Table of Contents

Human Rights Legislation Ammendment Bill (No. 2)

Table of Contents

Members of the Legislation Committee


Chapter 1: Background

Referral of bill


Human Rights Legislation Amendment Bill 1997

Human Rights Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1998

Scope of the inquiry

Conduct of the inquiry

Evidence on the bill

Chapter 2: Approval by Attorney-General of commission intervention
in court proceedings


No evidence of commission abuse of its power

The amendments threaten HREOC's independence and may constitute
a conflict of interest for the Attorney-General

HREOC's intervention is of assistance to the courts

Courts' role to determine who may intervene

Other issues


Chapter 3: Reorganisation of the commission's executive structure and
the replacement of commissioners with deputy presidents


Loss of specialised commissioners


Lack of transitional arrangements for existing commissioners


Separate Office of the Privacy Commissioner

Chapter 4: New central functions of education, dissemination of information,
and assistance to the business community

Focus on education role


Creation of guidelines


Chapter 5: Other issues

Renaming of the commission


Abolition of Community Relations Council and advisory committees


Prohibition on the delegation of the president's complaint handling powers


Removal of the commission's power to recommend damages or compensation


Appointment and terms of persons over the age of 65

Minority report by Senator Jim McKiernan

Statement of Senator Cooney

Minority report by Senator Stott Despoja

Appendix 1: Individuals and organisations that provided
the committee with submissions

Appendix 2: Public hearings and witnesses

Appendix 3: The `Paris Principles' – Principles relating to the status
of national institutions – competence and responsibilities