Australian Greens additional comments

Australian Greens additional comments

2.1        The Australian Greens acknowledge the extensive work of the Committee in this inquiry, and thank everyone who made a public submission, or made themselves available for a public hearing.

2.2        The Australian Greens note that ​​the Hon Peter Dutton MP, Minister for Home Affairs, refused to make himself available to give evidence. As such, the Committee was left with numerous and material unfinished questions to be answered.

2.3        The Australian Greens believe the Committee should have requested an extension to the reporting date from the Senate to:

  1. Resolve discrepancies in evidence between that given by the Department of Home Affairs and Former Australian Border Force Commissioner Mr Roman Quaedvlieg;
  2. Conduct an audit of documents and communications relevant to the inquiry generated and held by the Department of Home Affairs – including Australian Border Force and Strategic Border Command – and the Minister for Home Affair's office;
  3. Invite Mr Quaedvlieg to attend a committee meeting to give evidence.

Senator Nick McKim
Senator for Tasmania

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