Consenting adults deficits and household debt - Links between Australia's current account deficit, the demand for imported goods and household debt

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Consenting adults deficits and household debt - Links between Australia's current account deficit, the demand for imported goods and household debt

13 October 2005

© Commonwealth of Australia 2005
ISBN 0 642 71578 5

View the report as a single document - (PDF 804KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Membership of Committee (PDF 148KB)
Glossary (PDF 133KB)
Recommendations (PDF 91KB)
Chapter 1 - Background to the inquiry (PDF 152KB)

Report Structure
Conduct of the inquiry

Chapter 2 - Background to Australia's current account (PDF 250KB)
What is the current account?
Australia's current account
    The current account from a trade perspective
        Australia's trade balance
        Australia's income balance
    The current account from a savings/investment perspective
How does the CAD impact on net foreign liabilities?
How does Australia's current account compare with other countries?
Chapter 3 - Australia's current account – key issues (PDF 369KB)
What has been driving the Current Account Deficit?
    What is the outlook for Australia's current account?
    Is there a link between offshore borrowing and the current account?
    Committee views
Is the present level of Australia's net foreign liabilities a problem?
    Servicing Australia's foreign liabilities
    Committee views
Why are exports important?
    Committee views
What are the links between household debt, imports and the CAD?
    Households and the CAD
    Imports and the CAD
    Households and imports
    Committee views
What are the risks of a persistently high CAD?
    What could improve the CAD?
    Are the self-correcting mechanisms working?
    Is there a need for policy changes?
    Committee views
Chapter 4 - Household debt in Australia (PDF 274KB)
The growth of household debt
Factors contributing to the rise in household debt
Distribution of debt across households
Household debt indicators
    Household savings ratio
    Debt-to-income ratio
    Interest-to-income ratio
    Household-gearing ratio
How are households coping?
What are the future risks to households?
    Interest rate rises
        Recent borrowers and low income earners
    Home equity loans and redraw facilities
    Investor housing
    Marginal borrowers
Committee views
Chapter 5 - Lending practices and household debt (PDF 245KB)
Lending standards and practices
    Committee views
Credit and charge cards
    Unsolicited credit increases
    Disclosure standards
    Financial literacy programs
    Mandating assessment of ability to repay debt
    Positive credit reporting
        Argument for positive credit reporting
        Argument against positive credit reporting
        Senate Legal and Constitutional References Committee Report
        Committee views
Government Senators' Comments (PDF 184KB)
Appendix 1 – Submissions received (PDF 113KB)
Appendix 2 – Public hearings and witnesses (PDF 88KB)
Appendix 3 - Relationship between the current account deficit and foreign liabilities (PDF 200KB)
The Valuation Effect
Effect of Revisions on the Size of the Current Account Deficit
Appendix 4 - Concluding remarks of participants in the Round Table Canberra, 15 August 2005  (PDF 154KB)
Appendix 5 - Factors contributing to household debt (PDF 232KB)
The housing boom
Deregulation of the financial system
Interest rates and inflation
Investor activity in the housing market
Income and employment growth
Lending policies and practices of finance providers
Wealth effects

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Economics
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3540
Fax: +61 2 6277 5719