Submissions received by the Committee

Wild Rivers (Environmental Management) Bill 2010 [No.2]

Submissions received by the Committee

Sub No.

1Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law (PDF 54KB) 
2Dr Geoff Mosley (PDF 878KB) Attachment 1(PDF 32KB) Attachment 2(PDF 33KB) Attachment 3(PDF 42KB) 
Supplementary Submission (PDF 30KB) 
3Advance Cairns (PDF 914KB) 
4P&e Law (PDF 454KB) Attachment 1(PDF 5481KB) 
5Cummings Economics (PDF 536KB) 
6Lockhart River Aboriginal Shire Council (PDF 8769KB) 
7Cape York Institute (PDF 258KB) 
8Mr Greg McIntyre QC (PDF 26KB) 
9Ms Phyllis Yunkaporta (PDF 770KB) 
10Chuulangun Aboriginal Corporation (PDF 234KB) 
11Australian Conservation Foundation (PDF 439KB) 
12Kulla Land Trust (PDF 8289KB) 
Supplementary Submission (PDF 40KB) 
13Northern Peninsula Area Traditional Owners (PDF 192KB) 
14Professor Jon Altman (PDF 66KB) 
15Kokoberrin Tribal Aboriginal Corporation (PDF 255KB) 
16Property Rights Australia (PDF 53KB) 
17Mr Stephen Brech (PDF 162KB) Attachment 1(PDF 231KB) 
18Balkanu Cape York Development Corporation (PDF 118KB) 
19Cape York Sustainable Futures Inc (PDF 323KB) 
20Nyacha Kumopinta Aboriginal Corporation (PDF 13KB) 
21Mr Simon Kennedy (PDF 45KB) 
22Professor Suri Ratnapala (PDF 46KB) 
23Lama Lama Land Trust (PDF 2006KB) 
24Mr Harold Ludwick (PDF 29KB) 
25Cape York Land Council (PDF 856KB) 
26Girringun Aboriginal Corporation (PDF 18KB) 
27Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation (PDF 424KB) 
28Ms Melissa Sinclair (PDF 116KB) 
29The Wilderness Society (Qld) (PDF 1185KB) 
30Cape Alumina Limited (PDF 142KB) Attachment 1(PDF 1796KB) Attachment 2(PDF 3822KB) 
31ANTaR Qld (PDF 39KB) 
32Ms Tracey Ludwick (PDF 14KB) 
33Ann Creek (PDF 106KB) 
34Queensland Aquaculture Industries Federation (QAIF) (PDF 13KB) 
35Queensland Government (PDF 808KB) Attachment 1(PDF 4977KB) 
36Aurukun Shire Council (PDF 1794KB) 
37Anglican Church, Diocese of Brisbane (PDF 2490KB) Attachment 1(PDF 1874KB) 

Additional Information Received

1Documents tabled at public hearing by Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management in Cairns on Tuesday 13 April 2010(PDF 914KB) 
2Documents tabled at public hearing by Balkanu Cape York Development Corporation in Cairns on Tuesday 13 April 2010(PDF 6379KB) 
3Documents tabled at public hearing by Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation in Cairns on Tuesday 13 April 2010. Note that other material (including a DVD and Calendar) was also tabled.(PDF 2316KB) 
4Documents tabled at public hearing by Cape York Sustainable Futures in Cairns on Tuesday 13 April 2010(PDF 445KB) 
5Documents tabled at public hearing by Senator Boswell in Cairns on Tuesday 13 April 2010(PDF 409KB) 
6Documents tabled at public hearing by Umpila Traditional Owner Mr Peter Kyle in Cairns on Tuesday 13 April 2010(PDF 890KB) 
7Document tabled by the Cape York Land Council in Cairns on Tuesday 13 April 2010(PDF 164KB) 

Answers to Questions on Notice

1Answers to Questions on Notice provided by the Attorney-General's Department on 13 April 2010(PDF 55KB) 
2Answers to Questions on Notice provided by the Balkanu Cape York Development Corporation on 16 April 2010(PDF 6560KB) 
3Answers to Questions on Notice provided by the Chuulangun Aboriginal Corporation on 22 April 2010(PDF 178KB) 
4Answers to Questions on Notice provided by Cape Alumina on 23 April 2010(PDF 233KB) 
5Answer to Question on Notice provided by The Wilderness Society (QLD) on 27th April 2010 (PDF 50KB) 
6Answers to Questions on Notice provided by Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation on 28th April 2010(PDF 81KB) 
7Answers to Questions on Notice provided by the Balkanu Cape York Development Corporation on 28th April 2010(PDF 1082KB) 
8Answers to Questions on Notice provided by Cape York Sustainable Futures on 30th April 2010(PDF 280KB) 
9Answers to Questions on Notice provided by the Queensland Government on 30th April 2010(PDF 302KB) 
10Answers to Questions on Notice provided by the Queensland Government on 6th May 2010(PDF 1360KB) 
11Answers to Questions on Notice provided by the Balkanu Cape York Development Corporation on 18 June 2010(PDF 593KB) 

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone:+61 2 6277 3560
Fax:+61 2 6277 5794