Appendix 1

Public submissions

1          Professor Gloria Laycock PhD FRSA OBE

2          Professor Ernesto Savona

3          Mr Peter Grabosky

4          Adjunct Professor Peter Norden

5          Professor Tim Prenzler

6          Professor Kathleen Daly

7          Mr John Myrtle

8          Professor Adam Graycar

9          Griffith Criminology Institute

10       Dr Jason Payne

11       Mr Cameron Langfield

12       Dr David Biles OAM

13       Ms Pat Mayhew

14       Civil Liberties Australia

15       Australian Crime Prevention Council

16       Professor Duncan Chappell

17       Mr Michael O'Connell, Commissioner for Victims Rights, South Australia

18       Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology

19       Community and Public Sector Union

20       Attorney-General’s Department, the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission and the Australian Institute of Criminology 

21       Professor Toni Makkai, Emeritus Professor of the ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences

22       Sydney Institute of Criminology

23       Professor Murray Lee

24       Professor Roderic Broadhurst

25       Professor Michael Levi PhD, DSc (Econ), FAcSS, FLSW

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