Submissions received by the committee as at 1/05/2006

Inquiry into the provisions of the Customs Legislation Amendment (Border Compliance and Other Measures) Bill 2006

Submissions received by the committee as at 1/05/2006

Sub No.  
1 CBFCA Australia (PDF 139KB), Attachment (PDF 669KB)
1A CBFCA Australia (PDF 13KB)
2 Mr Michael D Cupitt (PDF 39KB)
3 Australian Customs Service (PDF 44KB)
3A Australian Customs Service (PDF 74KB)
3B Australian Customs Service (PDF 1760KB)
4 Law Council of Australia (PDF 55KB), Annexure (PDF 438KB)
4A Law Council of Australia (PDF 18KB)
5 Business Partner Group (PDF 57KB)
6 Australian Federation of International Forwarders (PDF 12KB) Attachment 1 (Excel 22KB)  Attachment 2 (PDF 26KB)
7 Australian Federal Police (PDF 19KB)

For further information or to obtain hard copies, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Legal and Constitutional Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3560
Fax: +61 2 6277 5794