

Chapter 1 - Introduction and background

[1]        House of Representatives, Votes and Proceedings, No.121, 3 June 2015, pp 1354-1355.

[2]        House of Representatives, Votes and Proceedings, No.125, 17 June 2015, p. 1395.

[3]        Journals of the Senate, No.97, 17 June 2015, pp 2695-2696.

[4]        Journals of the Senate, No.98, 18 June 2015, pp 2705-2706.

[5]        Senate Standing Committee for Selection of Bills, Report No.7 of 2015, 18 June 2015, Appendix 1.

[6]        Explanatory Memorandum, p. 7. The EM sources these figures to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, which defines small businesses as those with less than 20 employees.

[7]        Explanatory Memorandum, p. 8.

[8]        Australian Small Business Commissioner, 'Our Role', at

[9]        Explanatory Memorandum, p. 56.

[10]      The Treasury, Submission 10, p. 1.

[11]      Explanatory Memorandum, pp 10, 99-101.

[12]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 11; 101-104.

[13]      Explanatory Memorandum, pp 4-5.

[14]      The Treasury, Submission 10, p. 2.

[15]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 28.

[16]      Clause 92 provides that decisions by the minister to delete information from publication of a report or advice, under this and other relevant clauses in the bill, may be reviewed by application to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

[17]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 38.

[18]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 46.

[19]      If the business was not operating at any time in the previous financial year, subclause 5(1)(ii) provides that it is a small business if its revenue during the current financial year is $5 million or less.

[20]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 13.

[21]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 15.

[22]      The Hon Bruce Billson MP, Minister for Small Business, letter to committee chair of 3 July 2015, p. 2.

[23]      Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills, Alert Digest No.6 of 2015, 17 June 2015, pp 12-15. Tabled per Journals of the Senate No. 97, 17 June 2015, p. 2692.

[24]      The Hon Bruce Billson MP, Minister for Small Business, letter to the chair of the Senate Scrutiny of Bills Committee, published 12 August 2015.

Chapter 2 - Key issues and committee view

[1]        Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission 2; Australian and New Zealand Ombudsman Association, Submission 3; Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW, Submission 5; Small Business Development Corporation, Submission 6; Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman, Submission 7; Restaurant & Catering Australia, Submission 14.

[2]        Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission 2, p. 4.

[3]        Australian and New Zealand Ombudsman Association, Submission 3, pp 5-6.

[4]        Australian and New Zealand Ombudsman Association, Submission 3, p. 2.

[5]        Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission 2, p. 5.

[6]        Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission 2, p. 5; Australian and New Zealand Ombudsman Association, Submission 3, p. 4.

[7]        Australian and New Zealand Ombudsman Association, Submission 3, p. 4.

[8]        Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission 2, p. 6.

[9]        Small Business Development Corporation, Submission 6, p. 2.

[10]      Restaurant & Catering Australia, Submission 14, p. 2.

[11]      Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission 2, p. 6; Australian and New Zealand Ombudsman Association, Submission 3, p. 2; Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW, Submission 5; Small Business Development Corporation, Submission 6, p. 2; Restaurant & Catering Australia, Submission 14, p. 2.

[12]      The Treasury, Submission 10, p. 3. See also the Hon Bruce Billson MP, Minister for Small Business, House of Representatives Hansard, 17 June 2015, p. 6544.

[13]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 74.

[14]      The Hon Bruce Billson MP, Minister for Small Business, letter to committee chair of 3 July 2015, pp 3-4.

[15]      The Hon Bruce Billson MP, Minister for Small Business, letter to committee chair of 3 July  2015, p. 3.

[16]      Small Business Commissioner South Australia, Submission 1, p. 1.

[17]      Small Business Commissioner South Australia, Submission 1, p. 2.

[18]      Small Business Development Corporation, Submission 6, p. 2.

[19]      Office of the NSW Small Business Commissioner, Submission 12, p. 1.

[20]      Small Business Commissioner South Australia, Submission 1, p. 2.

[21]      Office of the NSW Small Business Commissioner, Submission 12, p. 6.

[22]      Small Business Development Corporation, Submission 6, p. 2.

[23]      Small Business Commissioner South Australia, Submission 1, p. 2; Small Business Development Corporation, Submission 6, p. 4; Office of the NSW Small Business Commissioner, Submission 12, p. 2.

[24]      Restaurant & Catering Australia, Submission 14, p. 2. Business Enterprise Centres Australia, a network of not-for-profit bodies that provide advice and assistance to small businesses at the local level, also recommended that the ASBFE Ombudsman work with intermediaries and industry bodies: Business Enterprise Centres Australia, submission to the Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Discussion Paper, April 2014, p. 7.

[25]      Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission 2, p. 7.

[26]      The Treasury, Submission 10, pp 2-3.

[27]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 86.

[28]      The Treasury, Submission 10, pp 4, 86.

[29]      Independent Contractors Australia, Submission 4, pp 4-6.

[30]      Restaurant & Catering Australia, Submission 14, p. 1.

[31]      Independent Contractors Australia, Submission 4, p. 5.

[32]      Office of the NSW Small Business Commissioner, Submission 12, pp 6-7.

[33]      The Treasury, Submission 10, p. 5.

[34]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 86.

[35]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 88.

[36]      Financial Ombudsman Service, Submission 11.

[37]      Australian Bankers' Association, Submission 13, p. 2.

[38]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 22.

[39]      Office of the NSW Small Business Commissioner, Submission 12, p. 6.

[40]      Independent Contractors Australia, Submission 4, p. 5.

[41]      The Hon Bruce Billson MP, Minister for Small Business, letter to committee chair of 3 July 2015, p. 3.

[42]      Office of the NSW Small Business Commissioner, Submission 12, p. 3.

[43]      Australian Automotive Dealer Association, Submission 9, p. 1.

[44]      Australian Bankers' Association, Submission 13, p. 2.

[45]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 68.

[46]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 20.

[47]      The Treasury, Submission 10, p. 4.

Additional comments of the Australian Labor Party

[1]        Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission 2; Australian and New Zealand Ombudsman Association, Submission 3; Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW, Submission 5; Small Business Development Corporation, Submission 6; Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman, Submission 7; Restaurant & Catering Australia, Submission 14.

[2]        Australia and New Zealand Ombudsman Association, Submission 3, p. 2

[3]        Commonwealth Ombudsman, Submission 2, p. 4..

[4]        Small Business Development Corporation, Submission 6, p. 2; Restaurant & Catering Australia, Submission 14, p. 2.

[5]        Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW, Submission 5.

[6]        Explanatory Memorandum, p. 28.

[7]        Office of the NSW Small Business Commissioner, Submission 12, p. 2.

[8]        Business Enterprise Centres Australia, submission to the Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Discussion Paper, April 2014, p. 4.

[9]        Australian and New Zealand Ombudsman Association, pp 1-2; Financial Ombudsman Service, p. 10; LEADER and IAMA, p. 5; submissions to The Treasury's consultations on the exposure draft legislation for the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, at

[10]      Shopping Centre Council of Australia, submission to The Treasury's consultations on the exposure draft legislation for the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, 7 April 2015, p. 1.

[11]      Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman, submission to The Treasury's consultations on the exposure draft legislation for the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, 7 April 2015, pp 15-16.

[12]      Australia and New Zealand Ombudsman Association, Submission 3, p. 11.

[13]      The Hon Bruce Billson MP, Minister for Small Business, letter to committee chair of 3 July 2015, p. 3.

[14]      Mediator Standards Board, submission to The Treasury's consultations on the exposure draft legislation for the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, 7 April 2015, at