Appendix 1

Public submissions

  1. Australian Universities' Anti-bullying Research Alliance
  2. Australian Government Department of Education and Training
  3. Instagram
  4. Facebook
  5. Victorian Women Lawyers Association Inc
  6. yourtown
  7. National Council of Single Mothers & their Children
  8. Queensland Family and Child Commission
  9. Mental Health Commissions of Australia
  10. Alannah & Madeline Foundation
  11. Western Australia Police Force
  12. Western Australia Department of Education
  13. Office of the eSafety Commissioner
  14. Australian Women Against Violence Alliance
  15. Law Council of Australia
  16. Australian Human Rights Commission
  17. Digital Industry Group Incorporated
    • 17.1 Supplementary to submission 17
  18. Australian Federal Police
  19. Tasmanian Government
  20. Attorney-General’s Department
  21. South Australian Government
  22. Northern Territory Police Force
  23. Carly Ryan Foundation
  24. Confidential
  25. Confidential
  26. Women in Media
  27. Confidential
  28. Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance
  29. Maurice Blackburn Lawyers
  30. Mr Andrew Jakubowicz
  31. ReachOut
  32. UNSW Law Society Inc.
  33. The Hon. Shelley Hancock MP, Speaker of the NSW Legislative Assembly
  34. Victims Of Abuse In The Australian Defence Force Association Inc

Additional information, answers to questions on notice and tabled documents

Additional information

  1. Additional information provided by the Alannah & Madeline Foundation (received 9 February 2018).
  2. Additional information provided by ReachOut Australia (received 7 March 2018).
  3. Additional information provided by the Office of the eSafety Commissioner (correspondence, received 23 March 2018).

Answers to questions on notice

  1. yourtown - answers to questions on notice taken at the public hearing on 9 February 2018 (received 16 February 2018).
  2. Victorian Women Lawyers Association Inc - answers to questions on notice taken at the public hearing on 9 February 2018 (received 23 February 2018).
  3. Law Council of Australia - answers to questions on notice taken at the public hearing on 9 February 2018 (received 5 March 2018).
  4. Australian Universities’ Anti-bullying Research Alliance - answers to questions on notice taken at the public hearing on 9 February 2018 (received 23 February 2018).
  5. Facebook & Instagram - answers to questions on notice taken at the public hearing on 9 February 2018 (received 7 March 2018).
  6. Office of the eSafety Commissioner - answers to questions on notice taken at the public hearing on 9 February 2018 (received 7 March 2018).
  7. Queensland Mental Health Commission - answers to questions taken on notice by the National Mental Health Commission at the public hearing on 9 February 2018 (received 6 March 2018).
  8. National Children's Commissioner, Australian Human Rights Commission - answers to questions on notice taken at the public hearing on 9 February 2018 (received 9 March 2018).
  9. Carly Ryan Foundation - answer to question on notice taken at the public hearing on 7 March 2018 (received 14 March 2018).
  10. Australian Government Department of Education and Training - answers to questions on notice taken at the public hearing on 7 March 2018 (received 16 March 2018).
  11. National Council of Single Mothers & their Children - answer to question on notice taken at the public hearing on 7 March 2018 (received 15 March 2018).

Tabled documents

  1. Document tabled by Instagram and Facebook at the public hearing on 9 February 2018 - opening statement (received 9 February 2018).

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