

Chapter 1 - Introduction

[1]        Senate Selection of Bills Committee, Report No. 2 of 2016, 25 February 2016, Appendix 3.

[2]        Senate Selection of Bills Committee, Report No. 2 of 2016, 25 February 2016, Appendix 4.

[3]        Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee, Migration Amendment (Character Cancellation Consequential Provisions) Bill 2016, (accessed 10 March 2016).

[4]        The Hon Peter Dutton MP, Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, House of Representatives Hansard, 10 February 2016, p. 12.

[5]        Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP), Submission 8, p. 4.

[6]        Explanatory Memorandum of the Migration Amendment (Character and General Visa Cancellation) Bill 2014, p. 1.

[7]        See: Parliament of Australia, Migration and Maritime Powers Amendment (No. 1) Bill 2015, (accessed 10 March 2016).

[8]        The committee understands the only difference is that the Bill omits the words 'or application' from sub-item 22(5) of Schedule 2 of the Migration and Maritime Bill.

[9]        Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee, Migration and Maritime Powers Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2015 [Provisions], November 2015.

[10]      Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee, Migration and Maritime Powers Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2015 [Provisions], November 2015, p. 22.

[11]      Explanatory Memorandum of the Migration Amendment (Character Cancellation Consequential Provisions) Bill 2016 (EM), Attachment A, p. 15.

[12]      EM, p. 1.

[13]      EM, p. 4.

[14]      EM, p. 4.

[15]      EM, p. 5.

[16]      EM, p. 6.

[17]      EM, pp 7-9, 10-11.

[18]      EM, p. 9.

[19]      EM, p. 11.

[20]      EM, pp 12-13.

[21]      Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights (PJCHR), Human rights scrutiny report: Thirty-fifth report of the 44th Parliament, 25 February 2016, p. 2.

[22]      PJCHR, Human rights scrutiny report: Thirtieth report of the 44th Parliament, 10 November 2015, pp 28-52.

[23]      PJCHR, Human rights scrutiny report: Thirty-fourth report of the 44th Parliament, 23 February 2016, pp 29-65.

[24]      PJCHR, Human rights scrutiny report: Thirty-fourth report of the 44th Parliament, 23 February 2016, p. 44, 46, 52.

[25]      PJCHR, Human rights scrutiny report: Thirty-fourth report of the 44th Parliament, 23 February 2016, p. 50.

[26]      PJCHR, Human rights scrutiny report: Thirty-fourth report of the 44th Parliament, 23 February 2016, pp 55-56.

[27]      Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills (SBC), Alert Digest No. 2 of 2016, 24 February 2016, p. 65.

[28]      SBC, Alert Digest No. 2 of 2016, 24 February 2016, p. 65.

[29]      SBC, Alert Digest No. 2 of 2016, 24 February 2016, pp 65-66.

[30]      SBC, Alert Digest No. 2 of 2016, 24 February 2016, pp 67-69.

[31]      SBC, Alert Digest No. 2 of 2016, 24 February 2016, p. 67.

Chapter 2 - Key issues

[1]        For example, Refugee Council of Australia, Submission 1, p. 1; Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC), Submission 2, p. 6; Law Council of Australia (LCA), Submission 3, p. 3; NSW Council for Civil Liberties (NSWCCL), Submission 4, p. 3; Refugee Advice and Casework Service (RACS), Submission 5, p. 1 ; Refugee Legal (RL), Submission 7, pp 1-2.

[2]        Department of Immigration and Border Protection (department), Submission 8, p. 3.

[3]        Submission 2, p. 6.

[4]        Submission 5, p. 3.

[5]        Submission 2, p. 3; Submission 3, p. 7; Submission 4, p. 3.

[6]        See, for example, Submission 3, pp 9-10; Submission 4, p. 3; Submission 5, p. 2; Liberty Victoria (LV), Submission 6, p. 2.

[7]        Submission 6, p. 2.

[8]        Submission 3, p. 17.

[9]        Submission 3, pp 17-18.

[10]      Submission 4, p. 3.

[11]      Submission 3, p. 15.

[12]      Submission 3, p. 18.

[13]      Submission 3, p. 18.

[14]      Submission 4, p. 4.

[15]      Submission 3, pp 7-8.

[16]      EM, p. 5.

[17]      EM, p. 5.

[18]      Submission 8, p. 4.

[19]      Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee, Migration Amendment (Character and General Visa Cancellation) Bill 2014 [Provisions], p. 27.

[20]      For example, Submission 7, p. 2.

[21]      Submission 2, p. 4; Submission 3, pp 14-16; Submission 6, p. 2.

[22]      Submission 3, p. 15.

[23]      Submission 2, p. 4.

[24]      Submission 6, p. 2.

[25]      Submission 4, p. 3.

[26]      Submission 3, p. 16.

[27]      Submission 3, p. 16.

[28]      Submission 8, p. 5.

[29]      EM, p. 6.

[30]      Submission 2, p. 5; Submission 3, p. 8; Submission 4, p. 4;Submission 5, p. 4; Submission 7, p. 2.

[31]      Submission 2, p. 5.

[32]      Submission 5, p. 4.

[33]      Submission 3, p. 10.

[34]      Submission 2, p. 5.

[35]      Submission 2, p. 5; Submission 3, p. 11; Submission 4, p. 4.

[36]      Submission 2, p. 5.

[37]      EM, p. 6.

[38]      Submission 8, p. 5.

[39]      Submission 4, p. 3.

[40]      Submission 2, pp 3-4; Submission 5, pp 2-3.

[41]      EM, p. 7.

[42]      Submission 4, p. 4.

[43]      Submission 8, p. 5.

[44]      EM, p. 7.

[45]      Submission 3, pp 13-14; Submission 6, p. 2.

[46]      EM, p. 11.

[47]      EM, p. 11.

[48]      Submission 3, p. 14.

[49]      Submission 6, p. 2.

[50]      Submission 8, p. 4.

[51]      Submission 8, p. 7.

[52]      Submission 3, p. 3.

[53]      Submission 3, p. 12.

[54]      Submission 3, p. 12.

[55]      Submission 5, p. 4.

[56]      Submission 4, p. 4; Submission 1, p. 3.

[57]      Submission 3, p. 13, p. 9.

[58]      EM, p. 13.

[59]      The Hon Peter Dutton MP, Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, House of Representatives Hansard, 10 February 2016, p. 12.

[60]      Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee, Migration and Maritime Powers Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2015 [Provisions], November 2015, p. 22.

[61]      Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee, Migration and Maritime Powers Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2015 [Provisions], November 2015, p. 8.

[62]      EM, pp 4-5.

[63]      Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee, Migration and Maritime Powers Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2015 [Provisions], November 2015, p. 10.

[64]      Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee, Migration and Maritime Powers Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2015 [Provisions], November 2015, p. 22.