Members of the committee

Members of the committee

Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald (LP, QLD) (Chair)
Senator the Hon Jacinta Collins (ALP, VIC) (from 1 July 2014) (Deputy Chair from 10 July 2014)
Senator Catryna Bilyk (ALP, TAS) (from 1 July 2014)
Senator Barry O'Sullivan (NATS, QLD) (from 1 July 2014)
Senator Linda Reynolds (LP, WA) (from 1 July 2014)
Senator Penny Wright (AG, SA)
Former Members
Senator the Hon Lisa Singh (ALP, TAS) (Deputy Chair until 30 June 2014)
Senator Sue Boyce (LP, QLD) (until 30 June 2014)
Senator Gavin Marshall (ALP, VIC) (until 30 June 2014)
Senator Zed Seselja (LP, ACT) (until 30 June 2014)
Substitute Member
Senator Rachel Siewert (AG, WA) to replace Senator Penny Wright (AG, SA) (from 19 June 2014)


Ms Sophie Dunstone, Committee Secretary
Ms Sandra Kennedy, Principal Research Officer
Ms Shennia Spillane, Senior Research Officer
Ms Jo-Anne Holmes, Administrative Officer

Suite S1.61
Parliament House
Telephone: (02) 6277 3560
Fax: (02) 6277 5794

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