
Submissions received by the Committee

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Page size:
 92 items in 5 pages
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Page size:
 92 items in 5 pages
1HESTA (PDF 139 KB) 
2Australian Nuclear Free Alliance (ANFA) (PDF 236 KB) 
3Save the Children Australia (PDF 1487 KB) 
4UNSW Law Society (PDF 353 KB) 
5ACT Human Rights Commission (PDF 298 KB) 
6ANU Law Reform and Social Justice Research Hub (PDF 89 KB) 
7Life Without Barriers (PDF 216 KB) 
8Maurice Blackburn Lawyers (PDF 130 KB) 
9Voices of Influence Australia (PDF 472 KB) 
10Commissioner for Children and Young People Western Australia (PDF 3928 KB) 
11Australian Greens First Nations Network (AGFNN) (PDF 195 KB) 
12Dr Adam Heaton (PDF 598 KB) 
13Mr Benjamin Cronshaw (PDF 102 KB) 
14Mr Ganur Maynard (PDF 947 KB) 
15Barngarla Determination Aboriginal Corporation (PDF 37 KB) 
16Change the Record (PDF 166 KB) 
17Dr Alice Taylor and Assistant Professor Narelle Bedford (PDF 358 KB) 
18Friends of the Earth Australia (PDF 179 KB) 
19Liberty Victoria (PDF 335 KB) 
20Responsible Investment Association Australasia (PDF 259 KB) 

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