Dissenting report by the Australian Greens

Dissenting report by the Australian Greens

1.1        While acknowledging this inquiry did not look at the broader issues in the Korea-Australian Free Trade Agreement (KAFTA) it is because of these broader issues that the Australian Greens recommend that these bills not be passed. These bills implement Australia’s domestic obligations under KAFTA and therefore they enable the trade agreement with Korea to come into effect.

1.2        The Australian Greens’ position on these broader issues is explored in detail in the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties (JSCOT) dissenting report. There are many elements of KAFTA the Australian Greens support such as the increased market access for beef, cheese and wine products. Elements of the agreement we oppose include Investor State Dispute Settlement Clauses, flawed intellectual property provisions and a continuing flawed process in the consultation and negotiation phase of trade agreements.

1.3        On balance the Australian Greens are opposed to this agreement as we don’t believe it is in the National Interest.

1.4        Therefore the Australian Greens are opposed to the passing of these bills until the broader issues with KAFTA can be resolved.


Senator Penny Wright

Australian Greens

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