

Recommendation 1

7.16      The committee recommends the Commonwealth government provide funding to allow programs, such as the National Firearms Monitoring Program and the National Firearm Theft Monitoring Program, and reports, such as those in the Firearm Theft in Australia series, to continue on an ongoing basis.

Recommendation 2

7.17      The committee further recommends the Australian Institute of Criminology conduct within three years a review of current data collection and reporting arrangements, with a particular focus on:

Recommendation 3

7.25      The committee recommends that the National Firearms Agreement be updated to implement nationally consistent regulation in the following areas:

Recommendation 4

7.28       The committee recommends that the Commonwealth government, together with state and territory governments, establish national standards for the security of membership data held by gun clubs.

Recommendation 5

7.33      The committee recommends that an ongoing, Australia-wide gun amnesty is implemented, with consideration given to ways in which this can be done without limiting the ability of police to pursue investigative leads for serious firearm-related crimes.

Recommendation 6

7.39      The committee recommends that all jurisdictions update their firearm data holdings and ensure the data is transferred to the National Firearms Interface.

Recommendation 7

7.44      The committee recommends that Australian governments investigate the requirement for uniform regulations in all jurisdictions covering the manufacture of 3D printed firearms and firearm parts.

Recommendation 8

7.48       The committee recommends that Australian governments continue to monitor the risks posed by 3D manufacturing in relation to the manufacture of firearms and consider further regulatory measures if the need arises.

Recommendation 9

7.51         The committee recommends that Australian governments consider committing further funding and resourcing to assist in implementing the preceding recommendations.

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