

Recommendation 1

2.49         The committee recommends that the government amend the Bill either at Item 11 to insert 'safely and legally accessible' into proposed subsection 5LAA or at Item 16 to retain paragraph 36(2B)(a) of the Act and replace 'reasonable' with 'safe and legal', as appropriate.

Recommendation 2

2.55         The committee recommends that the government consider clarifying the extent of the risk to which a person must be exposed, beyond the general risk that exists in relation to people in a particular country, under proposed subsection 5LAA(2).

Recommendation 3

2.58         The committee recommends that the government consider amending paragraph 5LAA(5)(c) of the Bill so that a person is not required to modify their occupation unless that occupation comprises criminal activity, association with criminal gangs or would in any other way imperil their safety on returning to their country. 

Recommendation 4

2.60         Subject to the preceding recommendations, the committee recommends that the Bill is passed.

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