Appendix 2

Appendix 2

Public hearings and witnesses

Thursday, 16 April 2015—Sydney

APPLEBY, Dr Gabrielle, Associate Professor, Gilbert and Tobin Centre of Public Law, and Andrew and Renata Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law
CHARLES, the Hon. Stephen, QC, Private capacity
COLEMAN, Ms Misha, Executive Officer, Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce
CURR, Ms Pamela, Detention Rights Advocate, Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
DALE, Ms Sarah, Solicitor, Refugee Advice and Casework Service
de VEAU, Ms Philippa, General Counsel, Department of Immigration and Border Protection
DUNN, Mr Matthew, Director of Policy, Law Council of Australia
EDGERTON, Mr Graeme, Senior Lawyer, Australian Human Rights Commission
HAMMERTON, Ms Claire, ALHR National Committee Member and Refugee Sub-Committee Coordinator, Australian Lawyers for Human Rights
JEGASOTHY, Reverend John, Board Member, Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce
KNACKSTREDT, Miss Nicola, Policy Lawyer, Human Rights, Law Council of Australia
MARTIN-IVERSON, Ms Victoria, Spokesperson, Refugee Rights Action Network
OUTRAM Mr Michael James, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Border Operations, Australian Customs and Border Protection Service
POWER, Mr Paul, Chief Executive Officer, Refugee Council of Australia
SOMMERVILLE, Mr Craig, Acting First Assistant Secretary, Status, Resolution and Detention Operations, Department of Immigration and Border Protection
TRIGGS, Professor Gillian, President, Australian Human Rights Commission

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