Appendix 1

Human Rights Legislation Ammendment Bill (No. 2)

Appendix 1

Individuals and organisations that provided the committee with submissions

Individual/Organisation SubmissionNo.
Amnesty International Australia, Canberra, ACT 1
Human Rights and Discrimination Committee, Combined Community Legal Centres' Group (NSW), Kingsford, NSW 2
Launceston Community Legal Centre Inc., Launceston, TAS 3
Intellectual Disability Rights Service Inc., Surry Hills, NSW 4
Darwin Community Legal Service, Darwin, NT 5
Refugee and Immigration Legal Centre Inc., St Kilda, VIC 6, 6A
Women's Electoral Lobby, Canberra, ACT 7
Women into Politics Inc., North Sydney, NSW 8
Professor Hilary Charlesworth and Associate Professor Robert McCorquodale, Canberra, ACT 9
Australian Lawyers for Human Rights Inc., Sydney, NSW 10
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Sydney, NSW 11
Queensland Advocacy Inc., Brisbane, QLD 12
Women's Resource Centre, Harris Park, NSW 13
Mr Allan Quirk, French's Forest, NSW 14
Australian Baptist World Aid, French's Forest, NSW 15
Australian Forum of Human Rights Organisations, Weston, ACT 16
Physical Disability Council of Australia Ltd, Northgate, QLD 17
Physical Disability Council of NSW Inc., Sydney, NSW 18
Women's Legal Service (SA) Inc., Adelaide, SA 19
Defence for Children International Australia, Canberra, ACT 20, 20A
The Hon Alastair Nicholson, Melbourne, VIC 21
Law Council of Australia, Braddon, ACT 22
UNICEF Australia, Sydney South, NSW 23
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC), Woden, ACT 24