
Recommendation 1

2.53    That, in relation to possible collusion between the Commonwealth and Western Australian governments regarding potential revenue from the Bell Group insolvency process, the Senate notes the following:

Recommendation 2

2.54    That the Senate rejects the assertions of the Attorney-General that claims of legal and professional privilege, in and of themselves, are a valid justification to refuse providing information; and condemns the Attorney-General's wilful defiance of Senate protocol. Such claims should only be accepted where a clear reference to the specific harm can be sustained.

Recommendation 3

2.55    That the Senate affirm the principles of providing timely information where requested by a committee or by an order of the Senate.

Recommendation 4

2.56    That the Senate reminds Senators of the need to always act in the Commonwealth’s best interests, particularly where taxpayer's money is at stake, and do so in a transparent manner.

Recommendation 5

2.57    That the Attorney-General, in the context of High Court cases impacting on the Commonwealth, allow for independent statutory authorities such as the Commissioner of Taxation to act without interference.

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