Australian Greens dissenting report

1.1        The Greens acknowledge the extensive work of the Committee in this inquiry, and thank everyone who made a public submission.

1.2        The Australian Greens agree with the Australian Lawyers for Human Rights who submitted:

The deployment of the ADF on to the streets of Australia and the powers that the ADF is authorised to use under the Bill are serious issues.[1]

1.3        Civil Liberties Australia noted the Explanatory Memorandum for this bill failed to recognise its implications on rights freedom of association and free speech, and as such, recommended that:

The Committee returns the bill for re-briefing and re-drafting in relation to the human rights implications and to other problems identified in this submission.[2]

1.4        The Australian Greens share this concern.

1.5        The Law Council of Australia further recommended that the Explanatory Memorandum to the bill be amended: provide for some examples of what may constitute 'specified circumstances'.[3]

1.6        This further supports concerns shared by legal and human rights stakeholders regarding the drafting and scrutiny of this bill.

1.7        The Australian Greens agree with the Australian Lawyers for Human Rights' submission that it:

...does not believe that the Bill should be enacted in its current form.[4]


1.8        The recommendation of the Australian Greens is that this bill should not proceed.

Senator Nick McKim
Australian Greens

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