Additional Documents

1 PDF: Clarification of evidence from Australian Taxation Office (received 22 December 2016) Clarification of evidence from Australian Taxation Office (received 22 December 2016)
2 PDF: Clarification of evidence from Treasury (received 22 December 2016) Clarification of evidence from Treasury (received 22 December 2016)
3 PDF: Letter from Minister Cormann to the Chair of Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee (received 9 January 2017) Letter from Minister Cormann to the Chair of Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee (received 9 January 2017)
4 PDF: Letter from the Hon Michael Mischin MLC to the Chair of Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee (received 19 January 2017) Letter from the Hon Michael Mischin MLC to the Chair of Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee (received 19 January 2017)
5 PDF: Clerk's advice Clerk's advice
6 PDF: Freedom of information documents – Solicitor-General's Office (received
20 March 2017 Freedom of information documents – Solicitor-General's Office (received 20 March 2017
7 PDF: Freedom of information documents – Australian Taxation Office (received
22 March 2017 Freedom of information documents – Australian Taxation Office (received 22 March 2017
8 PDF: Freedom of information documents – Australian Taxation Office (received 19 June 2017) Freedom of information documents – Australian Taxation Office (received 19 June 2017)

See Also

Other information presented to the inquiry

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3560

Past Public Hearings

27 Mar 2017: Canberra
08 Mar 2017: Canberra
17 Feb 2017: Canberra


Inquiry Status

Report tabled


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