Public hearings and witnesses
Monday 13 March 2017—Brisbane
AH MAT, Mr Richard, Chairperson,
Cape York Land Council
ANDERSON, Mr Iain, Deputy
Secretary, Civil Justice and Corporate Group, Attorney-General's Department
ARO, Mr Tosin, Special Counsel,
Clayton Utz
BERTRAM, Ms Judy, Deputy Chief
Executive Officer, Queensland Resources Council
BOGE, Mr Mark, Solicitor, Thynne +
Spokesperson, Wangan and Jagalingou Family Council
COLEMAN, Ms Laura, Legal Officer,
Attorney-General's Department
COOLEY, Ms Nerida, Counsel, Ashurst
Australia, on behalf of Queensland Resources Council
CULBONG, Ms Margaret, Private
DENHOLDER, Mr Tony, Partner,
Ashurst Australia, on behalf of Queensland Resources Council
GORY, Ms Simona, Barrister, on
behalf of Ms McGlade, Ms Culbong, Mr Eades and Ms Smith
HANSEN, Ms Emma, Senior Policy
Adviser, Resources, Queensland Resources Council
HARDIE, Mr Colin, Legal Adviser,
Wangan and Jagalingou Family Council
HEWITT, Ms Lauren, General Manager,
Policy, Ag Force
HUNTER, Mr Philip, Partner, HWL
JOHNSON, Ms Murrawah, Youth
Spokesperson, Wangan and Jagalingou Family Council
KELLY, Mr Glen, Chief Executive
Officer, National Native Title Council
KNOWLES, Ms Jacqueline, Manager,
Natural Resources Policy, National Farmers' Federation
LE ROUX, Mr Stefan, Principal Legal
Officer, South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council
LIVERMORE, Ms Kirsten, Senior
Adviser, Minerals Council of Australia
Executive, Queensland Resources Council
MCGLADE, Ms Mingli, Private
McINTYRE, Mr Greg, Private capacity
McLEAN, Mr Adam, Barrister, Cape
York Land Council
MIRAGAYA, Ms Carmen, Director,
Native Title Unit, Attorney-General's Department
MORGAN, Mr Kevin, Private Capacity
NANNUP, Mr Wayne, Chief Executive
Officer, South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council
PEARSON, Mr Gerhardt, Executive
Director, Balkanu Cape York Development Corporation
SIMPSON, Ms Irene, Applicant Wangan
and Jagalingou People claimant
SMITH, Mr Kevin, Chief Executive
Officer, Queensland South Native Title Service
SMITH, Ms Naomi, Private Capacity
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