Nationhood, national identity and democracy

February 2021

© Commonwealth of Australia 2021
ISBN: 978-1-76093-181-0

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List of Recommendations

Chair's Foreword

  Nationhood, National Identity and Democracy: Australia in the wider world

Chapter 1—Introduction

  Conduct of the inquiry
  Structure of the report
  Comments on Australia's democratic history
  Myths and realities of Australian democracy

Chapter 2—Nationhood and democracy: International trends

  COVID-19 and democracy
  Australia's place in the world
  Committee view

Chapter 3—The Australian nation: Our history, our identities, our future

  National stories and national identity
  Truth-telling and recognition
  Teaching Australia's history
  Teaching civics
  Australian nationhood, the future
  Committee view

Chapter 4—The Australian people: Citizenship, culture and religion, social cohesion

  Committee view
  Social cohesion
  Strengthening social cohesion
  Committee view

Chapter 5—Australia's democracy: Trust, satisfaction and belief

  How Australians feel about our democracy
  Why do we feel this way?
  Committee view
  Rebuilding trust and satisfaction
  Committee view

Chapter 6—Democratic institutions: Building strength and resilience

  A closer look at Australia's democracy
  The federal parliament
  The public service, strength and independence
  National institutions, arts and culture
  Committee view

Chapter 7—Conclusion

Dissenting Report by Government Senators: Senator the Hon Sarah Henderson and Senator Paul Scarr

  Nationhood and democracy: international trends
  The Australian nation: our history, our identities, our future
  The Australian people: citizenship, culture and religion, social cohesion
  Australia's democracy: trust, satisfaction and belief
  Democratic institutions: building strength and resilience

Additional Comments from Senator Nita Green

Australian Greens Additional Comments

  Trust and confidence in our democracy

Appendix 1—Submissions, additional information, answers to questions on notice, form letters and tabled documents

Appendix 2—Public Hearings

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3560

Past Public Hearings

13 Nov 2020: Canberra
14 Feb 2020: Canberra
07 Feb 2020: Canberra
