Appendix 1

Public Submissions

1                   Department of Human Services

2                   Legal Services Commission of South Australia

3                   Australian Taxation Office

4                   Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman

5                   Queensland Law Society

6                   Australian Lawyers Alliance

7                   Mr Charles Powers

8                   Cleary Hoare Solicitors

9                   Victims Of Abuse In The Australian Defence Force Association

10               Attorney-General's Department

            10.1 Supplementary to submission 10 (PDF 105 KB)

11               Law Council of Australia

12               Department of Home Affairs

13               Ms Mona Krombholz

            Response by the Department of Defence, received 3 May 2018.

14               Mr Kia Silverbrook (plus one attachment)

            Response by the Fair Work Ombudsman, received 3 May 2018.

15               Civil Liberties Australia

            Response by the Attorney General’s Department, received 3 May 2018.

16               Confidential

17               Confidential

18               Rule of Law Institute of Australia

19               Self-Employed Australia

            19.1 Supplementary to submission 19

            Response by the Australian Taxation Office, received 12 June 2018.

20               Blackwater Treatment Systems

            Response by the Australian Taxation Office, received 21 June 2018.

21               Ms Helen Petaia

            Response by the Australian Taxation Office, received 21 June 2018.

22               Confidential

23               Name Withheld

24               Confidential

25               Mr Michael Shord

            Response by the Australian Taxation Office, received 19 July 2018.

26        Office of the Inspector-General of Taxation

27        Mr Keith Owen

            Response by the Australian Taxation Office, received 31 August 2018.

            Response by the Department of Human Services, received 27 August 2018.

28        Name Withheld

29        Ms Joanne Hambrook

            Response by the Australian Taxation Office, received 8 November 2018.

30        Mr Steve Davies (received confidentially)

Answers to Questions on Notice

1                   Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman – answer to question on notice taken at the public hearing on 14 June 2018 (received 18 June 2018).

2                   Attorney-General's Department - answers to questions on notice taken at the public hearing on 14 June 2018 (received 20 June 2018).

3                   Self-Employed Australia - answers to questions on notice taken at the public hearing on 14 June 2018 (received 21 June 2018).

4                   Attorney-General’s Department - answer to question on notice taken at the public hearing on 14 June 2018 (received 5 July 2018).

Additional Information

1          Australian Taxation Office - Correction to evidence given on 26 October 2018 (received 16 November 2018).

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