Appendix 1

Appendix 1

Public submissions

  1. Law Council of Australia
  2. The University of Adelaide - Public Law & Policy Research Unit
  3. Mr Luther Weate    
  4. Professor Geoffrey Lindell AM 
  5. Mr Stephen Jones 
  6. Professor Anne Twomey 
  7. Associate Professor Neil Foster     
  8. Mr Tyrone Curtis 
  9. Mr Daniel Lehrer 
  10. Mr Chris Puplick Mr Larry Galbraith 
  11. Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law 
  12. Castan Centre for Human Rights Law 
  13. Rainbow Families Council 
  14. NSW Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby
  15. Salt Shakers
  16. Australian Family Association
  17. Australian Marriage Equality
  18. Liberty Victoria
  19. Professor Jim Allan
  20. Lawyers for the Preservation of the Definition of Marriage
  21. Centre for Comparative Constitutional Studies (CCCS)
  22. Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)
  23. FamilyVoice Australia 
  24. Australian Catholic Bishops Conference 
  25. Australian Human Rights Centre 
  26. Australian Electoral Commission 
  27. NSW Parliamentary Working Group on Marriage Equality 
  28. Gay and Lesbian Health Victoria 
  29. Victorian Gay & Lesbian Rights Lobby 
  30. Psychologists for Marriage Equality 
  31. Australian Psychological Society 
  32. Professor George Williams 
  33. Human Rights Law Centre 
  34. Brisbane LGBTIQ Action Group 
  35. Ambrose Centre 
  36. Ms Kristen Walker 
  37. Ms Sarah Woods 
  38. Mr Tom Mooney
  39. Mr Joseph Scales 
  40. Mr Daniel O'Connell 
  41. Mr Lee Matthews 
  42. Hon. Lynn MacLaren MLC 
  43. Endeavour Forum Inc. 
  44. Mr Luke Maroney 
  45. Law Institute of Victoria 
  46. Relationships Australia 
  47. Mr Robbie Moore 
  48. Mr Kevin O'Loghlin 
  49. Ms Janine Truter 
  50. Mr Peter Stokes 
  51. Rev Dr Margaret Mayman 
  52. Ms Rowan Willis-Hall 
  53. DiGS Equality 
  54. Mr Blair Martin 
  55. Ms Nicole Aebi-Moyo 
  56. Paul Martin 
  57. Ms Jo Haylen 
  58. Ms Cathy Brown 
  59. Mr Curtis Dickson 
  60. PFLAG NSW Inc. 
  61. Rae Jones 
  62. Mr Matthew Drake 
  63. Uniting Justice Australia 
  64. Mr Trevar Chilver 
  65. Mr David Brewster 
  66. Mr Roger Crompton     
  67. Amnesty International 
  68. Mr Simon Corbell MLA 
  69. Ms Louise Willis 
  70. Seventh-day Adventist Church - Australia 
  71. Public Health Association of Australia and Council of Academic Public Health Institutions Australia 
  72. Organisation Intersex International Australia Ltd (OII) 
  73. National LGBTI Health Alliance 
  74. Brian Greig OAM 
  75. Name Withheld 
  76. Mr John Wigg 

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