Appendix 2

Public hearings and witnesses

Wednesday 23 AUGUST 2017 — Sydney

ACHIEK, Mr Dor Akech, Coordinator, Youth Projects, Settlement Services International

CROUCHER, Professor Rosalind AM, President, Australian Human Rights Commission

EDGERTON, Mr Graeme, Acting Deputy Director, Australian Human Rights Commission

HA, Dr Peter, Vice-Chair, Multicultural Communities Council of NSW

HOANG, Mr Khanh, Private capacity

HOWARD, Dr Penny McCall, Member, Fair Go for Migrants 

KING, Ms Sue, Manager of Advocacy and Research, Anglicare Diocese of Sydney

MANSOOR, Mr Syed Saif, Member, Fair Go for Migrants

Miss Shruti, Private capacity

MOJTAHEDI, Mr Ali, Principal Solicitor, Immigration Advice and Rights Centre   17

MORRISON, Dr Andrew Stewart, RFD, SC, Spokesperson, Australian Lawyers Alliance

Mr Kon, Private capacity

Ms Sara, Private capacity

PASCHALIDIS-CHILAS, Mrs Esta, Manager, Government and Member Relations, Settlement Services International

PILLAI, Dr Sangeetha, Private capacity

PUN, Dr Anthony, National President, Chinese Community Council of Australia Inc.

REILLY, Professor Alexander, Director, Public Law and Policy Unit, University of Adelaide

SANTOW, Mr Edward, Human Rights Commissioner, Australian Human Rights Commission

SOUTPHOMMASANE, Dr Tim, Race Discrimination Commissioner, Australian Human Rights Commission

TALBOT, Ms Anna, Legal and Policy Advisor, Australian Lawyers Alliance

WEBSTER, Ms Cheryl, Manager of Migrant and Refugee Services, Anglicare Diocese of Sydney

Thursday 24 AUGUST 2017 — Canberra

BENWELL, Mr Philip, National Chair, Australian Monarchist League

BRENT, Ms Annie, Teacher, Adult Migrant English Program, Australian Council of TESOL Associations

CAMPBELL, Dr Emma, Director, Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia

FORD, Ms Carina, Vice-Chair, Migration Law Committee, Law Council of Australia

GEDDES, Ms Linda, Acting Deputy Secretary, Policy Group, Department of Immigration and Border Protection

IMTOUAL, Dr Alia, Senior Policy and Project Officer, Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia

KILNER, Mr Damien, Assistant Secretary, Family and Citizenship Programme, Department of Immigration and Border Protection

LING, Ms Alice, Assistant Secretary, Humanitarian, Family and Citizenship Policy, Department of Immigration and Border Protection

McGLYNN, Mr Steve, Assistant Secretary, Legal Advice and Operational Support Branch, Department of Immigration and Border Protection

McLEOD, Ms Fiona, SC, President, Law Council of Australia

MOORE, Dr Helen, Spokesperson, Australian Council of TESOL Associations

NADIMPALLI, Dr Krishna, President, Federation of Indian Associations of ACT Inc.

PRINCE, Mr David, Chair, Migration Law Committee, Law Council of Australia   

RUBENSTEIN, Professor Kim, Private capacity

TEBBEY, Mr Nicholas, Chief Executive Officer, Settlement Council of Australia 

WILDEN, Mr David, First Assistant Secretary, Immigration and Citizenship Policy Division, Department of Immigration and Border Protection

WONG, Mr Samson Shu Leung (Sam), Patron and Spokesperson, ACT Chinese Association Inc., Federation of Chinese Associations of ACT      

YAN, Mr Andrew, Coordinator General, Federation of Chinese Associations of ACT

Friday 25 AUGUST 2017 — Melbourne

ARISTOTLE, Mr Paris, Executive Committee Member, Forum of Australian Services for Survivors of Torture and Trauma

Mr Bwe, Private capacity

CHIA, Dr Joyce, Director of Policy, Refugee Council of Australia

COX, Ms Joanne Elizabeth, Deputy Chair, Oz Kiwi Association Inc  .

ELDER, Professor Catherine, Principal Fellow and Acting Director, Language Testing Research Centre, University of Melbourne

FORBES-MEWETT, Dr Helen, Senior Lecturer and Researcher, Monash University

GASSIN, Dr Timothy, President, Oz Kiwi Association Inc.

GRIDLEY, Ms Heather, Manager, Public Interest, Australian Psychological Society

HANSON, Mr Greg, Senior Lawyer, Policy Officer and Accredited Specialist In Immigration Law, Refugee Legal (Refugee and Immigration Legal Centre)

HUSSEIN, Ms Hutch, Senior Manager, Refugees, Immigration & Multiculturalism, Brotherhood of St Laurence

KOHLER, Dr Michelle, President, Applied Linguistics Association of Australia

LOUIS, Dr Winnifred, Social Cohesion Sub-Committee, Australian Psychological Society

MANNE, Mr David, Executive Director and Principal Solicitor, Refugee Legal (Refugee and Immigration Legal Centre)

MARES, Mr Peter, Private capacity

Mr Matthew, Private capacity

MAYNARD, Miss Natasha, Secretary, Oz Kiwi Association Inc.

MUSGRAVE, Dr Simon, Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics, Monash University

O'SULLIVAN, Dr Maria, Deputy Director, Castan Centre for Human Rights Law, Monash University

O'SULLIVAN, Ms Kate, Settlement Services Manager, Whittlesea Community Connections

SAMPSON, Ms Emma, Research and Policy Officer, Public Interest, Australian Psychological Society

SZWARC, Mr Josef, Manager, Research and Policy, Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture     

WICKES, Associate Professor Rebecca, Program Coordinator for the Population, Migration and Social Inclusion Focus Program, School of Social Sciences, Monash University

WILLOUGHBY, Dr Louisa, Senior Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics, Monash University

Thursday 31 AUGUST 2017 — Brisbane

BALSHAW, Mr Kevin, Private capacity 

DUKE, Ms Kenny, Client Services Manager, Access Community Services Ltd

GEDDES, Ms Linda, Acting Deputy Secretary, Policy Group, Department of Immigration and Border Protection

KILNER, Mr Damien, Assistant Secretary, Family and Citizenship Program,

Department of Immigration and Border Protection

LACHOWICZ, Mr Robert, Community Legal Education Officer, Refugee and Immigration Legal Service Inc.

McGLYNN, Mr Steve, Assistant Secretary, Legal Advice and Operational Support Branch, Department of Immigration and Border Protection

MURRAY, Mr Angus, Vice-President, Queensland Council for Civil Liberties

NYE, Ms Isobel Louisa, Research and Evaluation Manager, Access Community Services Ltd     

PAGE, Mr Garry, Chief Executive Officer, Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland

WELLS, Mr Bruce, Principal Solicitor, Refugee and Immigration Legal Service Inc.

WILDEN, Mr David, First Assistant Secretary, Immigration and Citizenship Policy Division, Department of Immigration and Border Protection

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