detention network for April 2010. (PDF 7KB)


7 4.1 Humphries Was a correction published in relation to the article published in the Australian in April 2010 alleging compliance officers were requested to only detain people when necessary because of space pressures inside detention centres? (PDF 6KB)


7 4.1 Humphries What is the current overstay rate of visitors for those granted visas at the ‘high risk’ posts overseas and how does the rate today compare with the rate over the last three years? (PDF 7KB)


10 4.3 Humphries Provide a list of the communicable or notifiable diseases that were reported on Christmas Island for each of the previous three financial years. (PDF 7KB)


10 4.3 Humphries Have there been cases where communicable diseases have escaped from the centre and moved into the rest of the Christmas Island population? (PDF 6KB)


11 4.1 Parry In relation to the illegal worker by industry table, provide details of category entitled ‘Government administration and defence – one person’ (PDF 7KB)


11 4.3 Humphries Provide a copy of the poster that is on Christmas Island explaining how detainees can make complaints and advise who produced it. (PDF 7KB)
(PDF 1951KB) Arabic
(PDF 807KB) English
(PDF 808KB) English
(PDF 934KB) Ombudsman Multilingual
(PDF 1101KB) Ombudsman poster design
(PDF 1410KB) Punjabi


11 4.3 Humphries Except for the Red Cross, is the phone number provided on the complaints poster a local Christmas Island phone number? (PDF 7KB)


18-19 4.2 and 4.3 Hanson-Young Provide a breakdown of the numbers of people in detention both onshore and offshore by location and nationality.
(Please note at the hearing an undertaking was given to the Senator to prioritise the response to this question)
(PDF 7KB) Table


24 4.3 Hanson-Young In relation to the cases of self-harm on Christmas Island, did any of those cases result in anybody being removed from the island? (PDF 7KB)


24-25 4.3 Hanson-Young Confirm that there are no pregnant women currently detained in the construction camp who are past the date at which they are able to fly and be removed from the island and confirm a woman whose pregnancy was more advanced than thought has been removed from the island. (PDF 7KB)


25-26 Internal Product Hanson-Young In relation to compensation payouts that the Commonwealth has paid for either injury or wrongful detention, provide a breakdown of what money we have had to spend over the last decade, from 2000 to 2010.  (PDF 8KB)


27 4.3 Barnett What is the average period of detention for each of the last three years? (PDF 8KB)


28 and 35 4.3 Barnett/Humphries In relation to the $327 million in administered expenses for 2010-2011, what is the average occupancy rate, the average length of stay in detention and the average cost of the accommodation? (PDF 8KB)


34 4.3 Barnett How many Sri Lankan IMAs arrived this year and in the previous year? (PDF 7KB)


39 4.3 Barnett For this financial year provide the costs that apply to each of the categories that make up the administered expenses. (PDF 13KB)


41 4.3 Barnett What are the capital rebuild costs and DIAC staffing costs of the incremental costs for 2010-11? (PDF 8KB)


41 4.2 and 4.3 Barnett What are the budget paper figures for staff on Christmas Island and other detention centres as at 30 June 2011? (PDF 12KB)


42 4.3 Barnett Provide the IMA figures used to prepare the estimates for 1999 and 2000. (PDF 7KB)


49 4.2 Humphries What is the average space per person provided for in the detention standards? (PDF 7KB)


49 4.3 Humphries What is the actual outcome of occupancy in the Christmas Island IDC? To what extent is the standard being breached? (PDF 7KB)


50 4.3 Humphries How many detainees who were granted a permanent protection visa have departed Christmas Island by month, including July, in the current financial year? (PDF 8KB)


54 4.3 Humphries In relation to the $143.8 million for capital funding for additional immigration detention facilities, provide a breakdown for the Curtin facility. (PDF 8KB)


54 4.3 Humphries What will be the estimated operating costs of the Curtin facility once it is operational at stage one? (PDF 7KB)


54-55 4.3 Humphries In relation to the Curtin facility, what will the staffing be once it is operational at stage one? How many staff will there be, particularly how many DIAC staff and Serco staff? (PDF 12KB)


56-57 4.3 Humphries (1) How much is it costing to house IMAs in hotels on a monthly basis? 
(2) Do the arrangements include the cost of meals for the detainees?
(3) Do they use private cooking facilities in the hotels? Is there any capacity provided for them to cook for themselves?


57-58 4.3 Humphries There were reports of asylum seekers and crew members off boats arriving on the mainland, I think in Darwin, wearing facemasks—the little cloth sort for shielding sneezes and things like that. Is that true and would they have been supplied with those facemasks by the department? (PDF 7KB)


58 4.3 Humphries How many people have been transferred in the financial year to date to Darwin hospital with illness? Have any IMAs been transferred to Darwin hospital with serious illnesses? (PDF 8KB)


59 4.3 Humphries How many extra staff has Serco engaged as a result of the additional responsibilities of the extra sites? Where are those extra staff working? (PDF 7KB)


59-60 2.1 Humphries There was a report about the transfer of 34 detainees from Christmas Island to Villawood on 5 April, that you described, Minister, as being on a negative pathway. So they had been refused refugee status and they were, as you put it, in the process of being sent home or sent away. What has happened to those 34 people? Have they now left the country? Provide more precision than a number. (PDF 12KB)


61 2.1 Humphries Thirty four were transferred to Villawood on 5 April and 89 detainees were also transferred to Villawood on 27 March. So all of this group had their claims rejected and were said to be on a negative or a removal pathway. According to DIAC, as at 17 May there were still 122 IMAs at Villawood. Have all these people had their refugee status refused? (PDF 7KB)


61 4.3 Humphries Is it not true that under the previous government detainees who had been rejected were not transferred to the mainland except for things such as medical emergencies? When their claims had been rejected they were then removed off the island; they were not housed on the mainland before they were sent home? (PDF 7KB)


63-64 4.2 Humphries The committee has received a document that I think is from DIAC headed Immigration detention statistics summary, which sets out, as at 7 May 2010, all the places of immigration detention and the break-up between men, women and children in each place. Can we have an update of that, please? Provide the information with place of detention by nationality. (PDF 7KB)
(PDF 7KB) Citizenship Table
(PDF 19KB) Detention Statistics Summary


64 3.1 Humphries How long is it currently taking for ASIO to make security assessments of offshore entry persons? (PDF 7KB)


65 3.1 Humphries (1)How many IMAs in the course of this financial year have had ASIO security checks?
(2) How many have received negative assessments?
(3) Are there any cases in which ASIO has changed its assessment in the light of later information or for any other reasons?


65 4.3 Humphries How many people are arriving as IMAs without documentation at the moment? (PDF 7KB)


67 and 72 2.1 Humphries/Barnett Which other countries have put a freeze on the processing of asylum claims as was said in April? (PDF 7KB)


70 and 73 2.1 Barnett/Humphries Provide key references that show the current situation in respect of the safety, security and avoidance of persecution of the Hazara people in Afghanistan. (PDF 14KB)


71 4.3 Barnett What is the estimated additional cost in delaying the processing and holding of the Afghani and Sri Lankan irregular maritime arrivals that we currently have? (PDF 7KB)


71 Internal Product Barnett How many Afghanis and Sri Lankans have been issued visas by Australia at overseas posts in the past year? Can you advise which posts, what kinds of visas were issued? (PDF 7KB)
(PDF 7KB) Afghan Table
(PDF 11KB) Sri Lanka Table


72 2.1 Barnett When was the last time Australia processed a protection visa from either Afghanis or Sri Lankans onshore or offshore and advise where it was done? (PDF 11KB)


72-73 2.1 Barnett (1) Is the department aware whether the UK, the US, Canada, New Zealand or other resettlement countries have visaed Sri Lankans and Afghans in the last two financial years?
(2) Have those countries refused to process onshore asylum claims from Sri Lankans and Afghans?


74 2.1 Humphries As well as the international organisations, we have the advantage in this country of having a substantial population of expatriates. Has DIAC or anyone else in the government used those communities to verify the information that you receive from other sources? (PDF 7KB)


76 4.2 Barnett Provide a copy of the checklist document that is used when communicating with key stakeholder groups when establishing detention facilities or using a local city motel, for example. (PDF 9KB)


80 4.1 Humphries Take the three or four most common countries of repatriation and provide the most common routes taken for taking people back there. (PDF 7KB)


81-82 2.1 Humphries Confirm the $140,000 grant to the Refugee Council of Australia comes within Outcome 2. (PDF 7KB)


83 6.1 Humphries How much of the $9.7 million in additional funding to counter violent extremism and the threat of home gown terrorism in the Australian community will be coming from the Immigration and Citizenship portfolio? (PDF 7KB)


Written Internal Product Barnett (1) How many permanent staff have been recruited since the additional estimates (Feb 2010)?
(2) What level are these staff?
(PDF 10KB)


Written Internal Product Barnett How many temporary positions exist or have been created since the additional estimates (Feb 2010)? (PDF 7KB)


Written Internal Product Barnett Since the additional estimates in February 2010, how many employees have been employed on contract and what is the average length of their employment period? (PDF 6KB)


Written Internal Product Barnett (1) Have staffing numbers been reduced as a result of the efficiency dividend and/or other budget cuts?
(a)  Since the efficiency dividend was introduced?
(b)  Since additional estimates?
(2) If so, where and at what level?
(3) Are there any plans for staff reduction?  If so, please advise details ie. reduction target, how this will be achieved, services/programs to be cut etc.
(PDF 14KB)


Written Internal Product Barnett If your Department/agency has been identified in the budget as delivering further efficiencies (savings), how will these be delivered?  (for example, if the budget papers say ‘improvement to strategic work practices’ or similar, what are these and how will they be delivered? (PDF 12KB)


Written Internal Product Barnett What changes are underway or planned for graduate recruitment, cadetships or similar programs?  If reductions or increases are envisaged please explain including reasons, target numbers etc. (PDF 7KB)


Written Internal Product Barnett Government Advertising
(1) What communications programs has the Department/Agency undertaken since additional estimates and what communications programs are planned to be undertaken?
(2) For each program, what is the total spend?
(by ‘communications program’ it is meant communication of a government message to the public – possibly by advertising (print, television etc), possibly through the erection of signs, plaques etc, or through other mediums.  The recent (current) Government TV advertising campaign on health reform and specific health initiatives are examples, BER signage is an example, advertising on the Government’s proposed new tax system would be another example.) 
(3) A breakdown of how much was spent/is planned to be spent on each program/initiative should be provided.


Written Internal Product Barnett (1) What is the Department's hospitality spend FYTD?
(2) Please detail date, location, purpose and cost of all events.
(PDF 12KB)
115 Written Internal Product Barnett (1) For each Minister/Par Sec's office, please detail total hospitality spend FYTD.
(2) Please detail date, location, purpose and cost of each event.
116 Written Internal Product Barnett Board Appointments
(1) What is the gender ratio on each board and across the portfolio?
(2) What is the gender ratio of appointments made to boards since the Government came to office in November 2007?
117 Written Internal Product Barnett Grants
Has the Department complied with interim requirements relating to the publication of discretionary grants?
118 Written Internal Product Barnett (1) Has the Department/agency received any advice from the Government or any other source on how to respond to FOI requests?
(2) How many FOI requests has the Department received?
(3) How many have been granted or denied?
(4) How many conclusive certificates have been issued in relation to FOI requests?
119 Written Internal Product Barnett (1) What was the cost of Ministers travel and expenses for the Community Cabinet meetings held since additional estimates?
(2) How many Ministerial Staff and Departmental officers travelled with the Minister for the Community Cabinet meeting?
(3) What was the total cost of this travel?
(4) What was the total cost to the Department and the Ministers office?
(PDF 13KB)
120 Written Internal Product Barnett

(1) What is the total number of Reviews both completed and ongoing in the portfolio/agency or affecting the portfolio agency since November 2007? 
(2) Please provide a breakdown of reviews completed since the government came to office (only those commenced after the current government came to office) including
(a)  when those reviews were provided to Government, 
(b)  estimated cost of producing each review (and total cost), and 
(c)  if the Government has responded to the review or information about when the Government has indicated it will/will not respond to the review.
(3) How many reviews are ongoing?
(4) How many reviews have been completed since additional estimates?
(5) What further reviews are planned in the portfolio/agency?
Senator Barnett has provided the following definition of a Review:
'A review is to be defined as a formal examination of a particular Departmental or agency responsibility which is suitable for public release which is conducted by or commissioned by the Department or agency.’

(PDF 15KB)
121 Written Internal Product Barnett (1) How many consultancies have been undertaken or are underway since November 2007?  Please identify the name of the consultant, the subject matter of the consultancy, the duration and cost of the contract, and the method of procurement (ie. open tender, direct source, etc).  
(2) Please also include total value for all consultancies, including figures for total spending on consultancies and also value of contracts awarded?  Provide total figures since November 2007 and a breakdown on these figures for FY 2008/09 and 2009/10 FYTD.
(3) Is the Department/agency up to date with its reporting requirements on the Government’s tenders and contacts website?  Are the figures available on that site correct?
(4) How many consultancies are planned for this calendar year?  Have these been published in your Annual Procurement Plan (APP) on the AusTender website and if not why not? In each case please identify the subject matter, duration, projected cost and method of procurement as above, and the name of the consultant if known.
122 Written Internal Product Barnett (1) Has the portfolio/agency paid its accounts to contractors/consultants etc in accordance with Government policy in terms of time for payment (ie. within 30 days)?  If not, why not, and what has been the timeframe for payment of accounts?  Please provide a breakdown, average statistics etc as appropriate to give insight into how this issue is being approached.)
(2) For accounts not paid within 30 days, is interest being paid on overdue amounts and if so how much has been paid by the portfolio/department agency for the current financial year and the previous financial year?
(3) Where interest is being paid, what rate of interest is being paid and how is this rate determined?
123 Written 2.1 Hanson-Young What support will Australia provide to countries of first asylum for the care, integration or other benefit of asylum seekers and refugees?
–         E.g. Will Australia provide support for alternatives to detention? For education for children? For employment or other social support?
124 Written 2.1 Hanson-Young (1) How does Australia participate in IOM’s governance?
(2) How does the government ensure that IOM’s work, particularly work specifically funded by Australia in Indonesia, meets Australia’s human rights obligations?  
–         Are human rights among the “interests” that the government advocates in its participation in IOM’s governance? 
(3)  What specific demands has Australia made to IOM regarding the protection of human rights of individuals, particularly asylum seekers and refugees, within its care?
–         Standards of detention?
–         Ensuring non-refoulement?
(PDF 15KB)
125 Written 3.1 Hanson-Young (1) Does government consider asylum seekers among those likely to threaten the national interest, whose entry must be prevented under Program 3.1?
(2) Does “capacity building” include building capacity to identify and address protection needs of asylum seekers and refugees?
(PDF 14KB)
126 Written 2.1 Hanson-Young Outcome 4 strategies and initiatives include “To strengthen the migration and border management capabilities of governments in the Asia-Pacific region and parts of South Asia and the Middle East.”  This same objective appears under Program 4.3 (Offshore Asylum Seeker Management).
(1) How does this objective relate, in concrete terms, to the management of asylum seekers?
(2) Which specific countries does this concern, and with which government departments in those countries is the Australian government currently working to “strengthen migration and border management capabilities”?
(3) What activities or programs does the government have in place or intend to commence regarding strengthening of migration management in those countries?
(4) How is this indicator consistent with the Sri Lankan and Afghan asylum processing freeze which requires unreviewable and indefinite detention for all asylum seekers of those nationalities?  Will the government now amend that policy to ensure it meets this objective?
(PDF 10KB)
127 Written 2.1 Hanson-Young (1) Identify the amount of funding to IOM broken down by project, outcome and detention or transit facility.
(2) Explain how the government proposes to maintain oversight and accountability for the way in which IOM spends Australian funds to provide care and support to irregular migrants, and in particular, for ensuring protection of the human rights of asylum seekers and refugees.
(PDF 14KB)
128 Written 2.1 Hanson-Young (1) What are facial identification techniques and for what purpose is the government training Indonesian immigration officials to employ them?
(2) What training is the Australian government providing to Indonesian immigration officials to identify individuals with protection needs, and to prevent returning or unlawfully detaining individuals with such needs (such as refugees)?
129 Written 2.1 Hanson-Young Payment to IOM to establish an additional immigration detention and transit facility in Indonesia, under item deliverables (p.55 of the portfolio budget statement)
Provide all details, and a copy of the agreement relating to this new facility
(a)  What is the sum of the payment?
(b)  Where will the facility be located?
(c)  Who will be responsible for administering the facility?
(d)  What will the facility’s capacity be?
(e)  What factors did the government take into consideration in determining the location of the facility?
(f)  To what extent will the Australian government be involved in the operation and maintenance of the facility?
(g)  How does the government propose to ensure that the facility complies with Australia’s human rights obligations and Australia’s detention principles?
(f)  Will children be detained in the facility?
(PDF 13KB)
130 Written 4.3 Hanson-Young What restrictions are there on members of the community visiting the asylum seekers being detained in Brisbane (in both the transit centres and motels)? (PDF 7KB)
131 Written 4.1 Hanson-Young (1)  How many women in the sex industry have been removed and repatriated since 1 July 2009? (transferred to FaHCSIA)
(2)  How many women in the sex industry have been identified as possible victims of trafficking since 1 July 2009? How many women have agreed to being identified as victims of trafficking since 1 July 2009? (transferred to FaHCSIA)
(3)  How many victims of trafficking have been referred to the Support for Victims of People Trafficking Program? (transferred to FaHCSIA)
(4)  What support does DIAC offer to identified victims of trafficking who do not agree to be identified as victims and who stay at the sex industry establishment at which they have been found?
(5)  How many BVFs have been granted since 1 July 2009?
(6)  How many criminal justice stay (trafficking) visas (CJSV) have been granted since 1 July 2009?
(7)  What has happened with trafficked persons who do not agree to cooperate with police and access the CJSV? Were they returned home or able to access other visas?
(8)  What follow-up is conducted of women who have been repatriated? Have any of these women been re-trafficked?
(9)  How many victims of trafficking have been offered the Witness Protection (Permanent) visa? What definition of 'cooperation' was used to satisfy this criterion of eligibility for the visa?
(10)  How much time has elapsed, on average, from when a victim is first identified till they are granted the Witness Protection visa, since 1 July 2009?
(11)  Please provide a breakdown of how many of each trafficking-related visa have been issued in each State, since 1 July 2009.
(12)  Have guidelines or procedures been developed and implemented in relation to the visa sub-categories? Where can these be found?
(13)  What training is offered to the members of DIAC's Sexual Servitude taskforce? Did they receive training on the new visa regime? Is this training shared with the AFP?
(14)  What reviews are conducted of the Sexual Servitude's Taskforce's work, to establish that they are always asking potential victims of trafficking appropriate questions, and are using respectful and culturally appropriate language and body language?
(15)  What monitoring does DIAC conduct of schools aimed at international students to ensure that fake or rogue schools are not being used by traffickers to facilitate access to student visas?
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132 Written Internal Product Macdonald (1)  Could the Department list how many contracts it currently has with a company named Serco, a company named Sodexho, a company named Sodexo and a company named Serco Sodexho Defence Services Pty Ltd?
(2)  Could the Department supply the same information with any other company of which the Department is aware, is associated with any of those named companies?
(3)  In relation to each company, please list the nature of the contract, and the principal location of where the contract work is being carried out.
(4)  Is the Department aware of any business relationship between any or all of the four mentioned companies?
(5)  In relation to each of the four companies, is the headquarters and registered office of the companies in Australia?  If not in what country is the registered office of the four mentioned companies?
(6)  In relation to each of the companies could the Department please indicate the value of the contracts entered into with all or any of those companies?
133 Written 1.1 Crossin (1) In relation to permanent residency and citizenship for 410 visa holders, and actively seeking such a pathway towards permanent residency being achieved, is their any update on this for 410 visa holders and  their situation and status that could change in the not too distant future?
(2)  At the Additional Estimates hearing of this Committee on 9 February you stated that the main argument against a case for permanent residency for 410 visa holders was one of cost. However, a proper case must analyse potential additional tax revenue as well as potential costs, otherwise it cannot be considered a balanced case. 410 visa holders are currently temporary residents, and the foreign income of all temporary residents is taxed not in Australia, but in the country of origin. The bulk of the retirees’ income is from pensions derived from their countries of origin. With permanent residency this foreign income would become taxable in Australia, producing significant additional tax revenue which would mitigate most, if not all, of the health costs involved.
(a) How many reports, and from which organisations, have you and your Department received on the potential costs and potential additional revenue?
(b) What are the projected costs and potential additional tax revenue identified in each report?
134 Written Internal Product Birmingham (1) Please list every building occupied by the Department.
(2) For each building:
–         Has an energy efficiency audit been undertaken?  If so, what rating was achieved and what action has been taken to improve energy efficiency as a result of any audit undertaken?
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135 Written 6.1 Fifield (1)  How much funding over the forward estimates has been allocated to the Diversity and Social Cohesion program outlined on page 264 of Budget paper no. 2?  
(2)  With the Diverse Australia program being integrated into the new Diversity and Social Cohesion program (Budget paper no. 2, pg 264), will the main elements of the Diverse Australia program continue?  Those being community grants, emerging issues funding, and Harmony Day.  
(3)  Incorporating the changes outlined on page 264 of Budget paper no. 2, how much funding over the forward estimates has been allocated to the Diverse Australia program, or the services and grants it previously delivered?
(4)  How much funding over the forward estimates has been allocated to deliver the ‘community grants’ and ‘emerging issues funding’ sections of the Diverse Australia program? 
(5)  Are there any plans to change the eligibility requirements of the ‘community grants’ or the ‘emerging issues funding’ grants offered under the Diverse Australia program?  
(6)  What has been the total expense of the Diverse Australia program over the past 4 years?
136 Written 1.1 Trood (1)  Although the Minister is on record as stressing that he is personally supportive of a pathway to permanent residency and citizenship for 410 visa holders, and actively seeking such a pathway, no actual concrete progress towards permanent residency has yet been achieved.  There have been piecemeal enhancements to the visa, which have been welcomed by 410 visa holders, especially last year’s increase in the visa renewal period from four to ten years.  However, not one of these enhancements has brought permanent residency any further forward.

What steps does the government intend to take to provide a pathway to permanent residency for 410 via holders?

(2)  At the Additional Estimates hearing of this Committee on 9 February the Minister stated that the main argument against you putting forward a case for permanent residency for 410 visa holders was one of cost. 
(a)  Has the government commissioned any studies or analysis on the costs of giving permanent residency to 410 visa holders?
(b)  If so, in relation to each report, please advise when it was commissioned, and the conclusions of each report in relation to the projected costs of extending residency to 410 via holders.
(c)  Do the reports assess possible tax revenue generated for the Commonwealth by taxing 410 visa holders should they become resident in Australia?  What is the estimate of this revenue?

For further information, contact:

Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Legal and Constitutional Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3560
Fax: +61 2 6277 5794