Submissions received by the committee as at 9/03/2007

Inquiry into the AusCheck Bill 2006

Submissions received by the committee as at 9/03/2007

Sub No.  
1 Regional Aviation Association of Australia (PDF 1859KB)
2 Association of Australian Ports & Marine Authorities Inc (PDF 122KB)
3 CrimTrac (PDF 235KB)
  Attachment A (PDF 161KB)
  Attachment B (PDF 220KB)
  Attachment C (PDF 95KB)
  Attachment D (PDF 58KB)
4 Melbourne Airport (PDF 612KB)
5 Australian Privacy Foundation (PDF 168KB)
6 Law Council of Australia (PDF 91KB)
7 Liberty Victoria (PDF 77KB)
8 NSW Council of Civil Liberties (PDF 147KB)
10 Rail and Tram Bus Union (PDF 94KB)
11 Shipping Australia Limited (PDF 141KB)
12 Office of the Privacy Commissioner (PDF 70KB)
12a Office of the Privacy Commissioner (PDF 50KB)
13 Department of Transport and Regional Services (PDF 2617KB)
13a Department of Transport and Regional Services  (PDF 101KB)
13b Department of Transport and Regional Services  - available on request
14 Victoria Police (PDF 69KB)
15 Attorney General's Department (PDF 92KB)
15a Attorney General's Department (PDF 229KB)
15b Attorney General's Department (PDF 1420KB)
15c Attorney General's Department (PDF 21KB)
16 Qantas (PDF 88KB)
17 Australian and International Pilots Association (PDF 464KB)
18 South Australian Police (PDF 15KB)
19 New South Wales Cabinet Office (PDF 103KB)
20 Tasmanian Department of Police and Emergency Management (PDF 91KB)
21 Sydney Airport (PDF 117KB)

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Legal and Constitutional Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3560
Fax: +61 2 6277 5794