View the report as separate downloadable parts:
List of Recommendations
Chapter 1—Introduction
Previous bill
Conduct of the inquiry
Structure of this report
Purpose of the bill
Background to the bill
Overview of the bill
Consideration by other parliamentary committees
Note on references
Chapter 2—Key issues
Overview of evidence on the bill
Schedule 1–Role of the applicant
Schedule 2–Indigenous Land Use Agreements
Schedule 3–Historical Extinguishment
Schedule 4–Allowing a registered native title body corporate to bring a compensation application.
Schedule 5–Intervention and consent determinations
Schedule 6–Other procedural changes
Schedule 7–National Native Title Tribunal
Schedule 8–Registered native title bodies corporate
Schedule 9–Just terms compensation and validation
Chapter 3—Other issues raised with the committee
Further reform to the Native Title Act
Consultation process
Committee view
Minority Report by Labor Senators
Native Title in Australia
The role of the applicant and section 31 agreement validation
Deficiencies in the Bill
Concerns raised in Public Hearings
Concluding view
Australian Greens Dissenting Report
Schedule 1: Role of the applicant
Schedule 2: Indigenous Land Use Agreements
Schedule 3: Historical Extinguishment
Schedule 5: Intervention and consent determination
Schedule 8: Registered Native Title Bodies Corporate
Appendix 1—Submissions, answers to questions on notice and media releases
Appendix 2—Public hearings