Additional comments from the Australian Labor Party

Labor senators do not dissent from the committee’s recommendation. However Labor senators do not agree with the sentiments that have been placed in the committee view at paragraph 1.53.
Senate legislation committees play a critical role in our parliamentary system. They should be focussed on rigorously reviewing the bills that come before them in order to ensure they are fit for purpose, and will serve the Australian people. Committees should carefully consider the facts, the policy issues, and the often detailed submissions and evidence of those who provide input to committee inquiries.
Senate committees should carry out their work in the service of the Australian people, and their reports should not contain blatantly partisan statements of government self-congratulation as this report seeks to do. The government senators of this committee should consider this when drafting their reports in the future.
Senator the Hon Kim CarrSenator Anthony Chisholm
Senator for VictoriaSenator for Queensland

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