Appendix 1


1          Dr Renae Barker

2          Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia

3          Australian Lawyers Alliance

4          Professor Patrick Parkinson

5          Australian Human Rights Commission

6          Association of Independent Schools of South Australia

7          Civil Liberties Australia

8          Mr Jeremy Stowe-Lindner, Principal, Bialik College

9          Dr Alex Deagon

10        Mr Benjamin Dudman

11        Dr Tiffany Jones, Department of Educational Studies, Macquarie University

12        Mr Blair Courtney-O'Connor

13        Ms Margaret Knagge

14        Mr Karl Schmude

15        Mr Howard Smith

16        Mr Ian Kilminster

17        Ms Wendy East

18        Ms Leisha Stevens

19        Mr Ian Humphries

20        Mr Kevin Boreham and Ms Anja Hilkemeijer

21        Mr Phil Browne

22        Mr John J Morrissey

23        Mr James Dol

24        Ms Teresa Ryan

25        Name Withheld

26        Mr Greg Byrne

27        Name Withheld

28        Associate Professor Luke Beck

29        Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Australia

30        Professor Mary Rasmussen, Associate Professor Andrew Singleton, Associate Professor Anna Halafoff, Professor Gary Bouma

31        Anti-Discrimination Commissioner (Tasmania)

32        Name Withheld

33        Mr Charles Masters

34        Mr Neville Threlfall

35        Institute for Civil Society

36        Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians and Gays, Perth

37        Ms Halina Pazniewski

38        Australian Family Association

39        Name Withheld

40        Mount Scopus Memorial College

41        Dr Roger Bourne

42        Chairo Christian School

43        Name Withheld

44        Name Withheld

45        Associated Christian Schools

46        Mr Mark Fowler

47        The King David School

48        Australian Catholic Bishops Conference

49        Confidential

50        Mr Craig Mills

51        Parents of Gender Diverse Children

52        FamilyVoice Australia

53        Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS)

54        Mount Evelyn Christian School

55        Mrs Fiona Butler

56        Marriage Equality Gilmore

57        Intersex Human Rights Australia

58        Associate Professor Rob Cover

59        Independent Education Union of Australia

60        Australian Christian Higher Education Alliance

61        Australian Family Coalition

62        Mrs Sandy Timbrell

63        Freedom for Faith

64        Thorne Harbour Health

65        Catholics for Renewal

66        National LGBTI Health Alliance

67        Attorney-General’s Department

68        Kingsford Legal Centre and Community Legal Centres NSW

69        Ms Ingrid Bishop

70        Independent Schools Council of Australia

71        Australian Christian Lobby

72        Equality Campaign

73        Name Withheld

74        Rainbow Catholics InterAgency for Ministry

75        Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians and Gays, NSW

76        Ms Catherine Zodins

77        Mr and Mrs David and Suzie Cannings

78        Just.equal

79        Rainbow Families Queensland

80        Mr Max Monin

81        Rainbow Labor New South Wales

82        Drummond Street Services

83        Rationalist Society of Australia Inc

84        Dr David Hastie

85        Mrs Debra Robinson

86        Mr Bruce Burgess

87        Australian Lawyers for Human Rights

88        Law Council of Australia

89        Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby

90        Mr David Miller

91        ACT LGBTIQ Ministerial Advisory Council

92        Equality Tasmania

93        Ms Ruth Lucas

94        NSW Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby

95        Mr John Gray

96        Aleph Melbourne

97        Associate Professor Neil Foster

98        The Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare

99        Mr Kurtis Budden

100     Mrs Rowan Shann

101     Australian Discrimination Law Experts Group

102     Ms Barbara Hockley

103     Toongabbie Anglican Church

104     Telethon Kids Institute

105     Human Rights Law Centre

106     The Royal Australian and New Zealand Collegen of Psychiatrists

107     Mr Hugo Walker

108     Public Interest Advocacy Centre

109     Confidential

110     Christian Schools Australia

111     Mrs Shirley Dunn

112     Mr Paul Dunn

113     Mr Philip Hindley

114     Amnesty International Australia

115     Commissioner for Children and Young People (Western Australia)

116     Parklands Christian College

117     Name Withheld

118     Name Withheld

119     Mr Joshua Dunn

120     Name Withheld

121     Mr Stephen Tierney

122     Name Withheld

123     Name Withheld

124     Mr Walter Lee

125     Mr and Mrs Rowan and Margaret Ford

126     Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Commission

127     Association for Reformed Political Action

128     Name Withheld

129     Name Withheld

130     South Australian Rainbow Advocacy Alliance

131     Dr Greg Walsh

132     Name Withheld

133     Name Withheld

134     Minus18 Foundation

135     Mr and Mrs Andrew and Jody van Burgel

136     Rainbow Families New South Wales

137     Name Withheld

138     Name Withheld

139     Mr Jonathan Busch

140     Name Withheld

141     Name Withheld

142     Equal Voices

143     Anglican Diocese of Sydney

144     Mr Kendall Waller

145     Mr Guy Yeomans

146     Name Withheld

147     Name Withheld

148     Transgender Victoria

149     Reverend Stefan Slucki

150     Mrs Rosemary Albert

151     Anglican Schools Commission (Inc)

152     Name Withheld

153     Name Withheld

154     Ms Moira Kirkwood

155     Name Withheld

156     Name Withheld

157     Rainbow Families Victoria

158     Dr Paul Morrissey

159     Institute for Judaism and Civilization Inc

160     Name Withheld

161     Mr Lukas Butler

162     Name Withheld

163     Mr Stephen Babbage

164     Confidential

165     Confidential

166     Confidential

167     Mr Chris Foster

168     Confidential

169     Mr Martin Fitzgerald

170     Dr Stephen Fyson

171     Confidential

172     Confidential

173     Confidential

174     Metropolitan Community Church Brisbane and Safe Schools, Private Schools

175     Confidential

176     Confidential

177     Confidential

178     Name Withheld

179     Confidential

180     Name Withheld

Answers to questions on notice

1          Parents of Gender Diverse Children - answer to question taken on notice from the public hearing on 19 November 2018 (received 22 November 2018).

2          Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia - answer to question taken on notice from the public hearing on 19 November 2018 (received 22 November 2018).

3          Liberty Victoria - answers to questions taken on notice at the public hearing on 19 November 2018 (received 22 November 2018).

4          Australian Human Rights Commission - answers to questions taken on notice at the public hearing on 19 November 2018 (received 22 November 2018).

5          Rainbow Families Victoria - answers to questions taken on notice at the public hearing on 19 November 2018 (received 22 November 2018).

6          Australian Catholic Bishops Conference - answers to questions taken on notice at the public hearing on 19 November 2018 (received 23 November 2018).

Tabled documents

1          Document tabled by Mr Sam Watson at the public hearing on 19 November 2018 - opening statement.

2          Document tabled by Mr Philip Grutzner at the public hearing on 19 November 2018 - opening statement.

Media release

1          Statement by the Chair, Senator Louise Pratt, released 16 November 2018.

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