Appendix 2

Appendix 2

Public hearings and witnesses

Friday 22 August 2014 – Melbourne

WIEDEMANN, Mr Torsten (Bodo), Private capacity
ODGERS, Mr Stephen, SC, Member, National Criminal Law Committee, Law Council of Australia
FAHY, Mr Niall Edward, Operations Manager, Happy Herb Company
PATTEN, Ms Fiona, CEO, Eros Association
COLES, Mr Anthony, Assistant Secretary, Criminal Law and Law Enforcement Branch, Attorney-General's Department
CROFTS, Mr Robert, Acting Senior Legal Officer, Criminal Law and Law Enforcement Branch, Attorney-General's Department
KILEY, Mr Andrew, Acting Principal Legal Officer, International Crime Cooperation Division, Attorney-General's Department
QUAEDVLIEG, Mr Roman, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Border Enforcement, Australian Customs and Border Protection Service

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