Appendix 1

Appendix 1

Public submissions

  1. Foundation House
  2. Mr Paul Skillen
  3. Ms Marilyn Shepherd
  4. Mr Andrew Wilkie MP
  5. Civil Liberties Australia
  6. Mr Simon Taylor
  7. Castan Centre for Human Rights Law
  8. The Law Society of New South Wales
  9. Andrew & Renata Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law
  10. Mr Martin Appleby
  11. National Council of Single Mothers & their Children
  12. Ms Nicole Judge
  13. Australian Lawyers Alliance
  14. Immigration Advice and Rights Centre Inc
  15. Mr Kendall Lovett
  16. Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia (FECCA)
  17. Human Rights Law Centre
  18. Mr Steven Kilburn
  19. Ms Elizabeth Thompson
  20. Mr Christopher Iacono
  21. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
  22. Amnesty International
  23. Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC)
  24. Name Withheld
  25. Confidential
  26. Humanitarian Research Partners
  27. Confidential
  28. Refugee Rights Action Network WA
  29. G4S
  30. Australian Human Rights Commission
  31. Labor for Refugees
  32. Mr Nicholas Adler
  33. Name Withheld
  34. The Salvation Army
  35. Name Withheld
  36. Ms Kristi Moffatt
  37. Name Withheld

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