Members of the Legislation Committee

Human Rights Legislation Ammendment Bill (No. 2)

Members of the Legislation Committee


Senator M Payne, New South Wales, Chair

Senator J McKiernan, Western Australia, Deputy Chair

Senator H Coonan, New South Wales

Senator B Cooney, Victoria

Senator W O'Chee, Queensland

Senator N Stott Despoja, South Australia

Participating Members

Senator E Abetz, Tasmania

Senator A Bartlett, Queensland

Senator the Hon N Bolkus, South Australia

Senator B Brown, Tasmania

Senator M Colston, Queensland

Senator the Hon J Faulkner, New South Wales

Senator B Harradine, Tasmania

Senator D Margetts, Western Australia


Ms Rosa Ferranda (Secretary to the Committee)

Mr Jonathon Curtis (Principal Research Officer)

The Senate

Parliament House


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